I can fish for anything

Chapter 208 Peng Ling Leaves

Chapter 208 Peng Ling Leaves
Jiang Zhihao didn't know whether this was right or wrong.

He knew that he might feel sorry for Peng Ling, but when he thought of Liu Xuan, his heart seemed to be drawn by something.

When Liu Xuan invited him to dinner, he didn't go to a high-end hotel or western restaurant, but at Liu Xuan's home.

All the meals were cooked by Liu Xuan himself, and she even bought the red wine that she had kept for many years.

Romanée-Conti, more than [-] bottles.

Under Liu Xuan's signal, the new aunt had already taken Xia Chengcheng out to eat KFC.

Although Liu Xuan doesn't often cook because of work, it doesn't mean she can't.

On the contrary, her cooking skills are really good, full of color and fragrance.

Liu Xuan was wearing a loose home dress today, he didn't look bloated, on the contrary, he seemed to be freed from a kind of restraint.

Romanée-Conti wine is not top-notch, but rather sweet.

Liu Xuan also drank a lot.

However, the aftertaste of this drink is strong, and it will not work after the two of them finish eating and Liu Xuan cleans up the dishes.

His whole face turned blood red, and the smell of alcohol and the fragrance of virgins emanating from his body made people's hearts rippling.

Looking at that mature and charming little face, Jiang Zhihao secretly compared her with Peng Ling.

The conclusion is that Liu Xuan is like a ripe peach, ripe, charming and attractive.

And Peng Ling is a young green apple, but full of enthusiasm and youth.

For a while, Jiang Zhihao really had a hard time choosing.

Maybe it was because he really drank too much, Liu Xuan held his forehead in pain: "I'm a little dizzy, I want to lie down and rest for a while."

How could Jiang Zhihao not know how hard she was trying, knowing that he was sorry for Peng Ling, but he still came over by accident and helped Liu Xuan to walk towards the bedroom.

When he reached the bedside, Liu Xuan couldn't stand up any longer, and fell on the bed.

Jiang Zhihao had no choice but to pick him up by the waist, put him on the pillow, and cover him with a quilt.

She also thoughtfully ran to the living room to pour a glass of water and put it on the bed.

Afterwards, Jiang Zhihao quietly exited the bedroom and closed the door softly.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Zhihao left the villa.

It's just that for some reason, Jiang Zhihao returned not long after.

He stood by the bed and looked at it for a long time, and finally climbed onto the bed.

It wasn't until night that the two of them got up and got dressed.

Jiang Zhihao looked very flustered, washed his face, and was about to leave in a hurry.

It's just that Liu Xuan insisted that he leave after dinner.

By the time Jiang Zhihao left the villa, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the dozen or so missed calls on his phone, Jiang Zhihao felt a headache.

These calls were all made by Peng Ling.

"Hey, wife, I've been delayed by something, so I'll go back right away." Jiang Zhihao turned to Peng Ling.

"Really? Didn't you go to Mrs. Liu for dinner, what can you do?" Peng Ling's voice was unusually cold.

"It is true that I had dinner with Mr. Liu, but when I was about to go home after the meal, I happened to meet some old classmates who insisted on pulling me to drink together, and then I drank too much and slept in the hotel for a while. I think it's too late." Jiang Zhihao explained.

"Okay then!" Peng Ling seemed to be convinced: "You must not feel well after drinking too much wine, so go home quickly, I made gruel for you."

"Well, it's very kind of you, wife, I'll go back right away."

The more Peng Ling was like this, the more guilty Jiang Zhihao felt.

It would be better if Peng Ling scolded him to feel better.

When the car stopped at the door, Peng Ling was already waiting at the door.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao coming, he hastily greeted him.

"How much did you drink with your classmates? If you can't drink, don't drink so much. If this happens again in the future, eat more vegetables."

Peng Ling embraced Jiang Zhihao's arm very naturally.

"Well, I see, let's go, let's go home." Jiang Zhihao felt ashamed, and put his arms around Peng Ling.

It's just that he didn't know, the more he behaved like this, the greater the suspicion in Peng Ling's heart.

In the house, the porridge cooked in the iron pot was gurgling.

Peng Ling took the bowls and chopsticks from the cupboard and set them up for Jiang Zhihao, as well as steaming steamed buns and small pickles.

"Honey, did you meet a classmate from college?" Peng Ling asked suddenly.

Jiang Zhihao drank gruel, and replied vaguely: "Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we got together."

"Well, husband, I want to see if you add your female classmates as friends, and whether they are prettier than me."

"Damn, they're just classmates, what's beautiful or not, besides, they're all married and have children."

"I just want to take a look. Give me your phone." Peng Ling was very stubborn.

Jiang Zhihao stopped talking, he was lying, if he gave Peng Ling the phone, the lie would be self-defeating.

Jiang Zhihao didn't speak, and Peng Ling didn't speak either.

The phone was on Jiang Zhihao's right, but Peng Ling didn't go to get it.

Because she already has the answer.

Although, this answer broke her heart, something she didn't want to see.

Gradually, a layer of mist gradually covered her eyes.

She ran to the bedroom quickly, trying not to let herself cry.

Jiang Zhihao chased after him, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

Because he knew that no matter who it was, the most unacceptable thing was betrayal.

"I'm sorry." Apart from these three words, Jiang Zhihao didn't know what to say.

"Well," Peng Ling responded softly, and then began to pack her luggage.

She came this time with the intention of staying here for a long time.

I just didn't expect to leave so soon.

Peng Ling didn't blame Jiang Zhihao in her heart, she only blamed herself for being too wishful thinking, and for imagining love too beautifully.

"Wife, where are you going?" Jiang Zhihao asked knowingly.

"The company is too busy, and the newly recruited professional managers are inexperienced. I have to go back."

Jiang Zhihao didn't say anything, just sat on the bed and lit a cigarette.

He knew that what he did was too much of a jerk, eating what was in the bowl and looking at what was in the pot.

It seems that Peng Ling will never forgive him in this life.

Peng Ling finally left, and Jiang Zhihao's room returned to its original appearance.

"Bastard, why are you bullying this girl?" Jiang Zhiwen walked in angrily, pointed at Jiang Zhihao's nose and cursed: "You look down on her for such a good girl? I think you are really out of your mind! "

"Dad, we are not suitable."

Jiang Zhihao didn't dare to say that he did something wrong to Peng Ling, because he really believed that his father would slap him with a single slap.

Peng Ling left Daoxiang Village without looking back, heartbroken.

What she didn't know was that since she came out of Jiang Zhihao's house, two pairs of wicked eyes had been staring at her.

These two people are not tall and have dark skin. They are not from China at first glance.

However, this did not arouse anyone's vigilance. Now that Daoxiang Village Farmhouse is so popular, many tourists come to play every day. Even foreigners are normal.

Just last week, two black guys came...

(End of this chapter)

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