I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 151 Wu Bozhang Comes

Chapter 151 Wu Bo is Back

Brother Gou glanced at Duan Xiaoming, snorted, and said, "You are poor people laughing at rich people for their money, typical sour grape mentality, I am not discussing with you what is meaningful, but telling you It's pointless for Wu Bo to keep fighting—"

Duan Xiaoming said: "Brother-in-law, didn't you tell me the law of wine and sewage, why did you get involved in meaning or not?"

Brother Dog changed from sitting to lying down, and said: "I'm telling you, you are you, you should be wine, and good wine, no matter who is more or less than you, as long as you are stained, then All good wine must be turned into sewage!"

Duan Xiaoming stroked his chin and replied: "You are right, but is this the end of the grievances between me and Wu Bo?"

Brother Gou closed his eyes and didn't speak.

"Hello! Brother-in-law?"

Brother Gou still didn't speak, only his chest was heaving.

"Dog brother?"

Brother Gou still didn't speak, and the hands that were clasped tightly on his chest suddenly became relaxed.

"No way, fell asleep so quickly? Tired from overwork last night? Let me tell you, you are really——really a dog—"

Seeing that Brother Gou fell asleep without speaking, Duan Xiaoming became bolder after speaking.

As a result, just as the words fell, the lying brother Gou snorted: "Huh—?"

Duan Xiaoming was too lazy to be round, and asked back: "Brother-in-law, are you still pretending to sleep with me?"

Brother Gou still didn't open his eyes: "Am I pretending to be asleep? I'm so annoying! I don't want to talk."

"I thought you were asleep. Many people envy you these days. What bothers you?"

"Okay, you don't understand my troubles, and you can't understand them either!"

"Yes, I'm sure I can't understand it, brother-in-law Wu Bo, what do you mean by that?"

"What else do you want? If you hit someone's car and ask them to pay more than 2 yuan, beat someone up and lock them in, turn around and snap your middle finger, and on the other hand, it was someone else who broke it. To blackmail Wu Bo for a sum of money, we had a few words with them, and you beat them at the beginning, but this time you treated them thoroughly, and it would be too much to do any more."

Duan Xiaoming said: "I'm going too far? I have a clear distinction between grievances and resentments. I dare to love and hate. However, since the reconciliation has been made, it shouldn't be too much, right?"

Brother Gou lay down and replied: "If there is too little money, your father will pay for it. If there is too much money, Wu Bo might figure it out one day and kill you. According to what you just said, that guy surnamed Tang is not Simple, it should leave room for you, and it will also leave room for themselves, this is a bunch of ruthless people!"

Duan Xiaoming wasn't sure if Uncle Tang and the others would go too far, so he asked, "How about I call and ask Uncle Tang?"

Brother Dog: "What are you asking? You are the best protection for yourself if you don't know anything. This matter is over. Between you and Wu Bo, just ignore him in the future and don't take the initiative to make trouble. He occasionally Play some tricks and let him play, don't be on the same level as him, remember, you are a good wine!"

Duan Xiaoming nodded: "Okay, I'm a good wine!"

Brother Gou: "Okay, I'm going to continue meditating for a while, do you have anything else to do?"


"If it's gone, get the hell out and go back to Xiaoqiang. If you don't want to go to Tian'ao, are you from Tian'ao or Xiaoqiang?"

Duan Xiaoming laughed: "Hey, I didn't learn this from you."

"What did you learn from me?"

"None of them should be treated badly. Xiaoqiang and Tian'ao are like two women. I need both of them!"

"Fuck off!"

"Okay, goodbye!"

"Get out!"

Duan Xiaoming went down from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor. When several former colleagues saw him, they surrounded him and asked him questions chatteringly.

Recently, Duan Xiaoming is a man of the hour.

Farewell for three days, and wait for each other with admiration.

"Why are bills so aggressive recently? What's the trick?"

