I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 26 Grouping: Assembling

Chapter 26 Grouping: Assembling
Duan Xiaoming turned his head, only to realize that Wu Xiaomo appeared behind him, he hurriedly covered his A4 paper in embarrassment, before he had time to explain, the phone rang again.

An unknown mobile phone number.

The phone call happened just in time, he hurriedly avoided Wu Xiaomo's sight to relieve the embarrassment: "Hello, hello!"

"Where are you?"

It's a woman who speaks in a commanding manner.

Duan Xiaoming searched in his brain, and he didn't seem to know a woman who spoke so coolly.

He doesn't even have a title, and asks where others are as soon as he opens his mouth. This kind of tone is annoying.

It made me feel like I owed her a lot of money, or that I was her subordinate.

"Who are you, you didn't brush your teeth in the morning, did you?"

The other party was puzzled: "Huh?"

Duan Xiaoming shrugged, the other party has never heard of this old-fashioned joke?

"I said you speak so loudly! You don't care where I am!"

The other party was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "I, Qin Yanjiao, come to the manager's office on the second floor right now."

The tone of this sentence has eased a lot.


Duan Xiaoming snorted, and before she had time to say anything else, Qin Yanjiao hung up the phone.

Duan Xiaoming put away the house sales book, quickly stood up, and said to Wu Xiaomo: "The leader asked me to talk to you later."

Then he strode towards the sales department without daring to turn his head.

What's the matter?
Let Wu Xiaomo think that I have a crush on her here, writing her name to make a spring?Then step by step and look back, still reluctant to leave?

Do you want to sing a few lines: "Don't go..."

Besides, I, Duan Xiaoming, am the kind of person who hides other people's backs, and if I want to do it, I'll do it right in front of my face?

That's right, it's embarrassing.

Forget it, don't explain, go see sister Yanjiao.

Wu Xiaomo stood where she was, and was blocked by Duan Xiaoming with questions.

She thought to herself: "This kid sits here and writes my name on a piece of paper. He doesn't think that I have a part in the expulsion, does he? Then he holds a grudge and thinks about how to get revenge on me?"

Looking at the situation, it doesn't look like it.

Could it be that this kid has a crush on my sister?

Today's young people are too superficial. When they see a beautiful sister, they want to flirt.

However, it doesn't look like this.

What is he doing then?
Duan Xiaoming moved his long legs and entered the sales department.

He found that everyone looked at him abnormally.

what's going on?

You all know that I am a related account of the real hammer?

Are your eyes envious, jealous?
Envy and jealousy are useless, brother is a height that you will never reach.

Whether it's from the height or from the background.

Hate, stop hating.

My dad has hated me for many years, and I haven't become steel.

He performed a rich inner drama, walked to the second floor, and then to the door of the manager's office.

Chen Taoan's office door was open.

Duan Xiaoming hesitated to knock on the door frame symbolically. When he looked forward, he found Qin Yanjiao sitting opposite Chen Taoan, with a graceful curve.

It was early autumn, the weather was not too cold, the air was turned on in the office, and the temperature was pleasant.

Qin Yanjiao was wearing a white chiffon shirt and dark silk trousers. The shirt was thin, and a light M-shaped dark color could be vaguely seen under the shirt, which was the shape of a chest protector.

Protecting a pair of cute little animals.

After Wu Bo, Chen Taoan called Qin Yanjiao to come up, pretending to ask Duan Xiaoming how he was, with a look of pity on his talent.

Qin Yanjiao had a fairly good impression of Duan Xiaoming, so she said a few nice words.

But she didn't dare to talk about how to decide.

She heard footsteps behind her, turned her face, and said, "Come in."

What a beautiful side face, especially those curly eyelashes, bright lips and bright teeth when speaking.

Duan Xiaoming nodded and walked in.

Before Duan Xiaoming stopped, Chen Taoan couldn't wait to say: "Director Qin has been talking for you for a long time. Since you have a positive working attitude during the probationary period and you have sold a set, we have resisted the pressure from above and decided on the project that you continue try out."

After Chen Taoan finished speaking, he observed Duan Xiaoming's reaction.

Duan Xiaoming remained calm.

When I am a fool?
I just sent a notice to stop the trial, and now I am continuing the trial, and it has become Director Qin to help speak, the project has been decided?

Isn't this all arranged by my dad?
No, could it be that my father entrusted the connection, and this "relationship" found Director Qin?
In addition to having a big waist, soft hips and wide hips, Director Qin also has the ability to convince Chen Taoan?

Or, things are not so simple, and behind the scenes are actually very complicated?

Never mind, it doesn't matter anyway.

When Qin Yanjiao heard what Chen Taoan said, she understood his real intentions, because she knew that it was impossible to change his mind with just one or two innocuous words of her own, and something must have happened in the middle.

Chen Taoan saw Duan Xiaoming's calm face, so he confirmed his guess.

No wonder this kid dared to bear the punishment before and didn't justify himself. It turned out that he knew the relationship behind him.

This kid is a stubble!

Alas, it is the team's misfortune that this kind of scum stays in the team.

But since Qin Yanjiao has been called to act, let's do the whole thing.

"The group's punishment is unavoidably unreasonable. Don't take the notice from the group to your heart. Although Director Qin helped to say a lot of good things, you still have to rely on yourself for the rest, so—keep going!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Taoan made a gesture of invitation in his heart.

Please, you can go out now, please!

Duan Xiaoming glanced at the handsome Chen Taoan, and then at the glamorous Qin Yanjiao: "So, I just keep working hard?"


"Okay, thank you Sister Qin, thank you manager."

Thanks Duan Xiaoming.

He had just pissed off Qin Yanjiao on the phone, and he didn't know if she held a grudge, but now calling her sister affectionately was considered an attitude.

Qin Yanjiao's eyes lit up: "You're welcome, we'll be in groups later, would you like to join my group?"

The question is, if you don’t go to your group, should you go to Wu Bo’s group?

No, Wu Bo was pushed down, who is the new team leader?

"Why? I don't want to. If you don't want to, you don't force it. Then you go to Wu Bo's group."

Duan Xiaoming quickly replied with a playful smile: "Where is the reluctance, the surprise came too fast. Not only did the company not pursue the mistake, but the two leaders are so considerate of their subordinates. I am grateful..."

Chen Taoan interrupted him: "Okay, go get busy, I have something to discuss with Director Qin."

Qin Yanjiao smiled at him.

Duan Xiaoming replied: "Okay", then turned around and left the manager's office.

When he went downstairs and returned to the hall, everyone still looked at him strangely.

There was a word in everyone's eyes, but Duan Xiaoming couldn't guess what it was.

He didn't bother to practice his speech anymore. He felt a little tired after such a toss all morning, so he went to the in-depth negotiation area and found a sofa to lean on.

The real estate negotiation area for receiving customers can be divided into shallow and deep areas.

As the name suggests, the shallow negotiation area is an area for shallow communication, usually with a sofa and a table.

The in-depth negotiation area is equipped with backrest sofas and coffee tables, and some developers also set up independent VIP rooms.

He was holding the book of selling houses in his hand, but he didn't want to read it.

He wanted to sleep for a while, but the live music was too loud, so he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After a few minutes, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Duan Xiaoming."

He opened his eyes and realized that the person calling him was an old friend.

Huya girl Lu Feifei.

She was looking at him with blinking eyes.

"What's wrong? It's been a long time since the salesman came to the handsome guy, so you want to see my peerless beauty to replenish your motivation?"

"Poor! The manager personally hosts the new employee group this time, let's go, assemble!"

(End of this chapter)

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