Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 10 Receiving Inspections

Chapter 10 Receiving Inspections
As soon as he got to work on Saturday morning, Wang Yiyuan went directly to Manager Ding to report, and proposed the idea of ​​making the company introduction plan into a PPT and his own design ideas.

Wang Yiyuan was a little apprehensive at first, but he did not expect Manager Ding to immediately express his affirmation and support after listening to it. He said happily that the marketing method of PPT has long existed in Taiwan, and it was first realized in the form of slides.

Manager Ding also did not expect that Wang Yiyuan, a salesman who basically had nothing to do with design, would be able to propose a PPT plan this time.In fact, the production of PPT is not such a high-level and difficult thing. It has been widely used in foreign capital and joint ventures, but in Taiwan and Shanghai companies, no one has been promoting it because they did not pay attention to it.

He thought for a while, and then said, so, I will go to the design department to coordinate two people to come over, fully cooperate with you, and try to get the first draft out today and tomorrow, and we will review it together tomorrow afternoon.

Wang Yiyuan did not participate in the business scheduling meeting in the afternoon, but devoted himself to the production of this PPT with two colleagues from the design department.On Sunday afternoon, according to Wang Yiyuan's idea, several people worked hard and finally integrated a brand new PPT report plan.

The whole plan is contrary to the conventional expression method of simply introducing the basic situation of the Taihu company in the past, and it is refreshing to extract a brand-new idea of ​​a personalized one-stop customer printing management solution, and clearly positions the Taihu company as a mid-to-high-end printing company. The overall supplier of packaging solutions has put forward the company philosophy of focusing and creating customer value.

In this plan, in the form of PPT, it not only shows the advantages of Taihu Company in product design, production equipment, process research and development, production cycle, logistics distribution, payment and settlement methods, etc., the introduction focuses on From customer strategy communication to R&D design, material procurement to sample production, mass production to packaging assembly, and finally providing customers with fast and safe logistics and distribution services, Taihu Company can provide customers with personalized packaging and printing overall solutions, A lot of explanations and illustrations have been made in providing pre-press, India-China and post-press whole industry chain services.

After viewing the PPT, Mr. Xiao, Manager Ding, and Manager Sun were overjoyed with the proposal and creativity of this personalized one-stop customer printing management solution, as well as the refinement of the positioning and concept of Taihu Company. They are quite satisfied with the production of this PPT. , full of praise.

Mr. Xiao said with emotion that this plan, the company's positioning and philosophy, have been refined very well and in place. It has grasped the company's reality and is in line with our beautiful vision.

He said, especially this personalized one-stop printing solution, the idea is novel and refreshing, at least I haven’t heard such a concept from my peers so far, even if it is a similar concept and statement, it should be one of our company’s It is a pioneering work, which can completely become an important starting point for our public relations of the national hosiery industry this time.

Manager Sun took over the conversation and said, "It's very good, it's from the bottom of my heart. These words have touched our hearts. I wonder why no one in the company has done this before."

Just as Manager Ding wanted to explain, Mr. Xiao went on to say that in two days, the business department was able to come up with such a nearly perfect plan, and it seems that a lot of work has been done.He looked at Wang Yiyuan with a smile, and jokingly said, Xiao Wang, the younger generation is awesome.I think you can go directly to the advertising company to do copywriting.

He cleared his throat, and continued, based on this PPT, on behalf of the company, I decided to award Wang Yiyuan the Star of the Company, and the award will be doubled.Congratulations, Wang Yiyuan.Everyone applauded loudly.

The company convened production, business, design and other relevant personnel, once again discussed some details of the PPT, improved and perfected it.In the end, Mr. Xiao decided that, as the highlight of the inspection day, Wang Yiyuan was responsible for the explanation and introduction of this part of the content.

Soon it was Monday morning.Wang Yiyuan arrived at the company at seven thirty.According to the reception plan, the customer first went to the VIP room of the Taihu company for a short rest, visited the exhibition room, then went to the workshop, and then went to the conference room to listen to the company's report.

Wang Yiyuan walked slowly along the customer visit route, and found no omissions or carelessness.

In the past few days, under the personal supervision of Manager Sun, the factory area has also been rectified. The office, exhibition hall, workshop, especially the divisions of each section, toilets, canteens, etc. have been thoroughly cleaned up. The entire workshop looks very clean and tidy. Although the workers are busy, the overall environment seems to be orderly and orderly.

At 08:30, President Xiao, Manager Ding and Manager Sun also arrived at the company successively.The company immediately held a joint morning meeting of the business department and the production department, emphasizing some key points in the reception of the National Hosiery Industry.

Just after nine o'clock, the Odyssey of National Hosiery Co., Ltd. drove into the Taihu Company, and five people got out of the car in turn, Mr. Li, Sun Wen, the production manager, the warehouse supervisor, and Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Mr. Xiao, Manager Ding, and Manager Sun rushed forward to shake hands with them one by one, and let them into the VIP room.

In the VIP room, Wang Yiyuan introduced the personnel of both sides, and the host and guest exchanged business cards.After a few pleasantries, the group went to visit the showroom and production workshop of the Taihu company.

