Chapter 127

Wang Teng chased all the way, and suddenly when he reached a bridge in front of him, he couldn't see Yang Shuhao's shadow.

Only a plop was heard.

Yang Shuhao let out a scream.

Wang Teng stopped the car immediately.

Lin Keer was also startled and said, "Brother Teng, drive slowly, you really scared me to death just now."

"What's the rush, it's okay."

Wang Teng opened the car door casually, and when he walked under the bridge, he saw Yang Shuhao fell into the river, his motorcycle overturned, and he became a drowned chicken.

The way he fell and fell, he looked like a pitiful creature.

The cockscomb head is also there, I don't know when it got into the passenger seat.

"Yang Shuhao, you can't run away today."

Wang Teng rushed to the river, picked up a stone from the ground, threw it in the direction of Yang Shuhao, and cursed: "You grandson, I will see where you are going today."

"Don't come here."

Yang Shuhao was soaked in the water, his whole body was shaking, his mouth was turning black, it seemed that he was about to die.

This grandson probably didn't dare to swim towards the shore, and only swam towards the opposite side of the river.

Fortunately, this is June, otherwise the grandson would not freeze to death.

"Grandson, you're freezing to death."

Standing on the shore, Wang Teng cursed a few times in a very fierce tone, and said, "You'll never come up here for the rest of your life."

"You dog, what a mad dog."

Yang Shuhao's voice was far away, about tens of meters away, and his white back could be seen floating on the water from a distance.

Suddenly, Lin Keer ran over and saw Yang Shuhao turned into a drowned chicken, not to mention how happy he was, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile, he said happily: "Brother Teng, wow, look at the following There's a chicken swimming around."

"Are you happy?"

While Wang Teng was talking, he didn't bother to scribble at the moment. At this time, he most wanted to catch Yang Shuhao immediately.

There happened to be a small boat by the river, and they said that it was not good to place this boat, it had to be placed beside Wang Teng, and it was a speedboat with a motor engine.

"Yang Shuhao, stop for me."

After Wang Teng boarded the boat, he drove towards Yang Shuhao.

Lin Ke'er was in charge of holding a bamboo pole and poking Yang Shuhao's back. Several times he poked him in the water so loudly that he almost couldn't swim anymore.

"Wang, don't make me proud."

While swimming in the water like a frog, Yang Shuhao turned his head and shouted: "Do you know who my father is? You are so brave..."

"I know, your father is Yang Jianlin, but your father abandoned you."

Wang Teng felt that the time was almost up, so he simply pulled the fishing net from the boat, threw it into the water like fishing for a fish, and fished Yang Shuhao out of the water.

It has to be said that Yang Shuhao's body was quite heavy. Wang Teng exerted all his strength, but he still couldn't pull him up. In the end, Lin Ke'er ran up to help and dragged Yang Shuhao's grandson onto the boat Come.

"You run, keep running?"

As soon as Wang Teng rushed up, he slapped Yang Shuhao several times in a row, making his face red, and said, "Why don't you swim anymore?"

"Hey, Wang Teng, do you know who my dad is?"

Yang Shuhao has nothing else but this sentence. He thinks that he has a father with hundreds of billions of assets, so he may do bad things lawlessly everywhere.

Wang Teng said: "I don't know, I just want to beat you up today and kill you."

"Yes, people like you don't deserve to live in this world."

Lin Ke'er also continued to taunt at the side, although she is also a rich second-generation girl, but the most disliked is the rich second-generation kid, saying: "You must kneel down and kowtow to Brother Teng today to apologize, or I will kill you ,snort."

"Hey, if you dare, it's up to you."

Seeing this, Yang Shuhao could no longer shed tears when he saw the coffin, and said, "I don't care how much you are, a bunch of poor country bumpkins."

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll kill you today, there's no need to discuss it."

The more Wang Teng looked at Yang Shuhao, the more he disliked him. After much deliberation, he felt that why such scum appeared in this world was simply not a thing, so he took out a pig-killing knife and prepared to give him a ride, saying: "Then You go to die."

"Hey, you really dare to do it? Killing people is a crime."

Judging from his tone, Yang Shuhao was still a little bit cowardly psychologically, and said, "I don't believe you dare to kill me."

"Oh, let's try it."

Wang Teng held the knife and shook it in front of him. In fact, it was just to frighten him. How could he really dare to do it? Knowing that Yang Shuhao is a coward, he did it on purpose.

Lin Ke'er snorted twice, and yelled from the sidelines: "Then just take a look, Brother Teng, do you dare to make a move?"

"Are you really here?"

Yang Shuhao was really scared this time, so he could only give in temporarily, and said, "That's fine, I'll give you whatever money you want."

"how much money you have?"

Wang Teng is not a money-grubbing person, so if he doesn't take advantage of this wave of opportunities to make Yang Shuhao poor, even he can't justify himself.

"I'll give you all the money, that's fine."

Yang Shuhao said that he has 5000 million, which is his entire family property, and said: "The 5000 million is all for you."

"You are bragging, you are still talking, this is your pocket money for a week."

Wang Teng has 1 reasons not to believe it. Yang Shuhao usually spends extremely extravagantly. He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner in an eight-star hotel, and the presidential suite. 3000 million.

Yang Shuhao said that he only has 5000 million, only ghosts would believe it.

Lin Ke'er didn't believe it. Her father used to have billions of dollars in assets, and his monthly pocket money was 300 million. Yang Shuhao's total was 500 million. The devil would believe it, and said: "You brag, you make it look like we It’s not like being a rich second generation.”

"Let's talk about it first, you gave this money voluntarily, we don't want to be realistic about you."

Wang Teng didn't dislike the 5000 million yuan. After all, many people struggled for a lifetime and couldn't earn so much money. He said, "Tell me yourself, what do you plan to do if you make Xiaxue Restaurant like this?"

"I'll lose money, okay?"

Yang Shuhao said: "I can afford any amount of money."

"You just said that you only have 5000 million."

Lin Keer knew that Shuhao Yang had at least a few hundred million in deposits, not counting the construction companies he opened.

Wang Teng said: "How about this, I don't want to see you in this city in the future, you can take care of the money yourself, and take it as compensation for Xia Xue."

(End of this chapter)

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