Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 108 Forbidden to enter the city

Chapter 108 Forbidden to enter the city
With a cigar in his mouth, he kept his back to Wang Teng, held a glass of red wine in the other hand, and said, "Mr. Wang, you are here, please sit down."

"Hello, Director Yang."

Wang Teng also went up to say hello.

At this time, the two nannies and the housekeeper next to him stepped back and walked out the door.

Yang Jianlin turned around slowly and turned around. The aura all over his body gave people an indescribable feeling. He said in a calm tone, "I heard that you beat my son. Is there such a thing?"

Asked by Yang Jianlin.

Wang Teng suddenly didn't know how to reply.

In the restaurant yesterday, Wang Teng did hit Yang Shuhao with his hands, but he went too far, deliberately finding fault with the waiter and throwing things everywhere.

A person like this deserves to be killed.

Seeing that Wang Teng didn't reply for a long time, Yang Jianlin increased his tone, repeated what he just said, and asked, "I heard that you beat my son. Is there such a thing? Tell me quickly!"

"Yes, there is such a thing, I hit it."

Wang Teng said: "However, it was Yang Shuhao who did it first, and he deliberately came first to find fault."


Yang Jianlin suddenly smiled strangely, and said, "You are quite honest, then do you know what I am looking for you for today?"

"I know, you want to trouble me."

Wang Teng said.

"Since you know everything, tell me how to solve this matter."

Yang Jianlin probably knew in his heart that his son was an asshole, but after all, he was beaten by outsiders, and even almost alarmed the media. As his father, he must come forward to solve it, and said, "Mr. Wang, how do you solve this matter?" What's up?"

"As you please."

Wang Teng said: "I beat Yang Shuhao with my hands. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I won't lose money."

"Well, I think you are also a refreshing person."

Yang Jianlin, as a public figure worth hundreds of billions, would naturally not be as rude as a hooligan. He had his own set of solutions and said, "You give my son a humility, that's fine."

"It's that simple?"

Wang Teng thought he heard it wrong. He beat Yang Shuhao almost to a cripple yesterday, and he is probably still lying in the hospital. For such a serious matter, an apology is enough?
Yang Jianlin also seemed to be a generous person, and said: "I haven't finished, you are not allowed to appear in this city in the future, go back to your village, otherwise your end will be very sad."

In fact, when Yang Jianlin said this, his tone was very flat, and he remained very calm.

"Why can't I show up in town?"

When Wang Teng heard this, he felt very uncomfortable, and said, "This city is not owned by your family. I come and leave whenever I want."

"is it?"

Yang Jianlin was not joking with Wang Teng. With his ability, he just moved his fingers casually, and trampling Wang Teng to death was as easy as trampling an ant. He said, "You can try it. You can stay in the city for a week. I lose."

"You old man, it's great to have money."

Wang Teng said: "Raising this useless son, he likes to pretend all day long. I feel sad for you."

After hearing this, Yang Jianlin just smiled amiably, without getting angry, and said, "You are right, my son is a bastard, but you are not qualified to show off in front of me."

Yang Jianlin took a deep puff of his cigar, and then said: "Mr. Wang, you can go, I hope I won't see you in the city tomorrow, otherwise you should know what will happen."

"I'm not leaving this city."

Wang Teng knew about Yang Jianlin's ability, but he didn't do anything wrong, so why should he leave, and said, "Director Yang, I know you are rich, but I definitely didn't deliberately hit Yang Shuhao yesterday."


Yang Jianlin snorted coldly.

A dozen bodyguards rushed in immediately outside the door and surrounded Wang Teng.

Yang Jianlin continued: "Please leave him, I don't want to see him anymore."

"Okay, boss."

A bodyguard pressed Wang Teng's shoulder, trying to control him.

"What do you want to do? You have something to say, so don't make a move."

With a backhand, Wang Teng lifted the bodyguard up, rolled over his shoulder, and smashed the bodyguard to the ground.

The rest of the bodyguards were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng's strength was so great. Even if more than a dozen people went up together at the same time, they might not be Wang Teng's opponent.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jianlin also stared at Wang Teng, pointed at Wang Teng, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything."

Wang Teng said with tough words: "I just want to say that I will not leave this city. Your son's beating is also his own fault, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Hehe, the mouth is still quite hard!"

Yang Jianlin was also a person who came here in a big storm. He had never seen any scene. Even if Wang Teng was strong, he couldn't restrain him, and said, "Mr. Wang, please leave my house quickly, or I will call the police."

"I can go, but don't let your bodyguards move around me."

Wang Teng said: "I will go by myself."


Wang Teng turned around and left. The dozen or so bodyguards around were so frightened that they all avoided the road. No one dared to continue to disrespect him.

When Wang Teng walked to the door, he suddenly saw Zhang Yueyue.

Zhang Yueyue still drove over in a luxury car, carrying an expensive bag in her hand. When she saw Wang Teng, she immediately said, "Brother Teng, why are you here?"

"Zhang Yueyue? Why are you..."

As soon as Wang Teng saw Zhang Yueyue, he suddenly remembered that this woman seemed to be a waiter in the hotel last time. Why did she come to Yang Jianlin's house?
Zhang Yueyue is actually Yang Jianlin's niece. She is very rich, but because she was too depressed, she went to work as a waiter in the hotel and said, "Brother Teng, it's good to see you."

"How did you get here?"

Wang Teng was also very puzzled.

Zhang Yueyue said: "Because I live here, this is my home."

"What? Impossible, this is Yang Jianlin's house."

The more Wang Teng looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong. Could it be that Zhang Yueyue is Yang Jianlin's relative?

Zhang Yueyue said: "Yang Jianlin is my uncle, it's normal for me to live here."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Wang Teng said.

"Yes, let's go, go in and sit down."

"Forget it, I just had a quarrel with your uncle."

After hearing this, Zhang Yueyue probably guessed it too, because Yang Shuhao was beaten by Wang Teng yesterday, it must be Yang Jianlin who called Wang Teng here, and said, "Let's go in, it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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