I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 44 Post: Heroism

Chapter 44 Post: Heroism

Brother Gou sat down, then straightened his left leg forward to the left, and made a lunge with his right leg, with both hands on his lap, and tilted his head to look at Duan Xiaoming.

"You have a great dad, and one of the greatest dads in the world."

Duan Xiaoming didn't take it seriously: "Could it be that your father is not good?"

"Not as good as your father, because your father is rich!"

This is telling the truth.

The rarest thing among adults is to express the truest feelings in their hearts.

Although Duan Xiaoming usually thinks that Brother Gou is a dog, but with his words just now, he has a new affection for Brother Gou.

"My father is actually not that good. After my mother passed away, he hardly cared about my growth."

"Although my uncle has been busy with business all these years and neglected the small details of your growth, and he didn't care about you meticulously, but no matter how much trouble you make, he will transfer the money to you on time and in full, which proves that he loves you very much—if uncle doesn't love you You, he will give you that much money?"

"All my dad can give me is money!"

Although the seed in my heart germinated, the flower of guilt bloomed.

But he has a lot of complaints about his father's love for him in the first ten years.

Before graduating and starting work, all dissatisfaction and complaints would disappear only when my father transferred money to me.

When the money runs out, dissatisfaction begins to accumulate.

Fortunately, my father hasn't remarried for so many years.

Nor did he become a prodigal dad and donate money to those kind-hearted female college students.

I heard that some female college students, in order to comfort or even save those uncles who have successful careers but are empty and lonely, spend their precious youth and stay up late to help them resist loneliness while studying hard to complete their studies during the day.

My father is not alone, because he has his mother in his heart.

In the past year since graduation, I have lived with my dad. I thought we would get along and communicate more, but my dad travels all over the world all the year round. He still gathers less and leaves more, and his relationship has not improved much. Well, this time, he even made a scene of inviting an actor to lie to his son.

Seeing what Duan Xiaoming said, Brother Gou replied: "You can't have both, if your father spent all his energy on company with you, your entire family would not be able to have such good living conditions, including you, many Things about money may not be done very well.”

Hearing this, Duan Xiaoming raised his glass and took a sip of water.

Brother Gou was right, and he couldn't refute it.

I couldn't feel it before, because it didn't matter.

This time, I realized how important my father was to me when I realized that I lost my feeling when I got along with my "amnesia" father as a stranger.

Now knowing that he is fine, and the purpose of doing this is for myself, I am relieved, and suddenly feel that there are some things in myself that should be corrected.

It's time to go back to the company now, but I can't let Brother Gou know that I've given up.

A man can correct his mistakes, but he can't let Brother Gou know that he knows that he is wrong!
After all, who doesn't want to save face!
He put the cup on the coffee table and said, "Actually, after hearing what you just said, I really want to say sorry to my dad."

Brother Gou nodded: "Hey, that's right, Uncle's good intentions have finally had a chemical effect—"

"No! Slow down and be sensational, my dad's communication method this time, I'm sorry! I don't agree with it at all!"

A question mark appeared on Brother Gou's face.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. If you want to act in such a play with great fanfare, your acting skills are really amazing. All of them are almost at the level of actor-level performances. You really invited experts to come out together." Acting, I can’t see that you are acting, so you need to pay a lot of money to hire such a professional actor?”

He continued, as if talking to himself: "Yeah, I would rather give the money to the actor than to my son. It doesn't matter if others spend it. If my son spends it, he won't make progress and will fall down?"

"Did I use this money to eat, drink, whore and gamble? Or to make arms? No! I used it for business! Besides, when I was in college, I didn't want to treat my brothers to a meal, but my girlfriends to spend something? If you spend a little money from him a month, is it a waste of money?"

"I really don't know what he thinks. He spends huge sums of money to hire actors, and even gives himself a slap in the face, but he can't communicate well with his son. I'm just such a dandy?"

"Still doing such a big business, I don't have any commercial reputation at all. I agreed to become the top seller in three months, so I will continue to support me. In just a few days, the completed drama is almost catching up with the palace drama of the Qing Dynasty!"

As Duan Xiaoming talked, he became full of emotions!
Brother Gou didn't expect this kid to turn his face so suddenly, wasn't he still very emotional just now?

"You were fine just now, why did you become so emotional all of a sudden, you scared your brother-in-law and me, let me tell you, your sister scared me at home, and the boss at the company scared me, and now I add you to scare me— —”

Duan Xiaoming stood up directly: "Tell my dad that three months will be three months, stop playing the childish game of whether to open the watermelon or the sweet potato. If I don't become the sales champion after three months, no matter what I do Punishment, before that, I hope he abides by his basic credit and completes this gamble well—continue to support me with [-] yuan every month!"

Brother Gou didn't know why this guy was so excited all of a sudden.

It sounds like an awesome thing to say, but in fact it is doing the most cowardly thing.

Still asking for money!

You have the skills, but you directly said, "From now on, I will eat by my own skills"!

"You calm down first!"

"No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get, I'm going back to the company!"

After speaking, Duan Xiaoming walked towards the door.

Seeing that he was leaving, Brother Gou hurriedly said, "I'll transfer the deposit and information to you later!"

"You can transfer it to me. Before you subscribe, you must listen to my detailed introduction."

After Duan Xiaoming left, Brother Gou thought for a while in the office, wondering if he had said something wrong just now.

What was this kid doing in such a sudden surprise just now?

He picked up his cell phone and called Duan Zhonghua.

"Uncle, I told him everything you told me."

"How did he react?"

"At first his expression was very complicated, but later he became enlightened. However, after calming down for a while, he became emotional again and said a lot."

"Oh, talk!"

"It's just some angry words, saying that you would rather give the money to the actor than to your son. He asked me to tell you, stop playing childish games of brainstorming within three months. Before he becomes the top seller, I hope that every one of you Keep the promise every month and pay 3 yuan on time."

Duan Zhonghua was wearing a peaked cap and sitting in the car driven by Director Liu.

He turned on the loudspeaker on his mobile phone, and Director Liu could hear Brother Gou's words.

"Oh, I see."

Brother Gou said to the phone: "Uncle, why are you so indifferent?"

Isn’t the purpose of this old Duan’s hard work for so long just to enlighten his son? Why doesn’t he care if I tell him that?

"Hehe, puppy, I know my son best. He has given in. It's alright, it's okay. He will definitely work hard in the future!"

When Duan Xiaoming came across the road, he saw Wu Bo and Wu Xiaomo chatting in the square outside the sales department.

This guy, how did these two meet together?
This Wu Bo is not a good person.

Sister Xiaomo, wait, I will protect you!

(End of this chapter)

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