Far away in Moscow

Chapter 47 1 Gust

Chapter 47 A Gust of Wind
"That's good, that's good." The sixth brother stared at Hu Yi with a smile: "Young people are very angry, and it is inevitable that there will be occasional small frictions. I was young too, so I can fully understand. But there must be a limit to everything. You are all students of Friendship University, you can sit down and talk about conflicts, but it is best not to involve people outside the school, let alone hurt people casually, otherwise once the school is alarmed, it will be of no benefit to anyone. Are you right?"

Hu Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, and he faintly felt that the Sixth Brother's speech was soft and firm, very targeted, but what he said was reasonable, so he could only smile and nod: "Yes, I understand."

"Come on, get in the car, let's get thick hair." The sixth brother stretched out his hand and patted Hu Yi's shoulder with satisfaction, turned slightly to let the door open, and then shouted into the car: "It's time, everyone Are you all here?"

Wang Shen poked his head out of the co-pilot window and replied, "The old house is missing—hey, here we come!"

Hu Yi and Li Baoqing turned their heads to look, and saw a tall, strong, fair man walking quickly towards the minibus, carrying a big old-fashioned suitcase in his hand, taking a mouthful of crisp Hebei-flavored Beijing movies from a long distance away to blame Said: "Hey, Xiao Liuer, you can blame leisure! I woke up early in the morning and hurriedly packed my clothes. This guy made me tired. I was 2 minutes late even if I hurried."

Sixth Brother smiled cheerfully: "Brother Fang, today we all count on you to show your face to our friends. Even if you are an hour late, we will have to wait."

"That's not possible. To be a man, you must be punctual and trustworthy, right?" Brother Fang shook his neck, raised his head, and strode to the car door, staring at Hu Yi and Li Baoqing: "Yo, these two kids are new here. right? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

"We are preparatory." Hu Yi nodded cautiously, and looked at Brother Fang carefully, only to see that he was born with five big and three thick, with beautiful features, a thick back, thin skin and tender flesh, and a long ponytail tied behind his head, which made people feel uncomfortable. It looked a little awkward.

Li Baoqing smiled honestly: "My name is Li Baoqing, and his name is that... Hu Yi."

"My name is Fang Qing, you can just call me Brother Fang. But I have to talk about it, don't look at me young, it's because of good maintenance, in fact, we are a generation behind, I am younger than your father Not a few years younger." Fang Qing got into the car with the suitcase, turned her head and smiled happily at Hu Yi: "Look at this kid, how energetic he is! And that one, how much...so...so energetic. Both of them Big guy, and he's the most likable guy."

Hu Yi and the others got into the car behind Sixth Brother, walked to the empty seat in the last row and sat down.As the car started, Li Baoqing asked in a low voice: "This Brother Fang's tone is really...really what, I feel uncomfortable listening to him."

Zhou Dali smiled lightly: "Brother Fang is a Peking opera singer, he seems to be a Dan role, maybe it's a professional habit. Look at those masters, almost all of them are like this."

"Oh!" Hu Yi looked thoughtfully at the suitcase next to Fang Qing: "He said to pack up, is he going to sing a song at the party?"

"Of course, as long as there is an opportunity to perform this kind of show, Brother Fang will definitely appear on the stage." Zhou Dali said: "I heard that he used to work as a pastry chef in a high-end hotel, but for some reason he quit his job and came here Going to school, a lot of age, no wonder it’s not easy.”

The party was held in an auditorium of the embassy. Representatives of Chinese students from various universities in Moscow gathered together. The embassy prepared cold meals, snacks and drinks for everyone. Performing on the stage, other people sat down lively and ate and drank. The form was not much different from the class party in middle school.

Hu Yi wasn't very keen on this kind of group activity, he was listlessly eating melon seeds and looking around with a disinterested expression on his face.Li Baoqing, however, enjoyed the atmosphere of the party. He watched each program with special concentration, and occasionally chatted cordially with strangers nearby. He seemed to be a progressive young man full of enthusiasm and vigor.

