Far away in Moscow

Chapter 71 Professor Sergey

Chapter 71 Professor Sergey

Hu Yi felt deeply guilty when he recalled the days of Hu Tianhu in high school.Looking at the current situation again, I can't help but feel a little excited.

This excitement doesn't matter, those temperaments that have been deliberately suppressed in my heart for two years jumped out again, the whole person felt swayed, and there seemed to be a lack of control in his mouth, so he just said that casually with Yu Feifei a few days ago joke.

Now Hu Yi is a bit cynical again. Although he is no longer the same as he was in high school, a super college scum who has been unable to understand the class for many years has jumped from the preparatory course to the freshman with the top grades. , suddenly felt the sense of presence in the classroom and the joy of learning, which made him unknowingly resume the habit of taking the next step in class.

Of course, although they are both successors, they are not the same in nature.When I was in high school, most of the chatter was nonsense, meaningless grandstanding, just to embarrass the teacher on the spot and make the classmates laugh by the way.Now, most of them are extending and expanding the classroom content, or rushing to answer by predicting the teacher's thinking, basically taking the next step seriously, even if there is a little bit of showing off.

The vast majority of teachers are very tolerant of his behavior of enlivening the classroom atmosphere, especially the younger female teachers, who are often amused by laughter, even if what he said is extremely fallacious, they don’t care, but patiently To explain it, only Professor Sergey disliked his frivolous behavior.

Sergey is one of the most qualified professors in the school. He is about 50 years old. He has a long face and pale facial features. He doesn't look three-dimensional.If Hu Yi met him in later years, he would definitely think of the aging appearance of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Professor Sergey is a tall man with a slightly stooped waist, but he always wears a straight suit when he appears in the school, his silver hair is combed perfectly, his speech is perfect, and his writing on the blackboard is meticulous. No matter who he talks to, he always uses "you" The title, it feels a little old-fashioned, like a polite old scholar.

The class taught is Language and History National Conditions and Culture. This is a large classroom combined class. There is only one class every two weeks. The first-year language majors are mixed together to attend the class.The content of the course is broad and loose, and the background involved includes ancient and modern times, covering the historical and cultural knowledge of many countries and regions.

There are only less than ten classes in a semester. For such a broad topic, it is obviously not enough time to study and discuss in detail. It can only give freshmen a rough understanding of some general concepts and ideas.There is no teaching material for this course. The professor is very divergent in his lectures. He often follows his own train of thought and develops in depth at one point. He doesn't like to be interrupted, and he rarely asks questions. Most of the time he is on his own speak.

It is conceivable that such a course is difficult even for the Russian students in the same class. Although foreign students have passed the preparatory education, it is still very difficult to understand Sergey’s class with the vocabulary they currently have. Most of them Sometimes I can only frown and listen hard, and try to make some records.

Hu Yi is naturally no exception. He didn't expect the old man's first class to be so confusing. He felt a little frustrated when he was at a loss. He exchanged glances with the foreign students next to him several times, but he saw that everyone was also the same. Face helpless.

"...Obviously, even in ancient human society, language will continue to develop and change with social activities. Especially in the construction process of some large-scale ancient projects, due to the concentration of a large amount of manpower and material resources, accompanied by protracted labor, New technologies and modes of division of labor and cooperation will continue to emerge, and the language must also evolve accordingly to meet the communication needs of workers. Speaking of this topic—” After half a class, Sergey finally started his first class Interaction: "As we all know, there are seven famous architectural wonders in the ancient world. Do you know which ones?"

"The Pyramid of Khufu!" "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon!" "The Lighthouse of Alexandria!" "The Statue of Zeus!"

"Very good, very good." Sergey nodded and added: "There are also the Colossus of the Sun God, the Mausoleum of Mausolus and the Temple of Artemis. Then we can see that each of these architectural wonders has its own... "

Just halfway through speaking, Hu Yi suddenly shouted excitedly: "The Great Wall of China!"

Sergey was slightly taken aback, smiled and shook his head: "The Great Wall of China, um...of course it can also be said to be an architectural miracle, but it is not within the scope of our discussion just now." After that, he continued: "These architectural miracles... "

"Why?" Hu Yi asked.He didn't mean to interrupt Sergey deliberately, but since he was a child he heard that the Great Wall was one of the eight architectural wonders of the world, but now the old man said it was one of the "seven wonders".And although the few phrases you mentioned just now are very unfamiliar, they obviously do not include the Great Wall of China, so I can't help feeling very surprised.

"This involves buildings in different historical periods." Sergey replied patiently: "If you are interested, you can wait until the history class to discuss it."

Hu Yi nodded sullenly and stopped talking.In his impression, the world's architectural wonders should at least include the Colosseum, but since the professor didn't mention it, maybe he really didn't understand what he was talking about.

There is no authoritative selection basis for the term "World Architecture Miracle". It is often proposed by one or some people and has been widely circulated to this day.The earliest and widely recognized theory of the seven wonders of ancient times by Europeans appeared in the BC era. The buildings listed in it were limited to the Mediterranean coast and surrounding areas that they could reach at that time, and most of them have been destroyed today.The world-famous Colosseum in ancient Rome had not yet been built, and the Great Wall in the far east was even less known, and could only be classified as an architectural miracle of the Middle Ages by later generations.

Sergey slowly talked about the impact of large-scale engineering activities in ancient times on language development and change, and smiled slightly at the frowning foreign students in the classroom: "It makes me regret that Russia has not left a place in history that can be Call it a 'miracle' engineering building. However, Russia also has a world-famous miracle, and I would like to ask the foreign ladies and gentlemen here, do you know what is the Russian world miracle?"

There was a moment of silence in the classroom, and the Israeli girl tentatively replied, "The Kremlin?"

Jianmei Xiaohei followed, "It's the National Economic Achievement Exhibition Hall!"

Sergey shook his head: "It's not right."

The African mixed-race girl pondered for a while, then raised her hand cheerfully: "I know! It's the summer palace in Petersburg!"

(End of this chapter)

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