I can fish for anything

Chapter 117 Taking over Shiseido

Chapter 117 Taking over Shiseido

"Old Uncle Zhong, I have no choice but to kill him. If he doesn't die, I won't be able to sleep peacefully. I have done my best to him, so don't persuade him."

"shut up!"

Artest came over and kicked Lao Zhong on the mouth.

Old Zhong snorted, his mouth was dripping with blood, and even lost several teeth.

"Peng Wenyuan..."

Peng Ling approached Peng Wenyuan little by little, but Peng Wenyuan had already crawled to the corner of the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

Old Zhong was just the housekeeper of the Peng family, but he knelt down many times to intercede for Peng Wenyuan, which surprised Jiang Zhihao.

After all, Peng Ling was a woman, and Jiang Zhihao took the fruit knife from her in case he might make a mistake.

Peng Ling did not refuse.

"The most stupid thing in your life is to seek your own death."

Jiang Zhihao narrowed his eyes and raised his arms.

Just when the sharp blade was about to cut Peng Wenyuan's neck.

The voice of the butler's old bell sounded: "Son, I'll go with you!"

Jiang Zhihao stopped immediately.

At this time, the blade was less than one centimeter away from Peng Wenyuan's neck.

Several vellus hairs have been chopped off.

Jiang Zhihao looked sideways, only to see the blood on the mouth of the butler Lao Zhong.

After shouting, hit the wall!

Jiang Zhihao immediately struck out with his palm, and the invisible aura directly caused Lao Zhong's body to hit the door panel.

Afterwards, Artest and the others held him firmly.

All eyes were on Lao Zhong at this moment.

No one understood what the phrase "Son, I'll walk with you" just now meant.

Peng Wenyuan, who turned around from the ghost gate, widened his eyes even more: "Old Zhong, what did you just say?"

"Wow!" Lao Zhong burst into tears: "I said it, I said it, Wen Yuan, in fact, I am your real father!"

"Please don't kill him! Don't kill my son."

Everyone was petrified on the spot.

Especially the brothers and sisters Peng Ling and Peng Wenyuan.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lao Zhong wiped the blood from his mouth to the ground with his arm:

"33 years ago, Peng Gang and I came back from drinking with a client. Peng Gang was drunk and passed out. His wife was cooking in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard shouts from the kitchen, so I ran to the kitchen to have a look. It turned out to be His wife accidentally cut her hand while chopping vegetables. I bandaged her and helped her cook. Since then, we have developed a love for each other in our hearts.

At that time, the company had just started, and Peng Gang had a lot of social activities, and he was running business outside all day, which also created opportunities for the two of us. Finally, on a stormy night, Peng Gang went to the south at that time, and we were together up. "

Old Zhong looked at Peng Wenyuan: "At that time, your mother was pregnant with you. Your surname should be Zhong, not Peng."

"When I heard the news that your mother was pregnant, I was very scared. I wanted her to abort the child, but your mother was not willing."

"You think your mother gave you your name, but you're wrong. I gave it to you."

"No, it's impossible!" Peng Wenyuan shook his head: "You are just a housekeeper, I can't be your son, I am Peng Gang's son, and I am the successor of Shiseido."

"Wen Yuan, actually, I don't want to tell this matter, I have to do it today."

Old Zhong put his eyes on Jiang Zhihao again: "Xiao Jiang, please see that I have done my best for the Peng family, please spare Wenyuan! As long as you can spare him, I will take him away and never again Now that you have come to Jiangbei, Shiseido will belong to the young lady from now on."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Zhihao looked at Peng Ling.

Peng Ling rubbed her temples with some headaches, apparently she hadn't woken up in shock yet.

His "half-brother" brother, Peng Wenyuan, was born by the aunt and the housekeeper.

What a mess!


An hour later, the Peng family.

When Lao Zhong told Peng Feilong the truth of the matter, Peng Feilong exploded with rage, and lashed at Lao Zhong with a cane: "Did you drink too much and talk nonsense here!"

"Mr. Peng, whether it is true or not, I will know soon. I have hired professional appraisers to conduct medical tests on the DNA of Lao Zhong and Wen Yuan, and the results will be available in half an hour at most." Jiang Zhihao was very polite. Said.

Peng Feilong looked at Jiang Zhihao, then at Peng Ling, and began to sneer: "Is it interesting to deal with these false things? Don't you just want to fight for Shiseido? Believe it or not, I will call the police and arrest you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Artest pushed the door open and walked in.

"Brother Hao, the test results have come out."

With that said, he handed Jiang Zhihao a medical appraisal certificate.

Jiang Zhihao took it and turned to the last page.

"After a rigorous medical appraisal, the two were confirmed to be father and son."

After a glance, Jiang Zhihao gave Peng Feilong the direct appraisal.

Although Peng Feilong was old, he was neither blind nor deaf, and this paternity test was clearly written in black and white.

Zhong Cheng and Peng Wenyuan's DNA similarity reached 100%.

From a medical point of view, the two can be confirmed as a father-son relationship.

And this appraisal certificate is not forged, because it also has the seal of No. 1 People's Hospital of Jiangbei City on it!
Peng Feilong was trembling all over, he couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it.

Peng Wenyuan is considered the only child of the Peng family. From the moment he was born, Peng Feilong loved his only grandson very much.

Even if Peng Wenyuan did something outrageous, he would always stand by his side.

This personal testimonial had a great impact on Peng Feilong.

In the afternoon, he had another heart attack, and his blood pressure also increased, so he was sent directly to the hospital.

And Peng Wenyuan seemed to be crazy.

He still couldn't believe that he was the son of the old housekeeper, he was not the Peng family, and Shiseido of the Peng family had nothing to do with him.

He seemed to be insane, grabbed Zhong Cheng and slapped him several times, then opened the window and jumped down.

When Jiang Zhihao rushed to the window to look down, a heavy truck was about to pass by.

Peng Wenyuan's head was popped open like a ripe watermelon, and blood and brain matter splashed everywhere.

Of the Peng family, Peng Ling is the only one left.

Three days later, Peng Feilong, who was still lying on the hospital bed, when he heard the news that Peng Wenyuan had jumped off the building and died, took advantage of the nurse's inattention and pulled out the oxygen tube.

That night, Zhong Cheng left without delay.

The next morning, the staff of the cemetery found a body in front of a tombstone.

The deceased was more than 60 years old. According to the forensic examination, this person committed suicide. The scars on his forehead and the bloodstains on the tombstone are enough to prove this.

In the hands of the deceased, there was still a yellowed old photo.

In the photo is the wife of Peng Gang, the former owner of Shiseido.

Her name is Li Yanhong.

A week later, Peng Ling took over Shiseido.

(End of this chapter)

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