Far away in Moscow

Chapter 3 Train 19

Chapter 3 Train 19

There was no one on the playground, and large flakes of snowflakes were flying in the bitter cold wind. Hu Yi wrapped his coat tightly, and stepped on the thick snow towards the low wall beside the playground.

When he was faltering, he suddenly heard a loud shout from the dean behind him: "Hu Yi! Get back to class!"

Hu Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly looked back, only to find that the dean who had hurriedly chased him had turned into a weird blonde.He didn't have time to think about it, he climbed up to the top of the wall in three steps and jumped down.

Seeing that the ground was not far from his feet, but his body seemed to be floating in the air and could not land for a long time, Hu Yi felt very strange. He planed and kicked in the air with his hands and feet in vain, but he had no leverage at all.While panicking, Yuquan's singing voice suddenly came from the wind and snow. As the tune became slower and slower, the originally high-pitched male voice became deeper and weirder:

"I will cherish every smile and applause,

Surpassing myself...I show the future...Dreams become more...clearer,
Every...footprint is...a new...new...beginning,
Someday... I want you... to see... I have... much... no..."

Hu Yimeng opened his eyes, reached out and pulled off the earphones, fumbled in the darkness to turn off the Walkman next to his pillow, which was about to run out of battery, and looked sideways out of the window.

He is now in the hard sleeper compartment of train No. 19, an international train from BJ to Moscow, which stops at 52 stations and takes six days and seven nights.Through the starlight outside, it can be vaguely seen that the train is passing through a boundless virgin forest.

I have been walking among tall trees for two days, and I haven't left this forest yet. How big is this forest?Hu Yifa was in a daze for a while, and picked up his watch from the small table next to the bed to look at it. It was 06:30 in the morning, BJ time.He moved his legs, which had been curled up for hours, carefully bowed his waist and turned over to sit up.

This was the fourth day after the train departed. The sleeper bed was short and narrow. Hu Yi was 1.8 meters five, and it was very uncomfortable to lie on this small bed for a long time.And there was a girl in the box, so everyone had to sleep with their clothes on.It’s mid-October now, and the weather was still a bit hot when we departed from BJ, so we couldn’t take a shower on the train, which further reduced the quality of sleep.

My body felt tight, and although I just woke up, I felt more tired than before going to bed.Hu Yi got up and touched the cigarette and lighter, gently opened the door of the compartment, and walked through the narrow train aisle to the junction of the compartments.

The air here is quite fresh.Hu Yi stretched his waist, lit a cigarette with his back against the wall, recalled the dream just now with the sound of the train clanging, and couldn't help but giggled twice at his own shadow on the glass of the car door.He is now at the age when he would be upset just listening to his parents nagging, and being away from home did not bring him the slightest melancholy, on the contrary he felt extremely excited.

The decision to go to school in Russia was officially made a month after the college entrance examination.Although his mother bit the bullet and listed many alternative countries at the time, Hu Yi’s family was only a little richer than ordinary working families, and they didn’t have much savings.

So after repeated discussions with his parents, he finally chose the Moscow Automobile and Highway College recommended by the study abroad agency. The annual tuition and accommodation fees are less than two thousand dollars, plus living expenses and other expenses, three thousand dollars a year is basically enough.

At that time, US$5000 was equivalent to RMB [-], which was almost equivalent to the annual wage income of an ordinary urban dual-earner family.Although the young Hu Yi is quite messy, he already has a vague understanding of the weight of money. He knows that his parents must live frugally and rely on the financial support of the elderly on both sides to barely pay for himself to complete his studies.

Thinking of this, Hu Yi restrained his excitement for a while, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart: When we get there, we must change our habits from high school, study hard as much as possible, and never be sorry for the tuition.He let out the last puff of cigarette sullenly, stuffed the cigarette butt into the ashtray on the wall, went back to the box to replace two batteries for the Walkman, curled up his legs and lay down on his side, and fell into a drowsy sleep again.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky was already bright.Hu Yi vaguely heard a rustling sound, and tilted his head to see that Yu Feifei was sitting cross-legged on the opposite bed, looking down at an elementary Russian textbook while gnawing bread.

Yu Feifei is a tall, fair-skinned girl, her personality is as soft as her eyebrows with appropriate shades, her hair is a little longer than the uniform short hair of high school girls, her pair of willow-leaf eyes are slightly slender, and her facial features can be considered single-handedly. It's not particularly outstanding, but it's quite pleasing to the eye when paired with her oval face.

"Working so hard early in the morning?" Hu Yi propped himself up and yawned sleepily.

"Hehe, I'm hungry, get up and have something to eat." Yu Feifei smiled shyly, and pointed out the window: "Look, it's snowing."

"Snow?" Hu Yi leaned sideways to the window, and there were indeed a few sporadic snowflakes floating in the air outside the car. "Snow in October? Where have we been?"

"The next stop seems to be Novosibirsk." Yu Feifei put the bread and books aside, got up and made the bed briefly, then sat down and stared out of the car in a daze.

"Siberia?" Hu Yi thought of all the romantic descriptions of this frozen land in novels and movies, and couldn't help being a little excited, lying on the small table and trying to look into the distance.

A wilderness, nothing but thinning woods.He lazily retracted his gaze, stood up and stretched his body, only to realize that his upper bunk was empty.Just as he was about to ask a question, the door of the box opened. Li Baoqing hugged the washbasin in his left hand and a bowl of freshly soaked Master Kong beef noodles in his right hand, and squeezed in sideways with a smile on his face.

"Are you awake? Do you want to eat? I still have instant noodles here." Li Baoqing has a dark complexion, small eyes and big mouth, broad shoulders and a thick back, with a little flesh on his face. He is slightly shorter than Hu Yi. Passed the javelin, the body is very strong.He is a relatively honest sports student, with a good-natured temperament, a good temper and a little dull, he is very polite to everyone, always has a naive expression on his face, never smiles or speaks.

"I'm going to wash up first." Hu Yi shook his head, took out his washbasin from under the bed, put the towel on his shoulders, and walked out of the box with the tooth jar in his hand.

The sun was rising, and it was time for breakfast. The doors of many boxes were open, and the rich aroma of various flavors of instant noodles wafted from the train.The consecutive days of travel made everyone feel extremely tired. Several middle-aged passengers sat or stood in the aisle, each with a haggard look, lying by the window in a daze with a hopeless face.Hu Yi hurriedly washed up in the small bathroom and returned to the box.

(End of this chapter)

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