I can fish for anything

Chapter 204 Jiang Zhihao's Educational Method

Chapter 204 Jiang Zhihao's Educational Method
Liu Xuan was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Jiang Zhihao appeared in front of Xia Chengcheng. Seeing Jiang Zhihao, Xia Chengcheng's crying stopped abruptly, and he ran over and hugged his thigh.

Jiang Zhihao pretended to be angry on purpose.

"Uncle Jiang, are you unhappy?" Xia Chengcheng raised his head and asked.

"Of course I'm not happy. How did I tell you before, you have to be obedient now and be a good boy so that you can be brave and a man in the future!"

"But what about you? You cried and threw your food on the ground just because your mother was delayed by something and didn't come to see you."

"Don't you know? Ultraman snatched these foods from monsters. Whoever eats them will become a man."

Hearing these words, Liu Xuan's eyes lit up.

And Xia Chengcheng also widened his eyes: "Uncle Jiang, is everything you said true?"Eating a burger and fries makes you a man? '

"Of course, Altman also told me that a disobedient child cannot be a man when he grows up, and it is not a good child to waste food."

"Uncle, Uncle, I will listen to my mother and never waste food again. Please tell Ultraman that I want to be a hero like him to save the earth."

Xia Chengcheng hastily apologized to Liu Xuan: "I'm sorry mom, I will be an obedient boy in the future, and I will never waste food again. I will save the earth and become a hero."

After finishing speaking, Xia Chengcheng let go of Jiang Zhihao, and began to squat down on the ground to pick up the French fries that he had spilled on the floor.

Jiang Zhihao looked at Liu Xuan with a smile on his face, and Liu Xuan also gestured to him full of relief.

It seems that reprimanding can't solve the problem, Chengcheng is different from other children in a single-parent family, although he never mentioned his father, but Liu Xuan cried for his father more than once in his dreams.

This child is very strong on the surface, but very fragile in his heart. If reprimand is used, it will only backfire and make the child even more rebellious.

"Chengcheng, mom works very hard and has to take care of you, you know you can't be naughty in the future? Listen to mom and be a good boy. Ultraman doesn't like disobedient children!" Jiang Zhihao squatted on the ground while saying , while picking up French fries with Xia Chengcheng.

"I know Uncle Jiang, from now on I will definitely listen to my mother, and when I grow up, I will protect her!"

Xia Chengcheng looked serious.

At this moment, Liu Xuan burst into tears.

Half an hour later, Jiang Zhihao and Liu Xuan left the hospital.

"I didn't expect you to be quite good at educating children." The night was a bit cold, Liu Xuan wrapped his clothes tightly.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhihao took off his coat and put it on her shoulders: "When I was disobedient, my dad kicked me with a feather duster. I ran fast with bare feet and climbed up a tree in no time. At that time, I thought, Even if I made a mistake, I don’t need to do it. Why can’t I guide you correctly? I watched TV and said that a rat droppings ruined a pot of porridge. I just wanted to test the importance of this statement. I don’t think my dad can do it. Do it with me, just tell me that it's true that a mouse droppings ruined a pot of porridge!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xuan couldn't help laughing: "So you came to the conclusion that even if the child makes a mistake, he can't do it, and he must be guided in the right way?"

"It's like Cheng Cheng is disobedient, you know he likes Ultraman."

'Yes, it turns out that my method of education is more effective than yours. '

"Talent!" Liu Xuan couldn't help but glance at Jiang Zhihao.

The two chatted while walking, and soon arrived at the parking lot.

Liu Xuan took out the car key and pressed it. The lights of the BMW parked there flickered and there was a dull unlocking sound.

Neither of them spoke. Jiang Zhihao thought about what Liu Xuan said and continued?Liu Xuan thought of what Jiang Zhihao said when he had time.

Don't you have time now?Moreover, the flowers are beautiful and the moon is full, the night is deep and the people are quiet, lonely men and widows...

"Then what, it's getting late, you go back to sleep, I'll just take a taxi myself." Knowing that Liu Xuan would not refuse, Jiang Zhihao still retreated.

"Where is there a car so late, I have a spare bedroom at home."

"No, I still have friends at home!"

"Alright then! It's this hour, and you can't get a taxi, so I'll take you back." Liu Xuan sighed.


Galloping all the way, we soon arrived at Daoxiang Village.

The BMW stopped at the gate of the cannery.

Seeing that the workshop was still brightly lit and the workers were still working overtime, Liu Xuan joked, "What a black-hearted boss, he's still working at such a late hour."

Jiang Zhihao laughed loudly: "Boss Liu doesn't know something. The villagers who work here don't work for me, they work for themselves, because the cannery is a collective asset, and the villagers have a share."

Liu Xuan nodded: "I'm not teasing you anymore, I really should go back, there is another meeting tomorrow morning!"

"Be careful on the road."

Watching the BMW car drift away, Jiang Zhihao took a deep breath and prepared to go home.

But when he turned around, he found a beautiful figure standing behind him.

Dressed in white, with long hair loose, he stood there expressionlessly.

At first glance, it looks like Sadako.

"Miss Peng, why are you standing here without making a sound? I almost punched you." Jiang Zhihao said speechlessly.

Peng Ling sneered, and looked at the direction the BMW was leaving: "The license plate number is five and six. If I remember correctly, this is the car of Mr. Liu of Dakai Real Estate. Mr. Liu is a beautiful woman. I heard that she is chasing her." The people can all go from Jiangbei to Italy. '

How could Jiang Zhihao fail to understand what she meant, and explained that he and Mr. Liu were just friends.

"An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is dishonesty. Who would believe it when a man and a widow get together at this late hour and say they are friends?"

Jiang Zhihao had no choice but to tell what happened today.

However, Peng Ling replied on the spot: "So it's a hero who saves the beauty, didn't President Liu think about making a promise with his body?"

Jiang Zhihao sweated wildly, and stepped forward to hug Peng Ling: "Be good, stop making trouble, let's go, let's go to the workshop." '

"Whoever you want to take, I won't go anyway." Peng Ling half pushed and followed Jiang Zhihao to the workshop.

It was not the first time that Jiang Zhihao came to the workshop so late, and everyone took it for granted.

But when they saw Peng Ling who was wearing pajamas behind him, everyone was shocked and started talking in low voices.

"Look at this? Are the two living together?"

"What's wrong with that? Peng Ling is the real owner of Shiseido now. She has a lot of money and is completely worthy of our village head."

"Look at the two people who are talented and beautiful, they are a match made in heaven!"

What's more, he asked directly with a smile: "When will the young couple plan to hold a wedding? We are all ready to have a wedding wine!" '

Then a group of people stopped working and booed.

Peng Ling blushed with embarrassment.

In the corner, Bai Jingjing, who was working with her head down, became dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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