Chapter 292

Two days later, Li Baoqing came back in a hurry.He checked his lumbar spine in a domestic hospital, and the doctor's suggestion was to receive treatment for a period of time.But he was keenly aware that there was a golden opportunity in front of him, so he flatly refused.

As soon as he returned to Moscow, Li Baoqing immediately searched for stalls in several markets such as Lyublino, and wanted to transfer the original price of the best place in his hand to Hu Yi.

Hu Yi did not accept his kindness, but left a key: "Lend me the booth for use, and I will return it to you after I finish disposing of the goods on hand. As for the rent, you can figure it out."

"You want to leave?" Li Baoqing has faintly sensed Hu Yi's thoughts for a few days, and now he heard him say it himself, and he felt very sad: "Both Jiahui and Uncle Yu have decided to transfer their business to Liubrino. You can stay too. The container is no longer good, and Liubrino will definitely become popular in the future, and we are still making a lot of money together, so happy!"

"Yeah, how wonderful it would be to make money happily together!" Hu Yiyou sighed, and smiled sadly: "But if everyone can only rely on gray customs clearance to do business in the future, then this Liubrino's just the next container market."

Li Baoqing nodded sadly.After a long while, he coughed softly: " boy...plan to go back to the country again?"


"Hey, that's fine. Anyway, you and your wife are also the ones who snatched things from the horse bandits, so it's fine to go back to China and hide." Li Baoqing lowered his eyelids resentfully: "Go back and get angry again, and then come back in a few months." Come back in a daze?"

"Haha, that might be. Who knows what will happen in the future, at least. I will come back and take a look." Hu Yi stood by the window and looked at the distant scenery, slowly showing a calm smile: "Moscow There are many things that I will never forget, but here to me... it will always be just a foreign land."

"A foreign land...a foreign land..." Li Baoqing repeated several times in a low voice, frowned and said disdainfully: "You have returned to your hometown, isn't Natasha going to follow you and leave your hometown?"

"She is not from here." Hu Yi turned to look at Natasha: "Honey, tell Baoqing, where is your hometown?"

"My hometown? Minsk."

"So... what kind of existence is Moscow in your heart?"

"Moscow?" Natasha pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "I have lived here for many years, and I have left many... memories. After all, our current home is here, so Moscow... should be regarded as my second hometown Bar."

"Second hometown?" Li Baoqing asked, "Then are you willing to leave here?"

"If Anton wants to leave, I will leave with him." Natasha nodded firmly: "My home is where he is."

Li Baoqing couldn't help laughing: "Damn, you two are really a couple, you are a good match."

"That's not bad?" Hu Yi triumphantly hugged Natasha: "Honey, no matter where I go, you will be with me, right?"

"Of course." Natasha snuggled into his arms with a happy face: "I said, even if you go to the North Pole, I will be with you."

"What if I go to the moon?"

"I am with you."

"What about going to Mars?"

"Even if we go to the sun, we will be together."

"Oh my god! I'm so sour!" Li Baoqing grinned and shrank back: "You two can go wherever you like! Find a place where no one is there!"

Hu Yi laughed out loud, Natasha blinked twice, and said seriously: "But Anton, I have a wish to go back to China this time."

"What wish?"

"I want to go back by train." Natasha looked at Hu Yi and Li Baoqing who were a little surprised and smiled, "I used to hear you and Feifei talk about the six-day train ride. I also want to experience it."

"This proposal is good." Hu Yi narrowed his eyes, fascinated: "I heard that the train has been upgraded, and the facilities are much better than before. Just in time, the two of us will take a romantic trip across Europe and Asia .”

With the help of Anna and others, the more than 70 bags of pants in the hands of Hu Yi and Natasha were sold out in a short time.Since the container market had just been blocked, all kinds of commodities were very popular for a while. Although Natasha did not deliberately pursue the price, she made a net profit of more than 100 million rubles in the end.

Hu Yi settled Fu Jiahui's payment without any mistakes, left enough cash to spend on the way back to China, and remitted all the rest back to China.

Fu Jiahui and Yu Shu remitted a total of 30 RMB to Hu Yi's domestic account as a reward for helping them avoid a large loss.Hu Yi didn't refuse this time, nor was he polite, so he accepted it happily.

As for Yuri's $26, Hu Yi has already made proper arrangements.Although it was ill-gotten gains, the money indirectly made them suffer a lot, and it was reasonable to take out some as compensation.

He left thirty thousand for himself and Natasha, and the rest was divided into several shares.The largest one is used to thank those who helped a few days ago, especially Dajana and his wife and Lu Tao.There are also gifts for the tall black hair, Yabalov, Tanya and Da Liu.

