Far away in Moscow

Chapter 73 Tour Group

Chapter 73 Tour Group

A few more groups of tourists gathered from the restaurant one after another, some like a family, some like friends who came together, standing in small groups around Sister Sun laughing and chatting, only one middle-aged man with a clear appearance The person walked around the crowd alone, looking serious.

Hu Yi looked at his watch, and it was a few minutes before the departure time, so he walked out of the hotel and called the bus driver, then came back and asked Sister Sun: "The bus will arrive in a while, are we all ready?"

"One more." Sister Sun counted the number of people again, stood on tiptoe and looked around, stretched out her finger and said, "Hey, here we come!"

Hu Yi turned his head to look, and saw that the elevator door in the lobby opened, a fat explosion scalded the middle-aged elder sister rushing out of the elevator, and shouted to the rough laughing voice: "Ah! I'm so sorry, I got up early, but fell asleep in bed and fell asleep again! Have you all eaten? Should I go to the restaurant right now?"

The other tourists looked at her with smiles, and Sister Sun smiled and said, "Hurry up, hurry up and get something to eat, the car will be here in a while."

"Okay! I'm going to eat fast!" The eldest sister threw down a sentence and rushed into the restaurant.

Hu Yi laughed dryly twice, and said to Sister Sun in a low voice: "This eldest sister is quite interesting."

"Northeast people are sometimes confused, but they are very nice and cheerful, unlike the big brother over there—" Sister Sun raised her chin slightly, looking at the thin middle-aged man wandering alone outside the crowd: "It seems to be What kind of university professor, loves to educate people, occupational disease."

Hu Yi followed her gaze and turned back, just in time to see the middle-aged man walking towards here with his hands behind his back.When I got close, I was unhappy and muttered to Ms. Sun in a low voice: "No organization and no discipline! There are always people who don't abide by the agreed meeting time. It's too disgraceful!"

The thin middle-aged man has a delicate face, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his greasy hair lying limply on the top of his head, with a few strands drooping in front of his forehead, his old blue suit is slightly wrinkled, his feet Wearing a pair of snow-white sneakers, he exudes an old-school intellectual atmosphere.Hu Yi secretly laughed in his heart: In terms of external temperament alone, the professor in front of him is much worse than Sergey.

"Hi, it's okay." Sister Sun comforted with a smile: "I guess I just got jet lag and didn't sleep well. Let's go out and play together, let's be considerate to each other."

The professor seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the Northeast sister, and his face was slightly sullen, but his tone of voice was steady, without showing any obvious emotions: "Xiao Sun, it's not that I don't understand her. But we all face the problem of jet lag. Why do others Can you gather on time? Why does she oversleep again and again? I think this kind of unconscious person is right, so I have to arrange a roommate for her to live with and supervise her getting up on time. Otherwise..."

"Hey, I see what you said." Sister Sun smiled and interrupted him casually: "You two are the only ones in our group to live in a single room, so we can't let you and her... Do you think so?"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, this kind of joke is not allowed, nonsense!" The professor stopped the topic resentfully, and turned to look at Hu Yi: "Little comrade, I will trouble you today."

Hu Yi smiled and said, "No trouble, you are too polite."

"Yu is a good tour guide, but it's a pity that she can't come today because of something." The professor raised the hair on his forehead wistfully, and cast an expectant look at Hu Yi: "Although you are just a temporary substitute, you should treat this day as your own. Look at it from the perspective of your own job, and stand up for each shift seriously, this is the performance of being responsible for the work."

Sure enough, began to educate me.Hu Yi felt a pain in his heart, and forced the corner of his mouth to smile, without saying a word.

"I know, this is a tour group, and everyone is here to play when they go abroad. But as a tour guide, you not only have to take us to have a good time, but also have the obligation to introduce every scenic spot as much as possible, especially those places with revolutionary significance. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry out ideological education for young people!"

Hu Yi hasn't heard someone speak in this tone for a long time, so he casually said: "Well... okay."

The professor sighed softly, and continued earnestly: "Of course, the people in this group are not young anymore, but education is not the age. A few days ago we were in Leningrad - ah, now it is called St. Petersburg - the local The little girl on the ground actually knows little about the October Revolution. I don’t know as much about the significance of the cruiser Aurora. It’s heartbreaking, it’s heartbreaking! Now that we’re in Moscow, here’s even more ..."

The smile on Hu Yi's face was almost gone, and there seemed to be hallucinations in front of his eyes, as if the professor was the long-winded Tang Monk in "A Chinese Journey to the West" and the old man Fu Ming in "I Love My Family" who always educated the younger generation. The ultimate form of One.

Just in a daze for a while, I couldn't hear the professor's next words clearly.Hu Yi quickly came back to his senses, only to see the Northeast sister walking quickly, wiping her mouth, and slapping the professor hard on the back: "Big cultural person, what are you talking about? Hurry up and save yourself, two days ago Who likes to listen to you when you catch someone less than a good meal in class?!"

The professor was photographed leaning forward, his glasses almost slipping off the bridge of his nose.He turned his head and glared at the elder sister angrily, with the helpless expression of a scholar meeting a soldier.Hu Yi hurriedly raised his wrist to look at his watch: "Hey, you just finished eating, the bus will be here soon, let's go to the door and get ready to get on the bus!"

The hotel where the tour group stayed is relatively remote, and it takes a long time to go to the city center by car.The guests in the group were probably quite tired from playing these days. They were chatting energetically in the lobby just now, and when they got in the car, they leaned back on the back of the chair and closed their eyes to rest, without saying a word.

Hu Yi remembered that Yu Feifei said that in the car, he should liven up the atmosphere properly and try to get closer to everyone.Seeing that the tour guide, Sister Sun, was leaning on her seat as weakly as the tourists, she took the initiative to pick up the microphone and blew softly twice: "Hello? Hello?"

Several guests opened their eyes slightly, Hu Yi grabbed the guardrail with one hand, held the microphone with the other, and said in a bright voice with a pleasant smile: "Everyone, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, good morning everyone. Sister Sun has introduced me in the hotel just now , now I will formally introduce myself: My surname is Hu, everyone can call me Director Hu, or Xiao Hu."

"Hello Director Hu!" The Northeast sister who was sitting not far from him shouted loudly.

"Hey... hey, thank you, big sister." Hu Yi was taken aback by the big sister's voice, and then looked at other people, only looking at himself expressionlessly.

Hu Yi's brain was spinning, and he was thinking about what to say, when the Northeast sister spoke again: "Director Hu, it's boring to stay in the car, tell us a joke!"

"Hey... good!" Hu Yi agreed, then scratched his head in embarrassment: "But I... I don't know how to tell jokes."

(End of this chapter)

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