I can fish for anything

Chapter 183 The Angry Veteran

Chapter 183 The Angry Veteran
"You shoot, why are you hesitating? Aren't you people from Sakura Kingdom very powerful?"

The veteran snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the barrel of the gun, and yanked it in front of him, aiming the muzzle at his head: "Shoot, don't you have the courage to shoot? If you don't shoot, you will be killed." Put the gun down!"

In the end, there was still no gunshot.

Tanaka Koizumi endured and endured, threw the gun on the ground, and was about to say that I am an international friend, and you can't do anything to me.

But the veteran plucked his hair violently, and shook it vigorously when he came back: "Aren't you awesome?Dare to take out the gun, don't shoot, right?People in Sakura Country are as clueless as you, right? '

"Bastard, I was invited to come to your Huaxia, and I am also a famous doctor in the Sakura country. If you treat me like this, just wait to be accused by the law. My country will seek justice for me!"

"Fairness?" The veteran ticked his feet, and the black guy appeared in his hands: "The mistakes you have made are unforgivable. Tell me what is fairness? Don't think that Huaxia tolerates your small mistakes now, go back Tell you what kind of bullshit Prime Minister, no matter how dare to make small moves, I, a million Chinese soldiers, will stand by my side!"

"Since you are also a veteran, do you know that you have violated international law by treating me like this. Even if I am at fault, the laws of your country cannot sanction me!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

This veteran's ancestral home is Jinling.

He deeply regrets and punishes the heinous crimes committed by the Cherry Blossom Country.

Hearing what Tanaka Koizumi said, he slapped him without warning.

This slap is very strong.

At the same time, the veteran put the black muzzle of the gun on his neck.

Tanaka Koizumi didn't dare to act rashly: "I don't believe you dare to shoot, don't forget, there are many reporters here!"

"You are not afraid of big troubles, just shoot."

Because the relationship between the two countries is a little tense now.

As long as other frictions are not serious problems, the two countries will at best use their mouths and blame each other.

But once someone dies, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble.

Tanaka Koizumi was sure in his heart that the veteran would definitely not shoot.

It's just that this is what he thinks willingly.

Although the veteran knew that it was wrong to shoot, but Tanaka Koizumi said that his endurance had reached the limit.

And those Chinese and foreign reporters have already pointed their cameras at the two of them.

If the veteran pulls the trigger, it will be big news that will shock the world!
Jiang Zhihao saw it clearly, the veteran's index finger was trembling slightly.

Then, his eyes flashed, and when he was about to pull the trigger, he found someone patted him on the shoulder from behind.

"Don't be quick for a while. Even if you hate him to death, you have to think about the consequences. You are happy, but it will bring trouble to our country."

"Don't let him go like this?!" Even though he said this, anyone could tell that the old soldier's tone had softened a little.

"Leave it to the country!"

The veteran took a deep breath, put the iron guy in the back, and then slashed Tanaka Koizumi's neck with a knife.

Tanaka Koizumi hadn't reacted yet, and then it was pitch black, and he didn't know anything.

"You bastard!" The veteran was not polite, stepped forward and kicked Tanaka Koizumi in the face: "Let's hand you over to the state!"

After speaking, the veteran picked up Koizumi Tanaka on his back and prepared to go to the police station.

"Wait!" Jiang Zhihao stopped him.

The veteran stopped and suddenly realized: "Don't worry, you found this person, I will tell them your name, and I won't be greedy for credit."

"That's not what I mean." Jiang Zhihao pointed to his white overalls, and asked in confusion, "Are you the waiter here?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Where did you serve before?"

"Soldier of a regiment stationed in Hulaoguan, Wu Chen."

Jiang Zhihao nodded, feeling a little regretful in his heart: "Didn't you be assigned a job after you recovered?"

He had carefully looked at this veteran soldier named Wu Chen just now. Although he was relatively thin and thin, he had a strong back and a muscular body, and his eyes were firm and his face was upright.

Being a waiter here is really overkill.

So there was a plan to take him under his command.

"I don't want to trouble the country."

"After you send people off, come here to find me, and do things with me in the future."

"What do you do? What's your salary?"

"I have a canning factory and a medicinal material base. You can be my driver and assistant. The monthly salary is [-]."

"Is this true?" Wu Chen's eyes lit up.

"What did I lie to you, go, I'll be right here waiting for you!"

"Okay, then I'll go first and I'll be right back! By the way, not only can I be your driver and assistant, I can also be your bodyguard!"

Wu Chen didn't lie, after he was reinstated, the state arranged a good job for him.

It is very easy to deal with documents and the like in the office.

But Wu Chen didn't like this kind of life, and felt that staying like this would make people useless.

So he rejected the country's kindness and wanted to do something by himself.
During the period, he set up a barbecue stall, ran a business, and opened a clothing store.

Not to mention not earning any money, but also losing a lot of money.

The tens of thousands of dollars in retirement fees are gone.

I can only bend down and become a waiter in this hotel.

Now that Jiang Zhihao is throwing an olive branch at him, and the treatment is not bad, he is naturally full of joy.

After Wu Chen left, there were still discussions in the hotel.

The people of the country gave Jiang Zhihao their thumbs up one after another, praising him for his sharp eyesight and seeing through the true identity of Tanaka Koizumi.

Some reporters ran over and handed the microphone to Jiang Zhihao: "Mr. Jiang, how did you discover Tanaka Koizumi's identity as a spy?"

Jiang Zhihao smiled without saying a word.

The reporters stopped asking because they thought of another possibility.

Jiang Zhihao is very likely to be a member of a mysterious department in Huaxia.

On the other hand, those foreign media were discussing something in a low voice.

Needless to say, these guys who like to tell stories and turn black and white do not know how to talk nonsense.

Perhaps such a news will appear in the foreign media tomorrow.

Invited to the meeting, but brutally beaten by the Huaxia people!
Or, a famous doctor in Sakura Country, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine, is jealous of Huaxia Fang, so don't go to jail!

Regarding this wrong statement, every Chinese person will treat it like a dog barking and ignore it.

And James from the United States felt sorry for Wu Chen not firing that shot just now.

Schiller of the Chariot Kingdom is a neutral country.

He didn't care whether he fired or not.

What he cares about is the secret Chinese herbal medicine in Wang Can's hand to stop bleeding quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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