During the intermission of the program, the leader who spoke just now was surrounded by a group of students and asked this and that. The leader looked kind and chatted with everyone happily.Li Baoqing also leaned over, and finally caught the opportunity to say a few words to the leader, but it made other people around burst into laughter.

Li Baoqing came back and sat down unhappily, grabbed a few raisins and threw them into his mouth with an unhappy expression.Hu Yi and Zhou Dali asked together: "What's wrong?"

Li Baoqing hugged his chest angrily and leaned back on the chair: "Damn it, judge people by their appearance."

Hu Yi spit out the melon seeds with a "boo", and said with a smile, "Who made you look ugly. There are so many beauties around him, why not judge someone by their appearance? I wouldn't bother with you if it was the other way around."

Li Baoqing said bitterly: "It's okay to ignore it, the key is that the old boy doesn't speak human words."

Zhou Dali blinked curiously: "What did you just say?"

Li Baoqing looked at Hu Yi: "Old Hu, do you still remember what job I want to do in the future?"

"how could I know?"

"Did you forget? I want to work in the embassy and help Chinese compatriots. I told you on the train." Li Baoqing said: "I just asked him what he needs to do if he wants to work in the embassy after graduation. preparation."

"How did he say?"

"The old man looked at me with a strange look and laughed, saying that diplomatic work is related to the image of the country and not suitable for me. Let me find a way to get rid of the scars on my face!"

"How do you get rid of the scar?" Zhou Dali frowned: "It's a bit too much, how can you talk like this?"

"Isn't it!" Li Baoqing spat: "Son of a son of a bitch!"

Hu Yi was also secretly angry when he heard it, and wanted to scold a few words along with him, but seeing that Li Baoqing's mood was difficult to calm down for a while, he comforted him and said: "Don't listen to him farting, that old boy is probably a sesame mung bean official in the embassy, ​​he said Does it count? Let me tell you, the bigger the official, the more self-cultivated the person, and those who hurt others are small pawns, just relying on their power."

"It makes sense." Li Baoqing felt relieved, sighed and turned into a smile: "But there is nothing wrong with what he said. My face is indeed damaging the image of our country."

Hu Yi and Zhou Dali laughed in unison.At this time, the host smiled and came on stage: "The next program, Fang Qing, a student from the Russian People's Friendship University, will perform excerpts from the Peking Opera "Universe Front" for us."

The venue was a bit noisy, the host's voice was not loud enough, and the three of them knew little about the Peking Opera repertoire, so they looked at each other and said, "What are you picking?"

"What kind of wind should it be?" Hu Yi was sure about the last word.

"It seems to be some kind of stroke, fish stroke?" Zhou Dali hesitated: "Is this a Beijing opera joke? The name is so strange."

"How could a fish have a stroke." Li Baoqing closed his eyes and pondered for a while: "It's "A Gust of Wind". That's right, it must not be a fish stroke."

Hu Yi and Zhou Dali suddenly realized.At this moment, Fang Qing walked onto the stage with small steps unhurriedly. From a distance, his makeup and outfit were very professional, but he stood there shaking his head, shaking his hands and sleeves, opening and closing his mouth, but no sound could be heard.

The theater became a little quieter, and the three of them listened intently, only then did they hear intermittent babbling sounds, like mosquitoes humming slowly to lull people to sleep, without the swift and light feeling of "a gust of wind".

Fang Qing hummed for more than ten minutes, bowed and stepped off the stage, and there was sparse applause from the crowd.Hu Yida frowned: "This brother Fang looks tall and big, and he speaks full of air. Why is there no movement when singing? Is he an amateur player?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I've heard it today." Zhou Dali said with a sneer: "Anyway, he says he's a professional, and he often hangs his voice in the dormitory in Building 10 when he's fine, disturbing the neighbors."

"Probably a fancier, a lover of Peking Opera." Li Baoqing admired: "Anyway, it is admirable to dare to perform on stage. To promote Chinese culture, at least courage is commendable."

