Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 154 The Smelly Blind Guo

Chapter 154 The Smelly Blind Guo
"Hey, little girl, you underestimate the old man too much."

Blind Guo said: "How can this old man be greedy for money? It's only 300 yuan, and I really don't need it."

"Don't you? Don't give me back the money."

As soon as Li Yuerong reached out, she took back the 300 yuan that had just been thrown into Guo Xiazi's bowl.

Sitting aside, Wang Teng was stunned. He looked up at Blind Guo and asked, "You old man, why do you keep haunting your soul? Is there an end to it?"

Blind Guo laughed again after hearing this, and said: "The young man has accumulated some morals at a young age, and the old man just came to grab a meal, but you dismissed him like a beggar. What an embarrassment!"

"Aren't you a beggar?"

Li Yuerong looked at Blind Guo suspiciously, already feeling in his heart that the old man was probably a liar.

Fortunately, she still looks exactly like old man Zheng, which really insulted her master's appearance.

Blind Guo continued: "Okay, little girl, this old man is also an outspoken person, so I'll ask you a word without shame, whether this meal will let this old man eat or not."

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid."

Wang Teng stood up and looked at Blind Guo, and said, "Eat what you want, it's just a meal, and it's not like I can't afford it."

Li Yuerong was about to go mad with anger, she felt that her three views were ruined if she looked at this blind Guo one more time or even said a word.

Blind Guo drooled when he saw the chicken, duck and fish on the table, and said, "Okay, if you let me eat this meal, I decided that I would not waste your money, and decided to do the math for you."

"You old man, is fortune-telling accurate?"

Wang Teng asked.

"Don't worry, let the old man eat first, after he is full, the old man will make a fortune with you."

Blind Guo ran to the dining table with two legs and sat down. He reached out to grab the chicken legs on the plate, and the slurp dripped down his neck. His vulgar eating looked like a pug dog.

The more Li Yuerong looked at it, the more disgusted Guo Xiazi became. She reached out and patted his arm, knocking his chicken leg to the ground, and said, "Is it okay to use chopsticks? We still have to eat."

"To tell you the truth, little girl, the old man has not eaten in his stomach for three days since he became an immortal."

Blind Guo said: "Besides, I have never used chopsticks to eat. You mortals use chopsticks to eat."

"You blind man, you speak quite humorously."

Although Wang Teng knew that this blind man Guo was nothing more than a liar who liked to exaggerate and brag, but after all, he looked like his master, which was considered a fate, and said: "You eat, and it won't be time for dinner in the future. Just find me."

"Young man, the old man doesn't like to hear your words."

Blind Guo said: "This old man is not a beggar and beggar. Why do you want to have a meal? This old man is called Huayuan."

Blind Guo was eating the chicken leg in his hand, while digging his own foot with the other hand, looking disgusted.

The whole private room was filled with a stinky smell of feet.

When Li Yuerong smelled it, she couldn't help covering her nose with her hands, stood up and yelled at Blind Guo: "You weird old man, eat quickly, and get out of here after you finish eating."

Li Yuerong had never cursed before, but this time she really couldn't help it.

Blind Guo slowly raised his head, saw that Li Yuerong's face was turning black and his face was blue, he smiled slightly and said: "Girl, you will have a bloody disaster in the near future, you are yelling at this old man now, have you ever thought about it?" Maybe it will be your savior in the future."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, old man."

Wang Teng felt a little uneasy in his heart, because the tone of Guo Blind Man's words sounded more and more like his master Zheng old man, and said: "Sister Yuerong will not have any bloodshed."

"I think he's crazy."

Li Yuerong also mocked, she had never seen such a shameless person eating and drinking, even if there was no such scum in the village before.

Blind Guo showed a weird smile again, and said, "Miss Yuerong, you are about to die in the underworld, and this old man is too lazy to continue talking to a dead person."

As soon as blind Guo's words fell,
He suddenly stood up from the chair, turned around and walked towards the door, not forgetting to take a roast chicken from the plate before leaving.

"The old man is gone, you will meet later."

Blind Guo walked to the door, looked back at Wang Teng suddenly, and said, "I'm afraid you will never see this old man again, this is the last advice for you."

"Wait a minute."

Wang Teng got up and chased behind blind Guo, and asked, "Is what you just said true? Sister Yuerong will be bloody?"

"The old man has been open and aboveboard all his life, and has never deceived others. Let me leave."

At this time, blind Guo left towards the door. He walked very slowly, and his back slowly disappeared into the corridor.

Wang Teng looked at the back of Blind Guo as he left. The way he walked and his movements made him look more and more like Old Man Zheng.


Li Yuerong blushed with anger, and said: "A Teng, don't believe this old man, I think he is a liar, talking nonsense all day long."

"Sister Yuerong..."

Wang Teng felt that things were not so simple. This blind man Guo must not be an ordinary person. He could tell from the tone of his speech just now. Maybe he was really his master. He said, "I don't think he is a liar. It is really our master."

"So what?"

Li Yuerong said: "What did old man Zheng leave for us? Except for the 2 yuan, he gave us nothing, and my mother took it away."

"Sister Yuerong, let's go find him."

Wang Teng said: "If Xiazi Guo is really our master, he may be able to help us. His ability is far superior to mine."

"Not A Teng, I don't want to see him again."

Li Yuerong suddenly burst into tears, and ran out towards a person outside the door with tears in her eyes.

Wang Teng immediately ran out to chase, but Miss Yuerong ran so fast that she failed to catch up after chasing for a long time.

When Li Yuerong just ran to the hotel entrance,
At the moment of passing the zebra crossing,
A large truck full of cement suddenly drove over quickly and honked its horn several times towards Li Yuerong.

When Wang Teng had just chased to the opposite side of the road, he suddenly heard a bang.

Li Yuerong's scream was accompanied by heavy air.

Wang Teng stood there dumbfounded and didn't move.

A few seconds later, only one of Li Yuerong's high-heeled shoes fell into the gutter.

This scene,
Sure enough, Guo Xiazi's prophecy was right, and Li Yuerong was about to suffer a bloody catastrophe.

"Oh, someone got into a car accident, call 120 and call an ambulance."

At this time, people passing by surrounded him one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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