Chapter 28
Dam's boyfriend is a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is only 1.6 meters tall, but his appearance is quite sunny and handsome among the Vietnamese in Ma Ji. He is somewhat similar to the popular Hong Kong singer Leo Ku. Everyone called him "Vietnamese Leo", and the boys jokingly called him "Little Leo" or "Mini Leo".

Tonight, a few Vietnamese students took the subway to a friend’s house off-campus to have a New Year’s Eve dinner. After arriving at the station, Dam and others got off the bus one after another, but they didn’t see their boyfriend coming out for a long time.

At that time, the evening rush hour had not yet passed, and the subway station was crowded with people. They thought it was the tall Russians around them covering their sight, and they didn't pay much attention to it. It was not until the doors closed that they found a few big bald heads in the compartment who were beating a person violently. Surrounded in the middle is the little Gu Juji.

Seeing the train start slowly, the Vietnamese students turned pale with fright and hurriedly sent Dam to call the police for help, while the rest boarded the next train to search along the way.When they finally found the unconscious little Gu Juji on the platform of the terminal station ten stations away, he was beaten to a bloody state and his facial features were deformed.

According to several eyewitnesses at the terminal station, they saw a group of skinheads in the carriage beating little Gu Juji to death with belts and iron chains, and walked away as soon as the door opened. An ambulance was called.

The Vietnamese students rushed to the hospital with the ambulance. Fortunately, Gu Juji suffered mostly contusions and was not in great danger. He only had multiple fractures in the bridge of the nose and brow bones, and a few broken teeth. His entire face was swollen abnormally. It is no longer recognizable from its original appearance.Dam and others stayed in the hospital until he woke up from a coma and fell asleep again before returning to the dormitory.

After the Vietnamese female student briefly narrated what happened to the mini Leo, Dam was next to him with snot and tears, crying so hard that he couldn't speak.Knowing that they were still hungry, Yu Feifei hurried to the kitchen to prepare meals. Hu Yi comforted Dam in a few words, smacked her lips and sighed, and left in a hurry.

When I returned to my dormitory, the tables and chairs had returned to their original positions, and the room was quiet and empty, only the snoring of Peng Song next door appeared and disappeared.Hu Yi collected the empty wine bottles on the ground, and opened the window to disperse the stale air in the room.

The biting cold wind blowing in with snowflakes made him shiver, and he hurriedly took his coat and wrapped it around his body.After a moment of ecstasy, he remembered the tragic situation of little Gu Juji.Reminiscent of the encounters between Lu Tao and Li Baoqing, Bayin and Persimmon Face, Hu Yi couldn't help feeling palpitated, wondering how to deal with it if it was his turn.

Gritting his teeth and staring at his wild thoughts, Li Baoqing stepped on the mop board and returned to the house. Hu Yi turned his head and said, "Are you going to see Martha off?"

"Yes! I just sent him off." Li Baoqing had a happy smile on his face, hummed an out-of-tune tune, took off his coat and hung it on the wall, walked to Hu Yi's side and hugged him by the shoulder: "Old Hu—now There is no one else in the room, and I have to criticize you."

Hu Yi was taken aback: "Huh? What's the matter?"

"There's something wrong with you tonight. Not happy, very unhappy!"

"What's the matter?"

Li Baoqing squinted his eyes and hiccupped: "Today is Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year. New Year's Eve, right?"

"That's right." Hu Yi was puzzled.

"I know, you don't like Peng Song. To be honest, I also have a problem with him. But even if Peng Song is wrong in every way, shouldn't the New Year's Eve have to save him some face? He cooks with good intentions You made a stir-fry for everyone, you’re lucky, you just didn’t move your chopsticks! You didn’t even taste it, isn’t it a bit... tsk, too obvious?”

"Oh... you're talking about this... um..." Hu Yi drew a long voice, then turned to look at Li Baoqing: "Hey? How much did you drink tonight? Are you uncomfortable?"

"I drank... half a catty of vodka, and four or five bottles of beer. I wanted to vomit a few times but I didn't vomit it out. Now I feel like it's almost piled up in my throat. My head hurts. Hehe, my face hurts too."

Li Baoqing smirked a few times as he rubbed the scar on his face, slammed his head, withdrew his hand from Hu Yi's shoulder, and said solemnly, breathing alcohol, "You...don't change the topic, I'm criticizing you!"

Hu Yi pursed his lips for joy, lit a smoke and said, "Okay, please continue, I'm all ears."

