I can fish for anything

Chapter 185 High Speed ​​Chase

Chapter 185 High Speed ​​Chase

Yao Lao and Yao Suwen, after hearing their conversation, their expressions became a little nervous, especially Yao Suwen, their bodies actually trembled a bit.

The scene where Tanaka Koizumi took the gun at the hotel just now made her unforgettable. She thought that it was all right now, but she didn't expect that there would be danger.

Three cars, there must be more than a dozen people on it, although I don't know what the real purpose of these people is, but there are only five people here, how can I deal with them, besides, I am still a weak woman, and my grandfather is still young. So big.

"Why don't we call the police!" Yao Su asked with a nervous voice.

"No, it's just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, so don't bother the policeman uncle,"

Jiang Zhihao said nonchalantly, this also gave Suwen a reassurance, as if with Jiang Zhihao around, he was not afraid of anything.

"Who are they and why are they following us?" Yao Lao frowned and asked.

Jiang Zhihao smiled: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be James and Schiller. They have taken a fancy to Wang Can's secret recipe."

Hearing this sentence, Yao Lao's eyes widened, and his face was full of anger: "You are so courageous. On my land in China, you dare to be presumptuous. Ah Zhong, stop the car. I want to see if they can be rampant!" How far! '

"Yao Lao, people like them can do anything. The only way to make them quit is to be tougher than them. Believe it or not, even if the police arrest them, it won't take long for them I'll come out safe and sound..."

Yao Lao firmly believed in this statement.

Although China is now a superpower and is not afraid of any country, it is too generous. In order not to cause unnecessary international disputes, it is always tolerant of some foreign friends.

As Jiang Zhihao said, even if the police arrest them, their embassy will come forward.

At this time, Huaxia Fang will let people go, at most it will be a few words of criticism and education.

Jiang Zhihao is right, they must be taught a lesson.
Let them know that Huaxia is not a place for them to do whatever they want!
However, what worries Yao Lao is that there are three vans on the opposite side, and there are more than a dozen people. On the other hand, on his side, there is a driver A Zhong, a Jiang Zhihao, and Wu Chen, plus his granddaughter Yao Su. He asked, how could he be his opponent, as well as his older self.

Regarding Yao Lao's worries, Jiang Zhihao didn't say much, just let him keep his heart in his stomach.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao's self-confidence, Yao Lao thought about what happened to a food factory on the outskirts of the provincial capital some time ago, and once again looked at Jiang Zhihao's eyes, his eyes flashed.

And Wu Chen, who had just joined the team, had already straightened up and was ready to fight.

Soon, the driver Ah Zhong parked the car on the side of the road.

After Jiang Zhihao and Ah Zhong got off the car, they entered the supermarket.

Not long after, the two came out of the supermarket smoking cigarettes. Ah Zhong got into the co-pilot, rolled down the window, and while looking at the three vans in the rearview mirror, subconsciously touched the iron guy on the back with his right hand.

In fact, Ah Zhong is a serious bodyguard, and Yao Lao is an academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology, so he is qualified to have the country send professionals to provide personal protection.

At this moment, the three vans also stopped.

In the cab of the first car sat James and Schiller.

The two were chewing gum, and they were looking at Jiang Zhihao who was not far ahead.

"Hey, buddy, that guy seems to have found us." Schiller said with a smile.

"If you are afraid, you can get out of the car?" James proudly pointed his thumb at the back: "Our American soldiers are not vegetarians, even if the Chinese police come, they are not afraid!"
For James' ridicule, Schiller didn't take it seriously: "You are always so proud and arrogant. The last military exercise was not a tie with our chariot country."

James laughed: "After the matter is completed, 5000 million US dollars will be credited to your account, and I will take the formula."

"It's a word."

The two said, high-fiving each other.

"Damn, this kid actually gave me the middle finger!" Maitreya spit out the gum out of the window angrily, and then ordered through the walkie-talkie: "All excellent soldiers of the Chariot Kingdom, you are doing well, and you will go straight to that man in white in a while." Shirt boy."



The soldiers of the Chariot Kingdom responded one after another.

At the same time, James also looked at Jiang Zhihao.

Although the distance was relatively far, Jiang Zhihao seemed to be able to notice his gaze.

He also extended his middle finger towards him.

This is an internationally accepted gesture, explained in simple and vulgar words, it is ×your mother!

"Fack!" James slapped the steering wheel with both hands: "This kid is crazy, I'm going to fight him one-on-one in a while!"


Not long after, Jiang Zhihao got into the car, started the car, and went straight to the highway.

Three vans followed.

As time went by, the car moved away from the provincial capital.

There are crop fields on both sides of the road.

"Ah Zhong, you can protect Yao Lao and Su Wen for a while, and it's fine for me and Wu Chen to go down."

Ah Chung nodded.

Wu Chen was gearing up excitedly.

In the van, Schiller looked out the window, and then said to James: "Brother, it's almost there. If you go further, you will arrive at Boshan City, and it will be inconvenient to do it then."

James nodded, didn't say much, and stepped on the accelerator.

The six-cylinder engine let out a roar, and the van charged instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of the Audi.

Looking at the van speeding past, Jiang Zhihao smiled coldly.

After the van overtook the Audi, it pressed the solid line directly in front of the Audi.

At the same time, the double flash was on.

As for the two vans behind, one was driving on the left side of the Audi, and the other followed closely behind, forming an encirclement of the Audi.

At this time, the van in front was already slowing down slowly, this was to force the Audi to stop.

Jiang Zhihao didn't intend to stop, but started to speed up instead.

James in the car in front realized something was wrong and honked his horn frantically.

Jiang Zhihao sneered again, planning to overtake the van on the left.

It's just that the van on the left seems to have seen through his mind.

Jiang Zhihao accelerated, and it also accelerated crazily.

A ray of light appeared in front of his eyes, Jiang Zhihao took a closer look, and there was a bridge across the river not far ahead.

The sparkling water surface, under the illumination of the setting sun, exudes a dazzling light.

Jiang Zhihao made up his mind and suddenly swung the steering wheel to the right.

The body of the Audi collided violently with the van driving side by side.

Yao Suwen's face turned green with fright, and he held on to Grandpa's hand tightly.

Yao Lao had obviously seen big scenes before. Although his body shook violently, there was no panic on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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