Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 69 Preparation for Research

Chapter 69 Preparation for Research

Back in the dormitory, Wang Yiyuan and Kang Ning exchanged several greeting text messages, and then began to read the materials.Lao Xie gave this information on Chongming citrus, because he came back late last night and hadn’t had time to read it carefully. He wanted to digest it first, and then add and improve some suitable content into his speech.

However, these data, although very detailed, are also very messy.Wang Yiyuan looked at it for a long time, but still didn't have a clear idea.The electric fan kept blowing the pages, but he himself gradually became tired.So he put down these materials, and lay down on the bed, wanting to rest under the quilt for a while.

Wang Yiyuan turned on the radio under the pillow and chose a channel that was broadcasting storytelling. Immediately, a copy of "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", accompanied by Shan Tianfang's unique hoarse voice, rippling in the small dormitory space .

Before he knew it, Wang Yiyuan fell into a deep sleep.After a long time, the mobile phone text message "Didi" twice, this short and piercing sound woke him up all of a sudden.Wang Yiyuan rubbed his eyes and got used to it for a while.The radio was buzzing chaotically because there was no program on the air.Wang Yiyuan turned off the radio, took the mobile phone to check, and saw that it was a text message from Hu Xue.

Wang Yiyuan opened the text message, and there was only one line, when do you want the packaging design for citrus?Only then did Wang Yiyuan remember the phone call with Hu Xue at noon, and he finally came to his senses.

What exactly does this Hu Xue mean, but such a text message was sent in the middle of the night. Thinking of her firm tone and the way she hung up the phone when she refused at noon, it was difficult for Wang Yiyuan to understand Hu Xue's change.Why did such an earth-shaking change suddenly happen in one night?Or maybe she has some worries, or something happened after noon?Wang Yiyuan was not sure of Hu Xue's real thoughts behind sending this text message.

Wang Yiyuan turned to look at the time displayed on the phone, and it was now 25:[-] in the evening.When he checked the text message again, it was [-]:[-] last night.Seeing that the time was wrong, Wang Yiyuan gave up the idea of ​​calling Hu Xue.He responded to text messages, if possible, by Thursday afternoon at the latest.I plan to take samples to Chongming on Saturday.

After waiting for a long time, there was no reply, so Wang Yiyuan rearranged the bed.He thought to himself, let her go, and wait until the time comes to see their company's design draft.So Wang Yiyuan lay down to sleep again.

The days are still busy and tedious.On Tuesday, class monitor Peng Mingqiang faxed the final number of people who participated in the Chongming inspection. All the students in the class participated, including the head teacher and two other class teachers, a total of 21 people.

By Wednesday afternoon, Wang Yiyuan still overcame the difficulties and sent the materials he should prepare, as well as the specific itinerary, to the QQ group of the class.This itinerary was finally finalized after Wang Yiyuan and Lao Xie's joint team communicated and coordinated several times, and then discussed with monitor Peng Mingqiang.

Among them, the citrus planting bases and community teams visited this time, as well as some key growers, were basically arranged by Lao Xie and the others.As for transportation, taking into account the possibility of placing luggage, it was a [-]-seater Golden Dragon bus that Wang Yiyuan contacted at the travel company. Gather at the number gate, and then set off for Chongming.As for the board and lodging, it was the best five-star hotel in Chongming that Wang Liping booked online.

As for the speech prepared by Wang Yiyuan, it was finally completed.He checked it over and over again and confirmed that he was quite satisfied overall, so he sent it to Lao Xie, as well as Ren Xueming and Du Jianfeng.

At noon on Thursday, Hu Xue sent a text message, saying that the design draft had been sent to Wang Yiyuan's mailbox.Wang Yiyuan was delivering goods outside at that time.He hurriedly finished unloading the goods, and looked at the design pattern on the computer in the client's office.Overall, I think it’s okay. When you look at the packaging, you can see the local characteristics and culture of Chongming citrus.He immediately called Wang Liping and Xiao Yunhua, urging the factory to arrange proofing immediately.

Wang Yiyuan sent Hu Xue a text message, which was received.Very good, I am preparing for proofing, thank you.But it was not until Wang Yiyuan returned to the factory for dinner at night that Hu Xue came back and asked for blessings.

baffling?Wang Yiyuan and Xiao Yunhua, Wang Liping and his wife, talked about Hu Xue's abnormalities these days.He said inexplicably, this Hu Xue has really become eccentric now, and I don't seem to have offended her in any way. Look, what text messages did she send me, and she asked me to ask for blessings, what? Means, warn me so I can take care of myself?Isn't it just asking her to design a packaging box, can you tell me about it?
But Xiao Yunhua said solemnly from the side, Lao Wang, there is not one, but a set, five of them.

