I can fish for anything

Chapter 213 New Identity

Chapter 213 New Identity
In the next few days, Liu Xuan would still call Jiang Zhihao, and Jiang Zhihao would avoid Peng Ling's calls.

He thought that Peng Ling didn't know, but in fact, Peng Ling was like a mirror in her heart.

Every time after answering the phone, Liu Xuan's numb voice would come: "Little brother, have you missed me recently?"I have learned a few home-cooked dishes recently, when will you come to my house to eat? '

Jiang Zhihao couldn't understand the meaning of Liu Xuan's words. Every time he heard such words, his heart would itch, like a cat's paw was scratching.

"Let's talk when we have time!" Jiang Zhihao would give Liu Xuan such an ambiguous answer every time.

However, Jiang Zhihao was also sincere towards Peng Ling.

Since Peng Ling was taken away last time, Jiang Zhihao sent Wu Chen to protect Peng Ling.

And Peng Ling also told Jiang Zhihao the good news that she was pregnant and Jiang Zhihao's child.

Jiang Zhihao didn't plan to get married yet, but when he heard that Peng Ling was pregnant with her child, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Then there was unstoppable ecstasy, and even raised his head and laughed.

He has no plans to get married yet, but when he thinks that he will be a father when he can't use it, the joy in his heart is indescribable.

"I'm going to be a dad!"

The sound almost spread throughout the village.

The happiest thing is Jiang Zhiwen, he has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

The old man has worked hard all his life, isn't it just waiting for his son to get married and have a baby, and then hug his fat grandson?
Jiang Zhihao and Peng Ling also planned to get married in a month.

Both are materialists, not feudal superstitions.

The wedding date was set on Sunday, half a month later, not for anything else, just because no matter if they were working or going to school, they would be able to come over to have a wedding banquet at that time.

Moreover, Jiang Zhihao also booked the largest hotel in Jiangbei City, Wanguo Hotel, from the first floor to the third floor.

However, after Jiang Zhiwen found out about this, he strongly opposed it.

He reprimanded Jiang Zhihao and said: "Marriage is a happy day in life. You don't care, but I care. You must choose an auspicious day, otherwise you will make people laugh. I know there is an old man in the town. One day I will mention Get something and let him pick a good day."

"Also, don't go to the Wanguo Hotel. Not to mention wasting money, relatives and friends don't enjoy eating well. Think about it, most of our relatives and friends come from the countryside. Is it suitable for you to set up such a luxurious hotel? Everyone eats I'm not happy!"

"You might as well spend your money responsibly. If you have good wine and good food, you can greet them with enthusiasm. If you have a lot of money left over, everyone will eat to their heart's content."

Regarding his father's remarks, Jiang Zhihao deserves a wry smile.

But he still asked what Peng Ling meant, after all, marriage is a matter between two people.

"Just listen to Dad." Peng Ling blushed, this was the first time she changed her name to Dad.

News of Jiang Zhihao and Peng Ling's marriage quickly spread throughout the village.

The villagers are all talking about it, Jiang Zhihao and Peng Ling are really good-looking, well-matched.

One is a young and promising village chief who has led the villagers to achieve such great achievements at a young age. The other is the chairman of Shiseido. No one has heard of Shiseido. He is the leader of the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangbei City, occupying Over [-]% of the pharmaceutical industry market in Jiangbei City.

Jiang Zhihao had a lot of money in his hands, and he had long planned to buy a house for his father so that he could take care of himself for the rest of his life. It's just that he was too busy and didn't have time to look around, so he just took this opportunity to buy the house.

But Jiang Zhiwen disagreed with everything, he said that living in the city is not good at all, he has to take the elevator to go out every day, it is very troublesome, and the air is not good.

Most importantly, if you do move to the city, you won't see these old folks at home.

Since his father didn't agree, Jiang Zhihao didn't want to force it, but he and Peng Ling had to have a new house.

After all, there is only one house here in my hometown, so living with my father will be inconvenient.

Living in the city is also convenient for Peng Ling to handle some affairs of Shiseido.

For buying a house, Jiang Zhihao used the money from the cannery.

Although it has been explained to the villagers of Daoxiang Village that the Tianmei Cannery is a collective asset of the village and does not belong to Jiang Zhihao alone.

But Jiang Zhihao spent the money with a clear conscience, because whether it was a canning factory, a medicinal material base, or a farmhouse, he had put in too much effort.

And ever since Jiang Zhihao became the head of the village, the villagers never asked how much money was left in the village's account.

These simple villagers only know that without Jiang Zhihao, they would not have the well-off life they are now.

One good thing after another.

At noon that day, Jiang Zhihao was discussing with Peng Ling about buying that kind of furniture when he received a call from Fan Tong.

Fan Tong directly opened the skylight to him and said bluntly: "Xiao Jiang, congratulations, you will be promoted soon." '

Jiang Zhihao didn't react, so he asked Fan Tong to speak directly.

"Your contribution to Daoxiang Village, Director Zhou of China Overseas Poverty Alleviation Office is very appreciative. He thinks you are a talent, and it is too humiliating to keep you in Daoxiang Village. He wants to give you a bigger stage!"

"No, the document was just delivered to my office 3 minutes ago, so hurry up and come over, let's go to the municipal government for a meeting."

Having said that, Jiang Zhihao remembered the Minister Zhou who visited him in private.

When Minister Zhou left, he just told him not to let him down. At that time, Jiang Zhihao felt it in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the appointment came so quickly.

It's just that he doesn't know what position the higher-ups will give him.

Mayor?This is impossible, mayor Fan Tong has done a good job, and he is not yet retired!
Soon after, Jiang Zhihao arrived at Fan Tong's office.

Fan Tong and his secretary Zhang Kaidong were talking in a low voice.

Seeing Jiang Zhihao coming, the two stopped talking. Fan Tong stood up and greeted Jiang Zhihao: "Xiao Jiang is here, sit down quickly, I have something to tell you."

On the other hand, Zhang Kaidong glanced at Jiang Zhihao, nodded slightly, and walked out of the office.

Jiang Zhihao sat down on the sofa.

Fan Tong squinted his eyes, and took out half a box of Zhonghua from the drawer: "Huazi, smoke it!" '

Jiang Zhihao waved his hand: "Mayor Fan, I want to know the result."

Fan Tong smiled and nodded, threw Hua Zi on the desk, then picked up a document next to him, and handed it to Jiang Zhihao.

The document was typed on standard A4 paper, and the text was divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph praised Jiang Zhihao’s contribution to Daoxiang Village, and the second paragraph was decided by the leaders of Jiangbei City Government. Effective today.

Signed by Jiangbei Municipal People's Government...

When Jiang Zhihao saw the word mayor, he was completely stunned. He had thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that he would be appointed mayor of Taoyuan Town!

(End of this chapter)

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