Mr. Xiao personally explained the exhibition hall. He introduced the development history and current situation of Taihu Company, focusing on the main products of the company, some major customers served, honors received and so on.The production workshop is guided by Manager Sun. From the design department, film production, pattern making, to the production workshop, from production equipment to post-processing, to packaging and warehouse delivery areas, he gave a detailed introduction all the way, and answered the customer's questions. Some questions raised on the spot.

After that, a group of people came to the meeting room to listen to the official report of the Taihu company.This time, Wang Yiyuan first reported.Cooperating with the PPT, Wang Yiyuan explained in detail the personalized one-stop customer printing management solution of Taihu Company.

Wang Yiyuan introduced that the core of the personalized one-stop customer printing management solution proposed by Taihu Company is to focus on customer needs, from the customer's order and request, to design and plate making, printing on the machine, and post-processing , Warehouse logistics, and finally reach the hands of customers, allowing customers to enjoy the convenience of one-time completion or one-step completion, and no longer need to run around, which saves time and improves efficiency. One-stop system service.

During the period, Wang Yiyuan noticed a detail during the explanation. Mr. Li always tapped the table with his fingers from time to time while listening. Sun Wen, Xiao Xiaoxiao and others also took notes.

Afterwards, Manager Ding introduced the relevant qualifications, quality certification and some successful cases of Taihu Company.Then the two sides exchanged answers to some related questions.

During the period, although President Li of National Hosiery did not express any specific opinions, he seemed to be very interested in Taihu Company's personalized one-stop customer printing management solution, and asked Wang Yiyuan a lot of related questions. One answered.

Unknowingly, it was almost noon, and Mr. Xiao invited Mr. Li and his party to have lunch. Mr. Li was very cheerful, but he did not agree to go out to eat.So the group had a light meal in the company's small cafeteria.

After eating, Mr. Li and the others didn't stay any longer, and went back home.At the time of parting, because the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon, Taihu Company gave each person of Guoli Hosiery two boxes of mooncakes as a holiday gift.

Mr. Xiao summoned Manager Sun, and Manager Ding and Wang Yiyuan had another short meeting.At the meeting, everyone felt that today's reception should be regarded as a success, and the preparations were relatively adequate, especially Wang Yiyuan's personalized one-stop customer printing management solution was quite outstanding.

He also revealed that before leaving, Sun Wen, the manager of the National Hosiery Industry, asked him for the PPT information, saying that it was their President Li's intention.But whether this investigation can be completed in the end, we still need to wait.Mr. Xiao emphasized that Wang Yiyuan should not slack off and continue to follow up, so the meeting ended.

Until this time, Wang Yiyuan's heart, which had been tense because of the reception of the National Hosiery Industry, relaxed slightly. He returned to his seat and let out a long breath.

Wang Yiyuan sent text messages of thanks to Sun Wen and Xiao Xiaoxiao respectively.Sun Wen did not reply.Xiao Xiaoxiao replied with three playful heads with tongues sticking out, and one more sentence, where's your mooncake?And sister Sun is also asking.

Wang Yiyuan replied, ha ha.There are some.He then sent another text message, in order to avoid suspicion, I will not send it directly, the moon cake is too big, it is inconvenient, just a few consumption cards, I will send it to you today, as a way of expressing my heart.

Wang Yiyuan gave Sun Wen a 2000-yuan consumption card and Xiao Xiaoxiao a [-]-yuan consumption card, and delivered them to them after get off work.

In the next few days, because the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, Wang Yiyuan was busy sending gifts to his various client units, some were moon cakes, some were cards, and everyone in each client unit that Wang Yiyuan thought was necessary, tried to cover everything.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is September NO.18, which happens to be Sunday.That night, Song Lixin was the host, Yu Erni was the chef, Ren Ziping was the four-eyed chef, Wang Yiyuan brought out the mooncakes, master Yang Guoqing pulled two boxes of beer, and everyone set up tables and chairs in the middle of the yard. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, drinking wine and watching the moon.

Because Wang Yiyuan was happy, he drank a little too much and felt a little dizzy, so he stopped going out with them to karaoke and went to bed early.

In the middle of the night, Wang Yiyuan was awakened by a high urge to urinate.After going downstairs to urinate, he picked up his phone to check the time, and saw dozens of unread text messages on the phone. Wang Yiyuan opened them one by one. Most of them were Mid-Autumn Festival blessing messages. Funny thing is, there are more than a dozen text messages Except for the sender, the content is almost the same.

Scrolling down again, Wang Yiyuan found that there was still a unique text message written by Xiao Xiaoxiao: It may not be that Su'e was mistaken and regretful, Yuchan is cold and lonely.

Although Wang Yiyuan was sober at this time, he couldn't figure out the meaning of Xiao Xiaoxiao's text message after thinking for a long time.He sighed for a long time, and tentatively replied, "It's Mid-Autumn Festival again, it's only a very good month, and it doesn't make people round."But after waiting for a long time, Xiao Xiaoxiao didn't reply.

(End of this chapter)

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