"Peng Song has some problems, but his nature is not bad. I know that you got angry at him several times just to fight for me, but I don't care about those things anymore, why are you still holding on to them? ?”

Li Baoqing touched a cigarette and put it in his mouth, shook his head and continued: "Your old Hu is quite good among Maji Chinese people, everyone gives you face, and Peng Song even takes a mouthful of Brother Hu and Brother Yi But you have to behave... Well, be generous, you can't bully Peng Song just because you hate him, it's not good."

Hu Yi tilted his head slightly, and looked at Li Baoqing dumbfounded: "I didn't bully him, did I?"

Li Baoqing raised his head and made a haha, stretched out his hand and pointed twice on Hu Yi's chest: "You...don't think I drank too much. I saw what happened tonight clearly and clearly. You just wanted to give Peng Song embarrassment. What do you mean when you keep looking at me sullenly when I eat chicken? No matter who picks up a piece of spicy chicken on the table, you stare at him for a long time. You didn't move, you must have said something to her in advance, right? Why do you say you are so... so awesome? Are you doing this okay? Why bother? Why bother? "

Li Baoqing shook his head and sighed, the more he talked, the more excited he became.Hu Yi hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "To be honest, the fried spicy chicken is quite good. you know why I don't eat it? Do you know why I look at you?"

"No matter why, I think your approach is problematic! You are obviously trying to squeeze out Peng Song." Li Baoqing bent down and patted the window sill a few times in grief: "We are all Chinese, and we don't shit here. Living in a broken place is not easy, so don’t cause disunity because of trivial things, OK? I ate half of the pot of chicken tonight, why? Aren’t you afraid that Peng Song will feel bad!”

"Oh, you are such a good person. Actually, that chicken... that chicken..." Hu Yi sighed with a half-smile, and said vaguely, "It fell into the toilet."

"What?!" Li Baoqing suddenly put away his preaching expression, and returned to his usual naive look: "What... what is it? Where did it fall?"

"That chicken fell into the toilet, and it has been turned around several times." Hu Yi flushed the toilet and pointed: "If you don't believe me, go and see, maybe there is still chicken fat on it that hasn't been flushed away."

Li Baoqing stared straight at Hu Yi: "Really??"

"We've known each other for so long, have I ever lied to you?" Hu Yi said with a smile in a low voice: "Think about it, did Peng Song eat his fried spicy chicken?"

"It seems... It seems... Huh? I didn't pay much attention..." Li Baoqing's eyes gradually became messy, and he said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Hu Yi spread his hands: "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't find a suitable opportunity. Later, I saw the stew you ate, so I couldn't bear to say it. Don't worry, nothing but Feifei and I , other people don’t know, they also ate a lot with you.”

"I don't know, but it's better!" Li Baoqing was furious, and stretched out his hand to press his chest: "You might as well not tell me, it's disgusting!"

Hu Yi said aggrievedly: "I didn't intend to tell you, but you have to ask me why I don't eat chicken, and you can't help explaining that you have given me a lot of hats. I was also afraid that you would misunderstand and be forced to be helpless, so I honestly confessed."

Li Baoqing bit his lip and took a few deep breaths, but said nothing.Hu Yi suppressed his smile and comforted: "It's okay! You just pretend that nothing happened. You can't see it. In fact, it won't be dirty after frying. Nausea is just a psychological effect. Just don't think about it. .If you don’t believe me, think about it carefully. Didn’t you feel any strange smell when you ate it?”

Li Baoqing pondered quietly for a while, then suddenly his throat moved a few times with difficulty, he turned around and went straight to the toilet, and vomited wildly while hugging the toilet.The sky was dark and the sky was dark, the eyes were full of stars, and the tears flowed out. Then he got up and cursed in a hoarse voice: "You bastard, you rabbit... ouch... vomit..." Hastily bowed down to the toilet again.

Hu Yi held the door frame of the bedroom and burst into tears, and kept bowing to Li Baoqing: "Blame me, blame me. I didn't expect you to react so strongly. If I knew this, I would rather be misunderstood for the rest of my life and not tell you."

Li Baoqing rinsed his mouth three times, leaned on the door frame of the toilet, and gasped heavily.It happened that Peng Song was woken up by urination, and went out sleepily to go to the toilet. Seeing the crystal tears hanging from the corners of their eyes, he yawned in a daze and muttered: "Oh, why miss you so much during the festive season? It’s sad, let’s celebrate the New Year happily.”

"Get lost!" Li Baoqing growled, rushed into the bedroom with a mournful face, and slammed the door hard with his backhand.

(End of this chapter)

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