Chapter 71

After returning from Chongming Island, an extremely busy week finally passed.On Friday afternoon, Wang Yiyuan was counting this week's business in his office on Xitai Road.

Generally speaking, this trip to Chongming, in a word, the arrangement of this event has achieved the effect that everyone expected, and it is even better than expected.

However, this kind of icing on the cake, hello, me, everyone’s good things, such as the local citrus status survey conducted by Wang Yiyuan and his classmates on Chongming Island, and Wang Yiyuan’s speech on citrus brands at the coordination group exchange meeting. Needless to say, we will not repeat them here.

Wang Liping found Wang Yiyuan and said, "Old Wang, our business department has not had a party for more than 20 days for almost a month. They are all asking whether the dinner party on Saturday night tomorrow will still be held as usual?"
Of course as usual.Wang Yiyuan scratched his ears and said, has it been so long?That's fine, didn't you say that my master and the others have opinions, and they will decide the place.This time, we called Lao Xiao, who is also very busy this week.Are you busy this week?When we get off work, we'll go eat bean curd. I'll treat everyone who wants to go. I haven't eaten bean curd for a long time.

Wang Liping said with a smile, if you want to eat bean curd, you go alone, and you should enjoy the taste by yourself.Wang Yiyuan shook his head and said, it's a pity for you to eat such delicious food.

Wang Yiyuan called Kang Ning and asked her if she would like to join the business department dinner together.But Kang Ning said that she had meeting tasks on weekends and had to be on site for two days.Wang Yiyuan had no choice but to give up.

The choice of the business department's dinner party this time was beyond Wang Yiyuan's expectations. Du Yule actually found a Hunan restaurant near Xujiahui.

When these women got together, they were still so vigorous, fighting and talking without any scruples.Naturally, Wang Yiyuan had nothing to do with it, but Xiao Yunhua still couldn't let it go, and seemed a little reserved.Wang Yiyuan joked about Xiao Yunhua, Lao Xiao, don't be nervous, just treat them as ordinary people, not just as women, then you will get used to it.

Wang Liping brought Du Yule and Xie Yuqi two boxes of grapes each, and took out some loose ones and put them on the table for everyone to eat.Xie Yuqi ate several in a row and said, it was really delicious.This grape is matched with our packaging, which complements each other perfectly, and can be given as a high-end gift, which looks good on face.

While eating, Du Yule yelled for everyone to eat.Zhou Wanqiu said lazily, you two should eat more.My old lady, I was in the factory for the past two days, and I was about to throw up after eating. After picking up and packing the grapes the day before yesterday, I felt like I had done a few big jobs. I had no energy. I slept for a day and two nights in a row. recovered some.

Xie Yuqi joked Zhou Wanqiu, Xiao Zhou, why are you so inexperienced?After doing a few big jobs, shouldn't you be in good spirits after a night of sleep?How can you be like you, sluggish, like a big rooster after a battle, with a dejected look?
As long as it is not Dabai, a big cock is a big cock.My old lady is not in the mood to argue with you today.Zhou Wanqiu said calmly.

Several women roared with laughter.Although Wang Yiyuan and Xiao Yunhua did not understand, they also laughed a few times.

This week, according to the final statistics given to Wang Yiyuan by class monitor Peng Mingqiang, the quantity of Malu grapes ordered by Wang Yiyuan's students reached an astonishing [-] kilograms.According to the demand for each portion, it is divided into different packages. If calculated by the number of boxes, the usage of more than [-] boxes.

Du Yule and Xie Yuqi were surprised when they heard what Wang Liping said.

In fact, you may not know that the original order quantity may be far from that much.Wang Yiyuan explained that on the night in Chongming, I don’t know who told us about the packaging box we designed, and that it was unfairly obstructed in Malu. It might be out of righteous indignation or sympathy for us. When the final statistics were made before returning to Shanghai, the number doubled again.

It would have been a pleasure to order such a large quantity.However, there were still troubles during this period.When Zhu Feng went back to Malu, he reported that the grape growers were not willing to use the packing boxes provided by Wang Yiyuan and the others in Malu.

