Far away in Moscow

Chapter 22 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 22 Preemptive Strike
The houses in this area are old, the roads are narrow, and there are few pedestrians. The three of them kept walking, and provocative whistles and abuse from skinheads came from behind them from time to time.Lu Tao is not familiar with this neighborhood, so he can only lead the way by feeling, hoping to get rid of them as soon as possible, or go to a crowded place.

Li Baoqing took another sneak peek behind him while turning the corner, and saw the six guys following them at a leisurely pace 20 meters away. Two of them had their hair completely shaved, and the other four were wearing woolen hats, so they must have been bald.

The six of them were dressed in the same way as the skinheads Yan Zhiwen had described: black leather jackets with large and small metal buckles embedded in them, and high-waisted leather boots with lace-up straps. Five of them wore black leather pants, and only one tall and thin wore A pair of camouflage trousers at the top, and a baseball bat in his hand.

Peng Song also took the opportunity to see the situation behind, panting heavily, and said, "They, they, could they just go on the same road with us?"

"I don't think so. Most likely they are here for us." Li Baoqing looked anxiously, looking forward as he walked: "There are police everywhere in the urban area, why can't we see them around here? Brother Tao, where is the subway station? "

Lu Tao didn't speak. Given the current situation, even if he saw the subway station, he couldn't go in.Once they enter that kind of closed space, the skinheads will definitely attack without any scruples, so it is safer to stay on the open street for now.He led the two of them to turn left and turn right through several quiet streets, and when he heard the scolding from behind getting more and more fierce, he lost his mind for a while.

A vicious fight seems inevitable, the opponent is large in number, strong in stature, and has a weapon in his hand, so the fight is likely to be fatal.If he and Li Baoqing ran away, they might be able to get rid of those skinheads, but Peng Song probably couldn't escape.

While hesitating, there was another intersection ahead.Lu Tao faintly heard the sound of many vehicles coming from a distance. It seemed that there was a road nearby. He was overjoyed and said to Li Baoqing and Peng Song: "After turning right ahead, you run immediately and go to the side of the road to stop the car."

"how about you?"

Lu Tao didn't answer, and when the three of them had just turned the corner, he handed over the things he bought in the market to Peng Song: "Run, I'll hold them back, and you two will call me when you get the car."

Li Baoqing and Peng Song didn't bother to agree, and ran away sullenly carrying their things.Lu Tao walked forward slowly a few steps, saw a small shop on the side of the road, and stopped to buy a bottle of beer.As soon as he took a sip from the bottle cap, he saw six skinheads turn around from the corner of his eye, less than ten meters away from him.

Lu Tao turned around and walked forward again. Seeing that Li Baoqing and Peng Song had already run away, the skinheads did not chase after them, but approached Lu Tao slowly with a smile.When Lu Tao took a few steps, they followed faster; when Lu Tao slowed down, they didn't rush forward, and they kept cursing.

Lu Tao turned a deaf ear and judged from the sound that they were still some distance away from him, but seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the intersection ahead, he guessed that Li Baoqing and the two hadn't stopped the car, and was secretly anxious, so he heard a bald man behind him shout: "Hey! You are chinese?"

Lu Tao pretended not to hear, another person said: "No, he is too short, he should be Vietnamese."

"Is there a difference? They're all like little skinny monkeys anyway."

"That's right! Hahahahaha!"

The provocative voices were endless, and Lu Tao controlled his steps, neither walking too fast, nor daring to let them get too close.When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly saw an alley in front of him. Lu Tao walked in and turned into it. Halfway through, he found that it was a dead end.When he turned around and hurriedly retreated, the six bald heads had already walked towards him.

Lu Tao's heart sank and he stood still.The alley was not too narrow, and the six people on the other side fanned out and blocked the way. One of them, who looked like a small head, walked towards him, grinning grinningly as he walked, "Ha, Vietnamese guy, I can't escape."

The tall, thin man in camouflage pants with a baseball bat seemed to be very excited. He followed the little head and twisted his waist like a big shrimp. He swung the baseball bat twice in the air, and showed a bulge to Lu Tao in high spirits. Ya: "I bought a new stick, just use this little monkey to practice!"

"Son of a son of a bitch." Lu Tao cursed coldly, smashed the wine bottle in his hand against the wall, and pointed at the little head with half of the glass bottle, forcing him to stop.The two confronted each other for a while, Lu Tao's forearm trembled, and he threw the bottle towards the tall, thin man in camouflage pants beside him.

The tall and thin man reacted very quickly, although he was only less than three meters away from Lu Tao, he quickly raised his arm to block the half of the wine bottle.

Lu Tao took advantage of the fact that they were looking at the tall and thin man, and lunged towards a small, empty-handed man with a bald head next to him.He had already made a judgment on the situation in the few seconds just now: he was too short, and he definitely had no advantage against those tall and long-armed ones, so he decided to start with the ones who were easy to deal with, and it would be easier to get out if he knocked down one more one cent.

The reason why Russian skinheads make many people talk about it is because they are numerous, strong, and ruthless.Those skinheads who hang out on the streets every day are basically young people in their 20s. They like to attack foreigners who are alone.Therefore, most of them are only brave and fierce, and have little real combat experience, let alone any fighting skills.

Seeing Lu Tao rushing towards him, the little man took half a step back and punched him.Before his fist was about to reach, Lu Tao quickly dodged it sideways, and at the same time swung his right fist upwards diagonally, hitting the little man hard on the chin.

He thought he could knock down the opponent with one punch, but he didn't expect that the little man was physically strong, but he was stunned by the beating, staring at Lu Tao with wide eyes.Lu Tao immediately slashed left and right and hit two heavy punches. His left hook hit the opponent's weakness, and his right swing hit the same part as before.The little man let out a muffled grunt, took two steps back and lay down on the ground softly.

These few strokes were clean and quick, and the other people didn't have time to help. By the time they realized it, the little man had already lost consciousness.Surprised and angry, another thick-haired bald man beside him let go of a thumb-thick iron chain wrapped around his hand, swore and raised his arm and pulled it away towards Lu Tao.

While the iron chain was still in the air, Lu Tao took a quick step forward and stretched out his left arm to support his falling arm, turned over and pressed down violently, pinning that arm tightly under his armpit, and then made a forceful movement of his body, Wanting to bend his arm over the knuckles.

This is a tactic to defeat the enemy with one blow, but the bald head has thick arms, and the clothes are thick. Lu Tao's body and strength are much worse than the opponent's. It is already very difficult to clamp his arm, but this one failed. achieve the desired effect.

The bald man raised his neck in pain, his face twitched twice, his arm could no longer move, but he still held the iron chain and slammed his wrist violently.Fortunately, his arm was restrained, his hands had lost strength, and Lu Tao's clothes were thick enough, so he didn't feel much pain when the iron chain was pulled weakly on his back.

Although there was no strength in the iron chain, such a flurry of swings by him made it difficult for the rest of his companions to approach for a while.Lu Tao clenched his right fist and punched him on the face a few times, and the man's nose immediately bled.

This guy was even more resistant to beatings than the little guy just now, and he took a few hard hits without losing his momentum, but the iron chain in his hand finally fell to the ground.Immediately, two bald heads rushed up from the side, yelling loudly and punching and kicking behind Lu Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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