Wang Liping said with a smile, this old Xiao, you are a big boy, why do you sometimes look like a second or fifth child.

Wang Yiyuan talked about recruiting salesmen again, and he asked Wang Liping, what I told you last time, about going to Xie Boss’ carton factory to find some salesmen, how did the inquiry go?
I have inquired about it a long time ago. I made a document and put it on your desk. Didn't you see it?Wang Liping was very surprised, and said, I put it there on Monday, and I thought you were not satisfied, so I didn't ask you about the result.

which office?factory?Seeing Wang Liping nodding, Wang Yiyuan said, I haven't even been in this office this week.Hey, I'm so busy this day that I can't wait to grow a three-headed and six-armed one.Oh, by the way, and this Zhou Wanqiu, I don’t seem to have seen her this week, what is she up to?
Xiao Yunhua replied, Lao Wang, she has been here.Her business has been in normal production and delivery.

Wang Liping explained, it's like this, every time sister Zhou came, you happened to be out of the business unit.However, when you say it this way, I also feel that Zhou Wanqiu might be avoiding you on purpose this week?
Avoid me?Why?Why are women nowadays so inexplicable, a virtue?Wang Yiyuan said puzzledly.

Who knows?I have to ask you.Wang Liping teased Wang Yiyuan and said.

I'm sitting upright, what's the problem?Wang Yiyuan laughed and said, let's not talk about these, and today's citrus box proofing, the two of you should pay close attention to it, the quality must be guaranteed.

Wang Liping said, the preliminary preparations will be completed at the worker's meeting tonight, and tomorrow I will stay at the factory, and we will personally make samples for you.As for the handling of the latter, Lao Xiao will keep an eye on it, and there shouldn't be any problems.

Thoughtful, Wang Yiyuan pondered for a while, and then said to Wang Liping, otherwise, we will divide the material into two types for the proofing this time. It is cheap and good quality, so that in terms of market quotations, it will also give them more choices for growers.I think it may be beneficial to our promotion this time.

Both Xiao Yunhua and Wang Liping agreed with Wang Yiyuan's idea.Wang Liping said, don't worry, I guarantee that you will be able to take it to Chongming the morning after tomorrow.

Wang Yiyuan smiled and said to Wang Liping, "It's not me, it's you.

This time it was Wang Liping's turn to be surprised. Li Guanglin, who was eating, said strangely, "Old Wang, what do you mean?"
Wang Yiyuan said to Li Guanglin, hehe, you are overthinking again.He paused for a moment, and said to Wang Liping, that’s right. When we went out to investigate this time, there might be more than 20 teachers and classmates. With so many people, we will stay in Chongming for two days. There must be a lot of auxiliary service work to do. of.For example, buying drinks and water, ordering restaurants, venue layout, and on-site accommodation arrangements, etc., all require someone to do the specific work.

Wang Liping asked, you mean to let me be your waiter?
That's the idea.Wang Yiyuan said, this time our classmates went to Chongming for inspection, and you all know that I was doing a lot of specific work.In my opinion, simply do a good job to the end.This time it’s not just you going, you go to the workshop to find a suitable female worker, and the two of you go with us to Chongming, it’s considered as the whole reception of the inspection team.

Wang Yiyuan went on to say, so, Wang Liping, when you go back to the dormitory, make a plan based on the scale of 21 people. After you show it to me tomorrow morning, you may have to contact the travel company at the latest tomorrow afternoon. Some food, drink, and even a few more blankets to cover, these things prepared in advance, moved to the car first.

Xiao Yunhua didn't speak, but just smiled at Wang Liping.Wang Liping glared at Xiao Yunhua, and replied feebly, okay.

Wang Yiyuan smiled and said, don't be so sad.Another good news for you.

Wang Liping immediately cheered up and said, what good news?

As far as you are concerned.Wang Yiyuan pointed to Wang Liping, and said, the good news is that, as the head of the inspection team, you don’t have to think about saving too much money, and don’t make it like we do in our own factory. Think about how to save money.This time I can be completely generous, and someone will pay for it anyway.In a word, don't choose cheap ones, only good ones.As long as the service is good, everything is fine.

That’s two sentences, okay, Pharaoh.Xiao Yunhua, however, lost no time in mocking Wang Yiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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