Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 1 End of this testimonial

Chapter 1 End of this testimonial
(The new book "Pujiang East" is on the shelves, welcome to watch.)
The novel is finally finished.With mixed feelings, I suddenly wanted to say a few psychological words.

It has been almost a year since I registered and uploaded the Chapter 2018 manuscript on "Starting Point" late at night on June 6, 19.

The creation of this book is mainly based on three factors. First, I work and live in Shanghai, and I am familiar with the situation in Shanghai through what I have seen, heard and felt.This is my first novel. I started writing from myself and the field I am familiar with. It is meaningful and smooth.

The second is that from 2005 to 2015, in the ten years of Shanghai, like many other places in China, the huge changes in Shanghai are not too much to describe as rapid changes, and even broader.Looking at the leopard from the inside, we can try to reflect the vicissitudes of the world and the great changes of the times from this novel.

Finally, there are many "Shanghai drifters" among foreigners in Shanghai. I think there are not many works about the work and life of foreigners in Shanghai, or the work and life of new Shanghainese. I am willing to make such a meaningful attempt.

Therefore, the characters and plots in the novel are stories that happen around us.I also hope that in this book, I can see myself, more of you, and him.

Little people, big times.This book mainly shows the struggle of little people in Shanghai.

In the novel, under the two specific backgrounds of Shanghai and the era of reform and opening up, an inspirational story about a farm boy from other places struggling for 10 years and constantly transforming into a grown-up, the economic and social images of certain areas in Shanghai from 2005 to 2015.All-round display of life pictures with rich local characteristics in Shanghai, detailed depiction of the work and life of new Shanghainese or foreigners in Shanghai, description of the changes and development of Shanghai since the reform and opening up, reflecting the spirit of Shanghai inclusive of all rivers, telling the story A story of solidarity between individuals and the times.

The prototype of the novel comes from life, and tries to restore it to life.The name of the protagonist in the story is Wang Yiyuan, because when I was in the most difficult time in Shanghai, I really only had one dollar with me.I hope these experiences can inspire readers, who can use the mirror of literature to see, recognize and understand reality, so as to respond to concerns about reality and discover problems in reality.

Fortunately, the feedback from readers is good, especially for those who have worked and lived in Shanghai, they may feel and be more impressed.There are often unfamiliar and familiar readers who check in and contact me in the background or in the book review area.

Looking back on my own writing path, because I am not full-time, I basically use the leftovers of my spare time, and write in fragmented time in the evening and early morning.The biggest motivation comes from readers.

I remember one day, because I was really busy with work, I didn’t get home until nearly 11:30 in the evening, and I was preparing for a chapter update.At this time, a reader left a message asking why it has not been updated.I was taken aback and asked, it's already 11:30, are you still waiting for an update?The other party replied, I chased your novels, and now I have formed a habit. If I don’t read the update of the day before going to bed, I will not sleep well, as if I always feel that something is missing.

I was particularly impressed by this incident, which made me feel deeply encouraged by readers.I personally think that writing a novel, read by others, affirmed by others, can just express my thoughts and thoughts on the world view, on objectivity, on people and things, and this is the most important thing.

The biggest difficulty in writing may be my ability to express myself.Because I am not from a professional background, nor have I received any systematic professional training, I am lacking in writing methods and skills.In addition, the time for writing is still relatively short, and there is indeed a lot to learn.For example, the tension of the structure, the grasp of the rhythm, the setting of the characters, and so on.In a word, what I write by myself is far behind what I want to express and embody, and the pen in my hand cannot keep up with the thinking in my head.

Fortunately, this book won the special prize in the [-]rd Internet Original Literary Realism Essay Contest, and thanks to the great love of East China Normal University Press, it plans to publish a physical book in August this year and participate in the Shanghai Book Fair.

This is my honor, something that I never thought of when I submitted the manuscript, and it is also a great encouragement to my writing.As far as I am concerned, receiving this honor and publication is both a surprise and a feeling of lack of talent and learning, and I am sincerely apprehensive.

I would like to deeply thank for providing us amateur authors with a good writing platform where we can freely play; thanks to editors Hu Shuo, Bo Han and Qing Ning; thanks to all the judges; thanks to China Literature; thanks to Shanghai Municipal Press and Publication Bureau.

Thanks to East China Normal University Press.This is the first time for me to publish a book, and I would like to thank editor Wei Jin of the publishing house for his thoughtful and professional guidance.

It is your enthusiastic and generous affirmation and help that gave me endless motivation to continue writing, and made me return from the stories in the book to the people who created these stories.

Finally, I would also like to thank my family deeply, my wife and children.It is their selfless dedication and silent support that gave me the opportunity to practice the "literary dream" I had when I was young.

bow.Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The world of online writing is so big, I want to see it too.There is still a long way to go in writing, keep working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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