The least one was given to Li Baoqing.He was robbed of the goods by the horse bandits back then, not to mention hurting his waist, and he still owes a whole lot of money for the goods, and has been demanded by the creditors for two years.And he was killed by Yuri nine out of ten, so it is reasonable to take some money to help him repair the hole.

The last one, Hu Yi entrusted Anna to donate it to the town in the name of "Friends of Abalensk" after he left, and sent greetings from friends by the way.

Everything was arranged, and the day of final parting came at last.

Hu Yi shaved his beard clean, and restored the appearance of a young boy in the past, but some years of wind, frost and marks were added to his face. After all, he was no longer the ignorant boy who walked off the train nine years ago.

He and Natasha hugged and bid farewell to all the people who came to see them off. After the train started, it slowly drifted away, and kept waving at the window, watching every familiar figure on the platform disappear into the night.

a few days later.

The excitement and novelty of boarding the train for the first time had long passed. After eating in the dining car, Hu Yi stared at the vast wilderness outside the window in a daze.

"Honey." Natasha returned from the box, smiled at Hu Yi, and held up a photo album in her hand: "I have carefully selected some photos of you in the car these days, and some of them were brought back from my home in China. , and the photos of these years are all in it. Maybe you can see from this photo album... the road you have traveled in Moscow these years."

"Really? You are so caring." Hu Yi smiled and took the photo album, and slowly flipped backwards from the first page.

The young group photo in the small town of Zabaikal, the school gate of Madi, the silly commemoration of taking the subway for the first time, the front of the church on Red Square, the statue of the Pushkin couple on Arbat Street, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier next to the Kremlin, and the cruise ship on the Moscow River , the old tanks in the Military Museum, the woods behind the Friendship University, the Christmas Eve dinner in the dormitory in Building 6, the celebration on the Victory Square, the Yellow Sea Restaurant standing side by side with Lao Wei, the restaurant that failed to open, the first meeting with Natasha Group photo, shoulder to shoulder with Fu Jiahui in the box, wearing a ribbon for the graduation ceremony, the newly furnished small home, standing next to the old Opel car to pretend to be cool, half of the box opened with a beaming Xiang Nan on his shoulders, and a few days A big group photo taken with all my friends who are still in Moscow.

The self in each photo is very familiar, yet slightly unfamiliar.In other words, a sense of distant familiarity.

The self in each photo has changed from the previous one, making it easy for him to think about what happened at that time.

Hu Yi's eyes were a little moist.He closed his eyes hard, looked up at the other passengers in the car.Everyone was busy with their own work, but no one noticed a man with a complex expression sitting here.

Hu Yi turned his gaze out of the car window again, smiling at the winding railroad tracks ahead.The melodious accordion accompaniment came from the radio in the car, and the rough singing was unknowingly entangled with his thoughts.

clanking wheels
The train flies
someone talking and laughing
someone sitting bored
someone sings softly
someone is already in dreamland
The train goes down this path
through this beautiful place
through this beautiful place
Xiaolu, Xiaolu
you know my unusual life
There are not many journeys left
I'm going back to my hometown soon

Xiaolu, Xiaolu
You have seen so many extraordinary years

But our journey is running out

because the front is
my hometown


On July 2009, 7, a delegation from the Ministry of Commerce of China set off for Moscow to negotiate on Russia's closure of the Cherkizovsky market.

TASS news agency reported on October 10 that the Moscow city government removed the Cherkizovsky Grand Market from the list of local retail markets, which has legally ceased to exist.

A year later, the former Moscow mayor, who had been close to Geliman, owner of the big Cherkizovsky market, was sacked, ending his 18-year tenure.

The Russian Satellite News Agency reported in 2017 that the Moscow State Arbitration Court confirmed that the all-powerful super-rich Teliman Izmailov had gone bankrupt.Its ultra-luxury hotel Mardan Palace in Antalya, Turkey was acquired in 2018.

After the closure of the container market, the Lyublino market quickly rose to replace it and became the main gathering place for Chinese businessmen in Moscow, and various expenses such as shop rents also skyrocketed.

However, as expected by Hu Yi, various long-standing disadvantages of the container market have also been retained.In the following years, scenes of familiar storylines are still repeated in the Lyublino market.

Li Baoqing grabbed a fortune during the great development of the Liubrino market. Later, he partnered with others to open a travel agency and hotel in Moscow, and his business was very prosperous.

However, he missed the best opportunity for treatment because of this, and the two injured lumbar discs continued to wear out. After a few years, he returned to China and underwent artificial disc replacement surgery.

After returning to China, Li Baoqing tied the knot with Yu Feifei, who had been infatuated with Yu Feifei for many years, and then moved to Kuala Lumpur.

And Hu Yi started a new career and life in China.He and Natasha registered their marriage at the end of the year, and gave birth to a pair of twin daughters named Huna and Husha the following year.

Full text end

(End of this chapter)

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