I can fish for anything

Chapter 180 Digging a Pit

Chapter 180 Digging a Pit
At exactly one o'clock, the second China-Foreign Medical Technology Exchange Conference officially started.

The host first came to the stage and said some innocuous words, nothing more than how smoothly the TCM Academic Exchange Conference was held, thanking the support of XX and so on.

Then, the host grandly introduced Mr. Yao Liangchun, the special guest of this exchange meeting.

"Mr. Yao Liangchun is a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China. He has countless honors in his life and is full of peaches and plums. Here, I am especially grateful to Mr. Yao for being able to put aside everything and make a special trip to participate in this exchange meeting."

After the words fell, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Only James from the United States, Tanaka Koizumi from the Sakura Country, and Schiller from the Chariot Country all pouted.

Yao Lao stood up and gestured towards the crowd.

This time, the applause was even more enthusiastic.

After the applause dissipated, immediately enter the next session.

Mr. Tanaka Koizumi, the representative of Sakura Country, came to the stage to give a speech.

Tanaka Koizumi is less than 1.5 meters tall, but he just walked out of the temperament of a giant.

In fact, this link is communication, but at the first exchange meeting, these people abruptly turned it into a competition between Chinese and Western medicine.

This time, Tanaka Koizumi came prepared.

After talking on the phone, he asked his subordinates to take out a little white rabbit from the iron cage, and then took out a scalpel. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he cut a hole in the little rabbit's leg, and the blood flowed continuously.

Then he said in extremely broken Chinese: "Just now I cut the main artery of this little cutie. If the bleeding is not stopped in time, this little cutie will bleed too much and die."

In the audience, many people have already started whispering.

All accused Tanaka Koizumi of being cruel, Tutu is so cute, so he can bear to hurt Tutu.

There were also media reporters who filmed this scene one after another.

There will definitely be such a news on tomorrow's news.

Tanaka Koizumi from the country of cherry blossoms, in order to conduct an experiment, actually used a knife on a cute bunny. What a cruel and inhuman nation this is.

Tanaka Koizumi said calmly: "Everyone, don't worry. In such a situation, whether it is a human or an animal, if there is too much bleeding, we generally adopt the method of tying the proximal end. Although it has a certain effect on hemostasis, But the effect is not obvious, if the aorta is injured, the effect is almost equal to nothing."

"There is no particularly effective hemostatic drug on the market today, but what I want to tell you is that this very effective hemostatic drug has been developed by me, no matter where the injury is, no matter how deep the wound is , as long as you apply this medicine, it will immediately stop the bleeding!"

"It can be said that while waiting for the arrival of rescue vehicles, this medicine is the magic medicine for life extension!"

"It is precisely because I have developed this drug that benefits mankind that I won this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine. Moreover, this drug will be mass-produced this year. I suggest that people all over the world count as one." , everyone has a bottle, and when everyone is in danger, he is the panacea for everyone to save their lives."

As he spoke, Tanaka Koizumi took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, which was filled with a brown paste-like substance.

The cork was removed, the mouth of the bottle was facing down, and the paste-like substance was smeared on the thigh of the little white rabbit.

Strange to say, the wound that was still bleeding just now stopped bleeding.

It's also amazing.

Although everyone doesn't like Tanaka Koizumi's arrogance and unreasonableness, it has to be said that this hemostatic drug is unheard of by everyone.

Moreover, the advent of this medicine is a blessing to the entire human race.

Accidents will inevitably occur in life, and bleeding will continue. Some people lost their lives in vain because they did not receive timely treatment because of excessive bleeding.

The emergence of this drug just makes up for this.

Later, Tanaka Koizumi called an assistant, put the injured little white rabbit back into the cage, threw a carrot to it, and then grabbed another rabbit.

This rabbit has gray-brown body hair and a huge body, especially on the belly, which is full of fat.

In fact, a discerning person can tell at a glance that this is a pregnant female rabbit, and it is about to give birth.

It's just that everyone didn't understand why Tanaka Koizumi caught another female rabbit.

I saw him skillfully pick up the scalpel again.

The sharp blade cut across the female rabbit's leg.

It is still the position of the aorta, and the blood flow does not stop.

"Every Chinese medicine expert from China, you have been boasting that Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. I don't believe it at all."

"If you want to prove it, then please use the method of Chinese medicine to stop the bleeding of this pregnant female rabbit."

"Oh, by the way, you must be fast, otherwise the female rabbit will bleed too much and die, as well as the baby rabbit in her stomach."

"Of course, if you feel that your Chinese medicine practitioners can't stop the bleeding of this female rabbit quickly, you can tell me and I will help you."

At this remark, the audience was in an uproar!

Tanaka Koizumi is forcing Chinese medicine to death!

He clearly knows that traditional Chinese medicine is mostly based on conditioning, and the cycle is long, the effect is slow, and the effect is not as obvious as Western medicine.

He actually said such words!
If Chinese medicine can't cure this female rabbit, then tomorrow, various news media in Sakura Country will have news similar to the following.

"Huaxia Chinese medicine practitioners have false appearances, and they do a lot of harm."

"Great China, with its 5000-year history, is unable to stop the bleeding of an injured and pregnant female rabbit."

Only then did everyone understand Tanaka Koizumi's intentions.

The heart is cruel and dark.

It's like Tanaka Koizumi dug a big trap for Huaxia Chinese medicine. He knew it was a trap, but he had to jump into it!
Looking at the female rabbit who was about to bleed dry, Yao Lao was helpless.

As far as he knows, in the field of Chinese medicine, no one has been able to use Chinese medicine to quickly stop bleeding.

Immediately, he set his sights on Jiang Zhihao.

He had seen the magic of the thirteen acupuncture needles in front of his eyes, so it shouldn't be a problem to stop the bleeding of this female rabbit with acupuncture.

Jiang Zhihao also realized that it was time for him to act. Just as he was about to get up, a man in a white coat, about forty years old, stood up and walked to the stage on his right.

"I'll try."

Yao Lao looked sideways, this person looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember his name.

After thinking for a long time, I finally remembered that this person also participated in the exchange meeting last year.

At that time, the senior drug pharmacist shook hands and took a group photo.

Wang Can walked up to the front desk, glanced at the dying female rabbit, and also took out a glass bottle from his pocket, which contained colorful powders.

After opening the cork, a strong medicinal smell hits.

(End of this chapter)

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