I can fish for anything

Chapter 176 How is this possible

Chapter 176 How is this possible
For Yao Lao, there are quite a lot of precious Chinese medicinal materials in his family collection, but he has never owned this golden nanmu.

Yao Lao looked at this grand master's chair, his eyes were full of envy.

Noticing the look in his eyes, Boss Luo hurriedly said: "Yao Lao, I have been in the industry for decades, and this is the first time I have come across such a good thing. It is hard to come by. I don't want to sell this grand master's chair! "

"I can give you some more money."

"Really not, I accept this thing, I just want to keep it for myself."
Boss Luo said as he walked out.

He is very precious to this grand master's chair made of golden nanmu.

If it wasn't for his good relationship with Yao Lao, he wouldn't be willing to let others take a look.

Yao Lao is not the kind of person who steals people's love.

Hearing what Boss Luo said, he could only sigh: "Since that's the case, I won't force you, Boss Luo, but when I come over in the future, you have to let me experience my eye addiction!"

"Of course." Boss Luo turned around, ready to close the door.

But it was found that there was a person who had not come out of the house.

Still looking at the Taishi chair there.

"Little comrade, Yao Lao said no, what are you still doing standing there? Come out, I should lock the door." Boss Luo called out.

Jiang Zhihao looked sideways: "Boss, there is something wrong with your chair."

"Is there a problem? This chair was given to me by my friend. Do you know who my friend is? I studied under the most prestigious antique expert in China. Do you think my friend has misread it? Or has my friend deceived me?"

"It should be your friend who was cheated." Jiang Zhihao was full of confidence.

The reason why golden nanmu is expensive is not only because of the functions of this kind of wood, such as anti-corrosion and moth-proofing, but also because of the long growth period of this kind of wood.

It takes nearly 350 years for a golden nanmu to grow from a small sapling to a wood that can be built.

For such a long time, there should be aura left on the wood.

But just now, Jiang Zhihao released the aura to peep, but he didn't feel the presence of aura in this grand master's chair.

That's why Jiang Zhihao concluded that this so-called golden nanmu chair was forged.

The appearance must have been processed by special means, which makes it look no different from golden nanmu.

Hearing someone say that this grand master chair made of golden nanmu is actually fake, Boss Luo laughed out loud.

Then he turned his attention to Yao Lao: "Yao Lao, this little comrade, is this your driver? You just said that my friend was cheated."

Yao Lao also looked at Jiang Zhihao suspiciously: "Xiao Jiang, you say this chair is forged, do you have evidence?"

"Of course there is."

While speaking, Jiang Zhihao grabbed the grand master's chair with one hand, and put the whole country on his head.

This move of his made Boss Luo's eyes widen: "Little brother, don't, don't, if you don't have money to spend, I can give it to you, put down the chair!" '

Jiang Zhihao didn't listen to him, and the grand master's chair fell to the ground as soon as he finished speaking.

With a bang.

The grand master's chair made of golden nanmu fell apart.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Boss Luo rushed over first, pushed Jiang Zhihao away, and then looked at the broken chair on the ground, wanting to cry.

Yao Lao, Yao Su asked, and even the driver were dumbfounded.

"you you……"

Boss Luo grabbed Jiang Zhihao's collar with one hand and clenched his fist with the other, eager to try in front of Jiang Zhihao.

At this time, Boss Luo wanted to kill someone.

"Boy, I won't hit you, I definitely won't hit you, you damaged my gold silk nanmu grand master's chair, and I will make you lose money, 200 million, not a penny less."

"Boss Luo, don't worry, I'll show you something, you will definitely thank me." Jiang Zhihao said unhurriedly with a smile on his face.

"Look at what?"

"Let go of your hands first."

Boss Luo snorted coldly and let go of his hand.

Then Jiang Zhihao picked up a leg of a grand master's chair from the ground, and showed Boss Luo where it was broken.

"What do you mean?!" Boss Luo gritted his teeth angrily.

"Boss Luo, take a closer look!" Jiang Zhihao said with a smile.

"Are you he..."

At this time, Boss Luo couldn't help but swear.

However, in the next second, he was stunned, and his mind went blank.

He looked at the stool leg in Jiang Zhihao's hand in disbelief.

The fracture was actually white, and there seemed to be moths.

What does this mean, this is not golden nanmu at all!

"This..." Boss Luo took the stool legs in his hands and looked at them repeatedly.

Finally found Ni Duan.

What Jiang Zhihao said was right, this so-called golden nanmu chair was just a special treatment on the surface, making it look very much like golden nanmu, to the point where it could be mistaken for the real one!
It's just that Boss Luo doesn't understand that his friend is very proficient in this area and has never been wrong.

He couldn't see it, so how did Jiang Zhihao see it?

Boss Luo looked Jiang Zhihao up and down, wondering who this guy was.

"Boss Luo, hurry up and call your friend, and ask him where he got this chair from."

"Okay, I'll call right away, thank you."

When Boss Luo was on the phone, Jiang Zhihao and the others drank tea and waited.

"Xiao Jiang, can you tell me how you can tell the real from the fake?"

Jiang Zhihao pondered for a moment, then lied: "I guess."

Hearing this, Yao Lao stared straight at him with a pair of eyes.

Guess, who would believe it?

At this time, Boss Luo came back from the phone call.

"This Taishi chair was bought by my friend from a collector. Although I have already paid for it, it doesn't matter. I have already reported to the police."

After finishing speaking, Boss Luo set his sights on Jiang Zhihao: "Little brother, I really want to thank you this time." '

Jiang Zhihao waved his hand indifferently: "Boss Luo, I have something here, and I want you to check the price for me."


Jiang Zhihao took out the bronze Buddha and put it on the table.

Boss Luo held the bronze Buddha in his hand, and after a few glances, his expression became serious.

He immediately put down the bronze Buddha carefully, then took a pair of white gloves and put it on.

He took another miniature flashlight, and the beam of light hit the bronze Buddha, emitting a faint green light.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Boss Luo watched it for more than ten minutes before putting down the bronze Buddha.

"Just tell me a price." Boss Luo said directly.

Jiang Zhihao bought this bronze Buddha for 1000 yuan from a street stall.

Yao Lao originally thought that he wanted to let Boss Luo take a look, but in fact he just wanted to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, Boss Luo asked Jiang Zhihao to make an offer after reading it.

Could it be that Jiang Zhihao really took out the baby?
However, how is this possible!
(End of this chapter)

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