I can fish for anything

Chapter 123 Gritting his teeth and committing suicide

Chapter 123 Gritting his teeth and committing suicide
"What's going on?" Jiang Zhihao frowned.

"Those three guys were secretly assassinated an hour ago!"

Jiang Zhihao couldn't figure out what Zhang Ying meant by the secret assassination.

It was daytime now, and the three of them had never left Qing Lingzong after they were caught, so how could they be secretly assassinated!
"Sect Master, I asked my disciples to lock these three people in the dungeon, and I also sent many disciples to guard them strictly, but who knows... Moreover, the disciples who guarded them never left the entrance of the dungeon at all."

"That's weird. If that's the case, how did these three people get killed? And it's still daytime, secretly assassinated?" Jiang Zhihao smiled playfully.

The faces of several elders are not good-looking, which is their dereliction of duty.

Elder Qian stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Sect Master, as far as I know, Brahmins are good at making poisons. Among them is a poison named Brahti, which can injure people invisible. The poisoned person can die from the poison just by smelling it. And no matter what method is used, the cause of death cannot be detected from the corpse, so I suspect that these three sect scum who colluded with the Brahmins were poisoned to death by this poison."

"Really?" Jiang Zhihao sneered: "Then who is the poisoner?"

"This..." Elder Qian was speechless.

Jiang Zhihao got up and walked out: "Take me to the dungeon, I don't believe that you didn't even notice that such a big living person entered."

The two elders, Zhang Ying and Qian Sun, all touched the cold sweat on their foreheads.

Although the new suzerain did not blame them for this matter.

But this way is obviously more unacceptable than blame.

A sentence popped up in the minds of the three of them at the same time, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger!

However, the new elder obviously didn't have such thoughts. He trotted and followed Jiang Zhihao: "Sovereign, your analysis makes sense, so I was puzzled. There is only one entrance and exit in the dungeon, and there are special disciples guarding it outside. How did he get in? Could it be that he is Monkey King? Can he also walk through walls?"

"Sovereign, if this problem was put in the past, no one would be able to solve it, but it's different now. When you come, the problem will be solved."

The new elder kept talking: "How about I just say, suzerain, you are the savior of our Qing Lingzong, under your leadership..."

Before he could finish his chatter, Jiang Zhihao turned around abruptly, staring at the new elder with his eyes: "Are you the new elder?"

"Report to the suzerain, my humble Liu Jiashun, one of the four elders of the Qingling sect, is willing to do my best for the suzerain in the future!"

"I want you to shut up!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhihao turned and left. Zhang Jiashun was dumbfounded, completely unaware of what the new suzerain meant.

The other three elders gave him a deep look, with indescribable disappointment in their eyes.

Why does this guy like to flatter more and more as he gets older? I really shouldn't choose him as an elder!

The dungeon of Qing Lingzong was built after Feng Qingyang became the suzerain.

To put it bluntly, it was his private execution ground. Since he became suzerain, he has formulated a series of almost cruel punishment rules.

Any disciple in the sect who violated the punishment will be dragged to the dungeon for punishment.

The entrance to the dungeon is in the backyard of the Qing Lingzong.

At this moment, three sect disciples were chatting.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao approaching, the three of them quickly stopped talking like frightened rabbits and stood up straight.

I thought Jiang Zhihao would be furious because of the dereliction of duty of the three of them, but instead he patted the shoulders of the three of them: "Is it hard to guard the dungeon here?"

"Sovereign, don't work hard, this is our duty!"

Jiang Zhihao smiled: "Who says it's not hard work? I can't stand the wind and the sun. I will install surveillance here in the future, so I don't need to be here all the time."

"Thank you, suzerain, for your concern." The three of them were very happy in their hearts, but it didn't mean that they didn't have to suffer anymore.

But I feel that the new suzerain is not strict at all, and he is very considerate of the disciples below.

Hearing from other disciples that the new suzerain healed their wounds and helped them improve their cultivation, the three of them had doubts before, but it seems that this is true.

"The suzerain wants to go to the dungeon, and it hasn't been opened yet!" Zhang Ying's majestic voice sounded.

"Oh." One of the disciples hastily took the key.

The dungeon is a staircase made of concrete, and as you go down step by step, a basement with a square meter of [-] square meters appears in front of you.

It was dark and damp inside, an incandescent lamp was on above, and a small exhaust fan whirred on the wall.

Apart from the entrance and exit of the dungeon, this exhaust fan is the only place that is connected to the outside world. Will someone poison the dungeon from the exhaust fan?

Seemingly seeing Jiang Zhihao's conjecture, Elder Qian vetoed it:

"Sovereign, this is impossible. The road outside the exhaust fan happens to be a camera pointed at the exhaust fan. I have had someone check it out. From the time these three disciples were imprisoned to their deaths, no one has ever approached the exhaust fan from outside. And the surveillance video, there is no missing part."

Jiang Zhihao nodded, it seemed that this was really an unsolved case, and he immediately set his eyes on the ground in the corner.

The three sect disciples lay there as if they were asleep.

Jiang Zhihao was about to walk over, but Zhang Ying stopped him first: "Sect Master, poison like Boluoti is very important."

"If the cause of death of these three people is not found out, then the Brahmans must be a nightmare for us all our lives!"

Zhang Ying moved his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Zhihao walked up to one of the corpses and observed the body. His complexion was normal. Generally speaking, if the body died of severe poison, the corpse's complexion would turn black, but these three corpses showed no sign of dark complexion. .

Open the eyelids to look at the eyeballs, the pupils are not dilated.

Then Jiang Zhihao opened the corpse's mouth with his hands.

Sure enough, he found Ni Duan this time.

The back molars of the corpse were gone, and there were still dentures that had been crushed in the mouth of the corpse.

Although he didn't know what material the dentures were made of, Jiang Zhihao seemed to have found the cause of the three people's deaths.

In order to further confirm his conjecture, Jiang Zhihao opened the mouths of the other two corpses.

Sure enough, the two corpses had no back molars, and there were also crushed dentures in their mouths.

"The cause of death has been found." Jiang Zhihao stood up: "These three people committed suicide by gritting their teeth. The back molars of the three people are fake, and they contain highly poisonous."

Hearing this, everyone was extremely surprised.

It's not because the three committed suicide by taking poison, but because the Brahmins were shocked by what method they used to seduce the three and make them work so hard.

Another point is doubtful, since these three people are planning to commit suicide, why did they still mention the food factory in the suburbs?

Could it be that this is a conspiracy?
(End of this chapter)

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