Brother Fang had finished watching the show, and Li Baoqing had a boring time in front of the embassy staff. The three of them lost interest and sat bored watching the song and dance performance for a while before planning to leave early.

As soon as he walked out of the small door of the auditorium, Fang Qing, who had removed his make-up, hurried out from the backstage. Zhou Dali hurriedly greeted him, "Brother Fang, are you leaving too?"

"Let's go!" Fang Qing said with a gloomy face, "I don't have the face to stay here any longer."

Zhou Dali was stunned: "What happened?"

"Oh, don't mention it. This place is not a professional theater. The backstage is too small. There are so many actors crowded together, it's a mess! I'm sweating from the heat, it's exhausting to change clothes and make up, and there's not enough time. "Fang Qing sighed, with a gloomy look on his face: "This guy made me tired, and he hurriedly prepared, and the one with chest tightness is uncomfortable! He couldn't sing on stage at all, and I was really mad. You guys Did you watch my performance? Can you hear me sitting down?"

"The room is too messy to hear clearly." Hu Yi replied honestly: "It would be great if there was a microphone."

"Then how can it be done? The voice is the basic skill of an actor. How can there be a microphone for singing Peking Opera? I can't afford to lose that person!" Fang Qing said with a look of resentment: "According to my usual state, even if I perform in the Russian National Theater Let the audience hear clearly, not bad at all. Today is purely abnormal performance, it is all caused by the backstage, failure, too much failure!"

Li Baoqing kindly comforted: "I think you sing very well, although we have never heard this... a gust of wind, but..."

"What's so good? Where is it good? What do you kids know? This is the quintessence of Chinese culture, profound and profound!" Fang Qing didn't notice that Li Baoqing mispronounced the title of the song, and sighed, "I think Fang Qing was six years old and learned from a teacher. Yi, I have practiced hard for twelve years, and I have never stumbled on stage. I didn't expect to make such a fool of myself today, don't you think it will kill me?"

Li Baoqing didn't dare to say any more, and the four of them took a taxi back to the dormitory together.Fang Qing was unhappy all the way, until he got off the car and asked abruptly: "How do you three usually eat? Can you cook?"

"I know a little bit, but I don't do it often, it's too troublesome." Li Baoqing said with a silly smile: "It's more convenient to buy and eat."

"Young people just want to save trouble." Fang Qing looked at Li Baoqing kindly: "Are you used to eating the things sold outside?"

"It's enough to fill my stomach. I've been tired of eating those few things over and over again."

"Of course! What's so delicious about Lao Maozi's stuff? We Chinese still like to eat Chinese food." Fang Qing restored the confident smile before: "Let me tell you, I am a high-end pastry in a big hotel Teacher, you can make all kinds of pasta, and the craftsmanship is good! You can find me to buy what you like to eat. There are meat buns, dumplings, oil cakes, and sugar triangles. I made them all by myself. They are affordable and delicious. Our school All the students love it!"

"Meat buns?!" "Oil cakes?!" Hu Yi and Li Baoqing swallowed their saliva: "Great! Do you have them every day?"

"As long as I have free time, I will do it. Basically, there are one or two items every day. Many people go to buy them every day." Fang Qing is very satisfied with the reaction of the two: "But it's a bit late today, so I don't have time to do it. In the future, what do you want to do?" Find me in Building 10 for whatever you want to eat, I promise you will love it!"

Saying goodbye to Fang Qing, the three returned to the dormitory laughing and laughing.Li Baoqing took off his coat and shook it carefully: "Grandma, I wore a new dress specially to impress the leaders of the embassy." He opened the cabinet door and prepared to hang up the clothes: "I didn't expect that, people care What is... hey? Hey?! I... where is my box?!"

Hu Yi and Zhou Dali jumped up from the bed, only to see that Li Baoqing's cupboard was empty, and the large suitcase had disappeared.Zhou Dali hurriedly opened the other two cabinet doors and exclaimed, "Damn! Mine is gone! Hu! Yours is gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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