I can fish for anything

Chapter 218 Investigation

Chapter 218 Investigation
Jiang Zhihao didn't leave until the next morning, but there were dozens of missed calls on Jiang Zhihao's cell phone, all of which were from Peng Ling.

When Jiang Zhihao returned home, Peng Ling asked where Jiang Zhihao had gone in the first sentence.

At this time, Jiang Zhihao had already sobered up. He vaguely said that he drank too much with his friends in the provincial capital last night, and then he was sent to a hotel by his friends to rest.

"Oh, so it's like this..." Peng Ling continued to help Jiang Zhihao take off his clothes calmly.

Since Jiang Zhihao didn't sleep all night last night, he didn't care about it, took a shower, fell asleep in bed not long after.

Looking at Jiang Zhihao lying on the bed, Peng Ling picked up Jiang Zhihao's clothes and smelled them. In addition to the smell of alcohol, there was also a strong smell of perfume.

This is the smell of Chanel!

In an instant, Peng Ling's heart fell to the bottom!
In Jiang Zhihao's pocket, Peng Ling also saw the lighter from the hotel.

Peng Ling closed her eyes.

Jiang Zhihao, Jiang Zhihao, no matter what you have done before, I can tolerate you, but I am going to marry you soon, why do you still do things that are sorry to me?

Peng Ling intends to find out the truth of the matter.

She went to the provincial capital alone and found this hotel.

This kind of lighter was customized by the hotel last month, and it is free for customers staying in the hotel.

Peng Ling took out the lighter, called up Jiang Zhihao's photo, and showed it to the manager, "Did this man stay here last night?"

After seeing the photos, the manager thought for a while before saying, "It seems to be, I'm not sure, it's not only this man, but also a woman."

"I'm the manager here, and the check-in procedures are handled by my waiters. How about you send me the photo and I'll ask them to confirm it."

"Okay, I'll add you on WeChat."

After the two added WeChat to each other, Peng Ling sent Jiang Zhihao's photo to the manager, and the manager went out.

A few minutes later, the manager came out and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, all the waiters said that they didn't have a deep impression. There was indeed a man with a similar appearance who came to check in last night, but they were not sure if it was the one in the photo. People, if so, there is also a lady staying with me."

"Don't you have to use your ID card to open a room? The room they opened? Whose ID card did you use?"

"No one can remember the room that was opened." The manager was a little embarrassed: "As for whose ID card was used, we have no record at all here, because the data are all transmitted to the public security system, and just now I thought Call the camera surveillance here, unfortunately, there is a problem with the computer, and there is no surveillance video at all yesterday."

Seeing that nothing was found, Peng Ling stood up with a smile: "Okay, thank you."

After finishing speaking, I will leave.

"Miss." At this time, the manager stopped her.

"Huh?" Peng Ling looked back in doubt.

The manager hesitated to speak, and said coyly: "If you really want to investigate something, I suggest you find a private investigator."

"Private detective?" Hearing this, Peng Lingdai frowned.

Is it the kind that specializes in investigation and tracking?This seems to be something wrong!Peng Ling came to the hotel to inquire, just to clear up the doubts in her heart, but once the private detectives are asked to investigate, the nature will be different.

As for the smell of perfume on the clothes, Peng Ling really hoped that it was just an accident. Although she felt that the possibility of such an accident was relatively small, she still couldn't believe that Jiang Zhihao would do something to offend him.

This was also the main reason why Peng Lingrou had considered for a long time and finally decided to come to the hotel to investigate. He wanted the facts to speak for themselves.

After hesitating for a moment, Peng Ling still said to the manager: "You send me the phone number of this private detective via WeChat."

Then, Peng Ling became expressionless: "I hope you don't let the third person know about this matter, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, I will definitely not talk nonsense."

Looking at the back of Peng Ling leaving, the manager couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He had been working in the hotel for more than three years, and it was the first time he personally received a guest with a Jinzun card. The boss personally told him not to offend this kind of guest. , a word from someone can close the hotel.

Outside the hotel, Peng Ling memorized the phone number sent by the manager, and then deleted the chat history between the two.

Then, hit the past.

The other side was quickly connected, and after a brief conversation, the two parties made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop.

General private detectives always give the impression of being mysterious, coming and going without a trace, and they seem to be omnipotent and omniscient.

In fact, this is not the case. Most people have this kind of thinking, but they are completely blinded by film and television works.

A real private detective is completely different from the detectives in film and television dramas.

Just like the one in front of me, with a simple Mediterranean hairstyle, the middle of the head is not only empty, but also bright.

Potbellied, and wearing something nondescript meaning, T-shirt, suit pants, sneakers.

No matter how one looks at it, it cannot be connected with the profession of private detective.

It seems that this person is used to this kind of questioning look, and he was not surprised. He first introduced himself: "My name is Liu Wei, just tell me what you need me to do, and I will charge you according to your request. Don't question our ability. More than ten people under me are high-end talents in various fields, you only need to provide us with the information we need, and we will be able to find out the secrets you want to know."

Hearing this, Peng Ling no longer doubted, and expressed her request in every detail.

Since Liu Wei has been in this line of work, the most work he has done is to investigate this kind of betrayal between husband and wife, and he is very familiar with it.

First, he asked for his name, age, mobile phone number, and asked for Jiang Zhihao's photo and so on.

The fee was [-], which was not worth mentioning to Peng Ling, so he directly transferred [-] to Liu Wei.

This price was mentioned by Liu Wei at a premium. I thought the other party would definitely counter-offer, and the final price was around [-] to [-].

But I didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, and 10 yuan was transferred over.

Liu Wei suddenly felt a little regretful. Judging by Peng Ling's attire and temperament, he could be seen as someone from the upper class, not to mention one hundred thousand, even two to three million, and he wouldn't even blink his eyes!

So he quickly changed his words: "Sorry, your commission seems to be a bit difficult, I need to increase the price, you can give me another 15."

She was in a bad mood, and when she met such a scoundrel, Peng Ling broke out completely.

"My surname is Liu, let me tell you, I have already given you 10 yuan, and this price is the price. Don't take this opportunity to blackmail me!"

Peng Ling slapped the table fiercely: "Do you want me to have someone call you, so that you will follow the rules?"

Liu Wei was stunned for a while, knowing that this time he encountered a hard problem, 10 yuan is already a lot, so he said quickly: "Miss Peng, I was just joking with you just now, 10 yuan is enough, now We sign the agreement."

Peng Ling kept a cold face and said nothing, didn't even read the content of the agreement, and then signed her name on the last page.

In fact, there is no content, it is nothing more than that the two parties are not allowed to disclose some information about each other.

It was not until noon that Peng Ling returned home.

Jiang Zhihao was cooking. It was his favorite braised rabbit meat.


The more Jiang Zhihao was like this, the more suspicious Peng Ling felt.

(End of this chapter)

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