Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 535 A Quiet Gardening Field

Chapter 535 A Quiet Gardening Field
After seeing off the guests and returning, Wang Yiyuan went over to the poker table and sat down, looking at the poker cards and asked casually, "Old Ren, did Mr. Wu tell you what's going on tonight?"

Ren Xueming shook his head and said, "Boss Wu just said that a distinguished guest came tonight and he wanted to tell us something. He didn't say much about it."

Wang Yiyuan smiled and said nothing.Seeing this, Xiao Xiaoxiao on the side asked, "Sister Yuan, didn't Mr. Wu go to the urban area a few days ago, why did he plan to make a big move as soon as he came back?"

Sister Yuan is concentrating on drawing cards.She grabbed a card, looked at it, replaced it with another card, and then said: "Don't come to trick me, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to talk about his work, I basically won't ask. "

"Since the people here tonight are all people related to real estate, I think they should also have something to do with the real estate industry?" Sister Yuan continued, "Don't worry, since he let you stay, it should be a good thing, Old Wu You should already know how people treat their friends."

Du Jianfeng winked at Wang Yiyuan and Ren Xueming, pointed to the door, and signaled them to talk outside.So the three of them slipped out quietly.

The three of them sat down in the study, and Ren Xueming looked at Wang Yiyuan, also looking ignorant.He said: "We really only notified Mr. Wu in the afternoon. I really don't know what will happen."

Holding an orange in his hand, Du Jianfeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know."

Du Jianfeng thought for a while and said, to be exact, I don't know.But if the guess is right, it should be related to something that Mr. Wu has been proposing?
Wang Yiyuan said: "Boss Wu said a few more words to me. He asked me to prepare in two aspects. One is the development of real estate projects, and the other is land reserve."

Du Jianfeng played with the orange in his hand for a while, and said: "Xiao Wang, if you remind me like this, I think of something. You should know something about it, Mr. Ren."

He thought for a while and said, "That's right. Wu's head office had a plan before going public. It wanted to set up a real estate M&A fund. The main purpose was to buy and store land for development for listed companies."

Wang Yiyuan and Ren Xueming thought for a while and said, "It seems that Mr. Wu has mentioned this plan before, and it should be his long-standing idea."

Du Jianfeng said: "Now that the company has not been successfully listed, the capital has obviously been affected. In addition, there are many things that need to be dealt with aftermath, so I didn't mention it much after that."

He said: "In the current real estate market situation, many small and medium-sized real estate companies are having a hard time. At this time, the price of land should be the most suitable time. Mr. Wu brought this matter up again. I guess there are nine out of ten related to this matter."

Ren Xueming chuckled and said, "Old Du, your analysis makes sense. It's just that we don't have the skills to participate in such a big project. What's the point of keeping us here?"

You don't know, Mr. Wu introduced the management at this time, just to promote this matter in a fair and just way?

Wang Yiyuan also said: "If this is the case, what can't be said, Mr. Wu can tell us in advance?"

Du Jianfeng said: "You have to know that bosses of their level will not talk nonsense and will not make nonsense promises. As long as the matter has not been finalized, maybe there are still variables, and they will not say anything. Words. Mr. Wu can say those two sentences to you, which is already very rare."

"Then what can we do about this matter?"

Ren Xueming stood up, thought for a while, and said: "Old Du's analysis, I am afraid it still has something to do with our consulting company. After the restructuring of the consulting company, all the forces related to real estate have stayed in your real estate research institute. Then this If you analyze it, you will understand, go around and go around, the final foothold is still in the research institute."

Du Jianfeng ended the topic and said: "In this way, your research institute will really have something to do. But I still think this is also an opportunity for you, Xiao Wang, to gain a real foothold in the research institute. You must really grasp it."

"My chance, what is my chance?" Wang Yiyuan couldn't help asking.

Ren Xueming and Du Jianfeng looked at Wang Yiyuan and laughed without saying a word.

Wang Yiyuan thought for a while and said, "I seem to understand now. Why did Mr. Wu entrust the management of the research institute to me today, and he got it to avoid suspicion? In this case, he said before Those ambiguous words can be said in the past."

The three of them discussed it, and they all agreed in the end. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and it will depend on the situation.

Wang Yiyuan felt that he had nothing to do now anyway, so he was going to go upstairs to rest for a while.Xiao Xiaoxiao saw Wang Yiyuan go upstairs, and followed him after a while.

After entering the room, Xiao Xiaoxiao said: "Just now I asked Lao Zhu specifically, and said that Mr. Wu and these guests went to Mr. Zhou's room to discuss matters. Lao Zhu also personally sent them fruits and cigarettes of."

Wang Yiyuan said: "Oh, why did you go to Mr. Zhou's room?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao said: "Did you forget? Mr. Zhou's houses were redecorated by his own company later. Compared with our room, the facilities and equipment inside are better. There is nothing special about this. "

She asked again: "What's going to happen to Mr. Wu?"

Wang Yiyuan said: "The analysis of Lao Ren and Lao Du just now said that it may be that Mr. Wu wants to set up a real estate merger and acquisition fund."

"Is it possible that Mr. Wu wants to develop some new projects?" Xiao Xiaoxiao said, "Mr. Wu's own company is a real estate company. If he wants to develop a project, Mr. Cao and Mr. Lin are related, so you and Mr. Ren and the others basically Doesn’t it fit the boundaries?”

Wang Yiyuan took off his coat and hung it up, and said: "I don't know either. Since Mr. Wu has ordered, I will check the real estate market on the Internet for a while. I have been busy these days, and I don't know what the real estate industry is like." Isn’t there some big news related to it?”

Xiao Xiaoxiao said: "Then you should be busy first. I'll check the situation later."

After browsing the news on the Internet, I didn't find any major news and changes related to the real estate industry recently.Wang Yiyuan opened the window to let the cool breeze blow in.Because it was the last day of the holiday, most of the tourists in the gardening field had left, and the gardening field, which had been noisy for several days, finally calmed down.

 At this point in writing, the story of this book has basically entered the finishing stage, especially in the later development of the real estate industry, it is easy to touch some problems that should not have with xxxx.To be on the safe side, plan to finish this month, you know.A lot of things have happened recently, the update may be slower and less, sorry.Thank you book friends for your company all the way, I really appreciate it.

(End of this chapter)

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