Duan Xiaoming replied briefly: "It's all about luck, maybe the feng shui is prosperous there."

Another ex-colleague who liked to gossip asked: "I heard that you guys had a group fight last night? You got into the police, will you be sentenced?"

"It's best to shoot all those ghosts. It just so happens that our garden is short of fertilizer, so they should be buried in my house."

Everyone booed.

Wang He, known as the King of Picking Up Girls on the Assembly Line, asked, "I heard that your new Xiao Wu is very nice. Let me introduce her to you. Do you have WeChat?"

Wang He is about 1.8 meters tall. Because he is handsome, fair-faced, and eloquent, he changes girlfriends frequently. He is known as the "Pick Up Girl King of the Assembly Line", and he calls himself Xiangxi Baimian Gu Tianle.

Duan Xiaoming rarely thinks that any man is handsome, but this Wang He's appearance is indeed as handsome as 38/[-] of his own appearance.

A little menacing.

Now he actually mentioned Wu Xiaomo, although it's not a big threat, he has to be careful.

"Sister Bo, she's called Wu Xiaomo, I'll drown your spittle in one mouthful!"

"It's okay to spit, I open my mouth to catch it, do you have WeChat?"

Someone laughed at Wang He: "It's disgusting, fuck me!"

Duan Xiaoming held back his nausea and replied: "Yes!"

"Push it to me, I'll add her, and if I catch up with you, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Duan Xiaoming: "If you have it, I won't give it to you. I will chase it myself!"

Wang He: "Tsk tsk tsk, fair competition!"

Duan Xiaoming sneered: "How can you compete fairly with me? I'm like wine in a luminous glass, and you are sewage full of colors in your mind. How can you be fair?"

Before Wang He could react, Duan Xiaoming walked away.

Come and go like the wind.

"This kid is even more defiant after going to Xiaoqiang!"

Someone said to the back of Duan Xiaoming walking away.

Only then did Wang He come to his senses: "Fuck, he scolded me for being dirty, and why did he compare himself to red wine, and wine is a good thing? He still has sex after drinking, and there are beauties who only want to drink alone. How can you pick up so many girls with this pattern?"

The few people next to him were not of the same kind as him, so they dispersed.

Wang He said to himself: "If you don't give it to me, I have a way to get her WeChat. When I play her under my crotch, I will see if your heart is broken, Wine Xiaoming, haha."

When Duan Xiaoming returned to the sales department, Qin Yanjiao hadn't returned yet.

Chen Taoan, Wu Bo and others did not come back either.

Everyone saw Duan Xiaoming came back, talking in a low voice, and after a while, several people came out and surrounded him sitting in the negotiation area.

"Director Duan, what's up?"

The interrogators were from his own group.

Duan Xiaoming knew what he was asking, but he still pretended not to know what the other party asked, and politely replied: "What?"

"It's about Wu Bo and the others. Director Duan, didn't you go?"

"Oh, them! I hope they will be sentenced to three to five years!"

The onlookers were surprised.

There was another person who was not from Duan Xiaoming's team, and said in surprise: "I heard that the opponent's hand was broken, and it was disabled!"

Another said: "Nonsense, only five fingers were broken!"

Another person: "Fuck, are all five on one hand? Or two hands?"

"Why do you pay attention to this point?"

"If it's all in one hand, the other hand can still play the fifth girl. If one hand has two or three, it's too pitiful!"

Duan Xiaoming's team questioned the person and said, "Ah? It's so serious? Didn't I hear that you two reconciled in the past? Director Duan, didn't you help reconcile in the past?"

Duan Xiao understood him with a glance, but didn't speak.

The rest of the people noticed that Duan Xiaoming didn't seem very happy to talk about this topic, and were about to find an excuse to disperse, when they heard a voice from the front desk: "Director Wu Bo is back!"

Those gossiping people around Duan Xiaoming immediately dispersed and squeezed towards the sales department.

(End of this chapter)

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