Wang Yiyuan discussed with Xiao Yunhua and Wang Liping, and they finally agreed that if it is not convenient to pack the grapes in the place where Malu is grown, then let the growers bring the grapes to the factory and pack them in the yard of the factory.Xiao Yunhua was still dissatisfied and said, in our own factory, they will not come here to do whatever they want.

But Wang Yiyuan still carefully told Xiao Yunhua and Wang Liping, saying, on the one hand, I will ask the selected growers to keep secrets; After all, of course, if they really want to make trouble here in the middle, we don't have to be afraid in our territory.But there is one thing, anyway, it cannot affect the normal production of the factory, and things must be done well.

After thorough consideration, Wang Yiyuan finally chose only two suppliers, but there was a condition attached to both of them. After the grapes were delivered to Wang Yiyuan's factory, they had to send someone to assist in packaging and delivery to the final customer.Because of the large quantity required at one time, the order itself is very attractive. In terms of payment, Wang Yiyuan especially proposed cash and spot goods, so the growers of the two companies finally agreed happily, and gave Wang Yiyuan an extra amount. They weigh quite a bit.

Because there is no cold storage, in order to rush the time, on the one hand, he can only ask the supplier to deliver the goods in batches. In the end, Xiao Yunhua also had to put all the workers that the factory can arrange into the battle. He worked like this for three or four days, until Thursday It was only at night that the task of grape delivery was finally completed.

Wang Yiyuan picked up the wine glass and had a drink with Wang Liping, and said, you have worked the hardest this week.Not only do you have to contact those growers to deliver the goods according to the negotiated quality requirements and time, but you also have to follow the car to the units of my classmates, and deliver them one by one. It is really hard for you.

Wang Liping said with a smile, who made me such a busy life?But having said that, I really have no way to shirk the delivery, in fact, I don't really want to go.But who said that I am the only one who knows all those people in the factory?Whoops, I really want to rest for a few days.

The Hunan cuisine in this restaurant is very authentic and tastes very authentic. According to the waiter’s introduction, it is the main raw materials of the restaurant, including rice, all smoked meat products, vegetable oil, and even some fresh peppers, garlic, etc. Transported from Hunan.

Wang Yiyuan was surprised that Du Yule, Xie Yuqi, and Zhou Wanqiu, three people from Shanghai and Jiangsu, could also eat spicy food.Xie Yuqi said, "Old Wang, do you know that my cousin and I often go to eat authentic Sichuan hot pot, of course we can eat spicy, and we also think it is delicious after eating spicy all the way.

Du Yule took over the conversation and said with a smile, besides, we heard from Liping that you went to Chongming this time, and you gained so much. The food we went to before was all our favorite food. Today we just take care of you by the way, which is considered a reward you.

Talking about the harvest of the trip to Chongming a few days ago, Wang Liping was still excited and said, so this trip to Chongming was hard work, but the result was pretty good. Did you know that this time the orange box was ordered on the spot There are more than [-] sets, [-] units, not to mention more interested ones.

Du Yule and Xie Yuqi once again expressed their surprise. They both raised their wine glasses and drank a full glass with Wang Yiyuan to express their congratulations.

Wang Yiyuan joked about Zhou Wanqiu, saying, why are you listless today, you don't even drink alcohol?Wasn't she always eloquent and eloquent in the past?If you don't talk, we will have a lot less fun.

Cut, old lady, I am too lazy to talk to you now.Now that you have your gentle hometown, you have fallen into a honeypot. My old lady knows how to be funny, so stay away from you.Zhou Wanqiu flipped through the silver, and responded to Wang Yiyuan while eating vegetables.

While drinking happily, Wang Yiyuan's cell phone rang, and he took it out of his pocket to see that it was Kang Ning's call.

 The day after tomorrow reality channel strongly recommends, let me prepare this afternoon, and the day after tomorrow will start twice a day.Thank you book friends for coming.

(End of this chapter)

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