I can fish for anything

Chapter 170 Brothers turn against each other

Chapter 170 Brothers turn against each other
At this moment, Jiang Zhihao was in a state of rage.

Although he didn't like Du Hua's cousin, he was a relative after all, so he thought of La Du Hua.

I didn't expect Du Hua to be such a jerk.

He has to be taught a lesson.

"Hello, where are you?" Jiang Zhihao called Du Hua.

Du Hua didn't hear Jiang Zhihao's anger at all, and said carelessly, "Cousin, I'm at the cannery, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, don't run around, I'll go find you in a while."

"Okay, I have something to do here, hang up first."

After Du Hua hung up the phone, he directed the forklift driver: "Hurry up, don't dawdle, my friend will drive over in a while."

"Hey, Xiao Liang, hurry up, I have prepared twenty boxes of canned food for you."

"Thank you, thank you, we are all buddies, it's a shame to say that, okay, I'll wait for you."

Not long after, Jiang Zhihao came to the cannery.

I saw Du Hua standing at the door of the warehouse, and beside him, there were twenty boxes of canned food neatly stacked.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao coming, the forklift driver hurried over to complain: "Boss, look at this..."

Jiang Zhihao waved at him: "I don't blame you for this matter, just go about your business!"

The forklift driver felt relieved and ran away in a hurry.

"Cousin, you're here." At this moment, Du Hua didn't feel anything wrong.

With a cold face, Jiang Zhihao pointed to dozens of boxes of canned food at the warehouse door: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, I want to give these cans to my friends and let them try something new."

"Do you know that this canning factory is not mine, but the collective property of Daoxiang Village. Even if I want to get canned food from the factory, I have to pay for it."

"Cousin, don't be so stingy!"

Du Hua said carelessly: "Who doesn't know that you started the cannery, you are the biggest owner of the cannery, there are at least a thousand boxes of canned food in the warehouse, we are still relatives, I will give [-] boxes to my friend Give it away, there's nothing wrong with it."

Jiang Zhihao nodded: "Since you said so, well, I will pay for the twenty boxes of canned food in advance, and one more thing, how did Aunt Wang faint?"

"Aunt Wang? Which Aunt Wang?" Du Hua didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake.

"It's the one who opened the supermarket in Nongjiale."

Du Hua finally felt Jiang Zhihao's anger: "You said that dead old woman, it's okay, I don't have any cigarettes in my pocket, and I don't have any money, so I just want to wait until the next day before giving her money, but this old woman said I was unreasonable , and scolded you."

"How did he scold me?" At this moment, Jiang Zhihao had already clenched his fists.

This Du Hua is not only looking for trouble, but also talking nonsense.

"He scolded me as a bad thing. I already told her that we are cousins, but she also said that neither of us is a good person. As for her fainting, I really don't know what happened."

After hearing this, Jiang Zhihao couldn't bear it anymore.

He slapped him with a slap.

Crisp slaps echoed on Du Hua's face.

The clearly visible five finger prints quickly became swollen on his face.

Du Hua was stupefied, covered his cheek with his hand, and looked at Jiang Zhihao in disbelief: "You, you hit me?"

Jiang Zhihao slapped him again: "Du Hua, since we are relatives, I wanted to give you a hand, but you actually did such a stupid thing.

Do you know how much Mrs. Wang has helped me?Get your stuff and get the hell out of me, as far away as possible. "

Du Hua gritted his teeth: "Okay, Jiang Zhihao, you are really good. You are so awesome now that you look down on us poor relatives. I will call my uncle now and let him know how you beat me."

Jiang Zhihao sneered and waved towards the security room.

Xie Fei and Hu Yang had been waiting for an opportunity.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao's call, he hurried over.

While running, the two whispered.

"I'm right, Brother Hao will take care of this guy."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's be more sloppy in a while, this kid actually dares to throw my cigarette on the ground to see if I don't kill him."

"You call it public revenge..."

The two soon reached Jiang Zhihao's side.

"Brother Hao, what instructions do you have?"

At this time, Du Hua had already called Jiang Zhiwen: "Uncle, I just want to ask you, do you still accept that I am your nephew?"

"Xiaohua, what are you talking about? How could you not be my nephew!"

"Well, let me ask you something, my cousin slapped me twice, how should I deal with this matter?"

"What? Your cousin beat you?" Jiang Zhiwen was also very surprised, and said, "I'll call your cousin right away and ask him what's going on."

After Jiang Zhiwen hung up the phone, he immediately called Jiang Zhihao: 'What's going on?You slapped Xiaohua twice, no matter what, he is your cousin, he came to you, how could you slap him! '

"Dad, Xiaohua didn't pay for buying cigarettes from the supermarket, even knocked Aunt Wang unconscious, and gave [-] boxes of canned food to a friend without paying a penny in the warehouse. Do you think this kind of person should be beaten?" ?”

Xie Fei added a sentence at the right time: "Master, Xiaohua even asked us to give him a bag of Zhonghua every day!"

"Also, I heard from Sister Jingjing that he caused trouble in the production workshop..."

Now, Jiang Zhiwen had a headache.

Even if it is a relative, it would be too much for Du Hua to do so.

For a long time, Jiang Zhiwen, the big brother, has always been submissive in front of Jiang Zhiyan.

Even if all the advantages were taken by Jiang Zhiyan, there was never a single complaint.

Because he always felt that Jiang Zhiyan was his younger sister, and as a big brother, it was nothing to suffer a little.

Isn't there a saying that goes well, the elder brother is the father.

Only this time, Du Hua's nephew was too reckless.

At first, I suffered from a severe stroke.

If it weren't for Aunt Wang's generosity to take out the coffin, there would be no money for the medicine.

But at that time, this girl, who was desperate to save her, only took out 1000 yuan and threw it in Jiang Zhihao's face.

"That's it, Xiaohao, he is your cousin after all, so just teach him a lesson."

After Jiang Zhiwen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Zhihao also understood what his father meant.

Immediately looked at Du Hua: "You leave 5000 yuan as Aunt Wang's mental damage fee, and then get out, or I will let the ambulance take you away."

"How dare you, Jiang Zhihao, you are really an ungrateful dog. Have you forgotten how my family helped you when your family was in trouble?"

"What's wrong with me smoking a pack of cigarettes? What's wrong with me eating some canned food?"

Jiang Zhihao didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he waved at Xie Fei and Hu Yang: "Get him out!"

(End of this chapter)

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