Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 2 Unless I Die

Chapter 2 Unless I Die
"Mother, you are still smart!"

Li Fugui secretly stretched out his thumb, and Mrs. Li looked proud.

These two people completely regarded Wang Teng as air, and they didn't even avoid him when they talked about such things.

Wang Teng was annoyed when he heard that, his master just passed away yesterday, the old and the young wanted to come over to grab something, it's not a thing!

Li Fugui didn't even look at Wang Teng, he stretched out his hand to grab Li Yuerong, and shouted, "Sister, Dad misses you so much, come home with me!"

"No, I'm not going back!"

Li Yuerong was not a fool either, she struggled at that time and begged: "Mother, I can't go back now, wait a few days, can I wait a few more days?"

The old lady Li still had a cold face, and scolded: "You lose money, stop talking nonsense, and go back quickly!"

"let's go!"

Li Fugui also pretended not to see it, clutching Li Yuerong's arm, and walked out sullenly.

Wang Teng looked at the helplessness and grievance on Li Yuerong's face, and the anger in his heart was bubbling up, he couldn't bear it anymore.


Wang Teng rushed forward with a stride, and slapped Li Fugui's hand.

Li Fugui was in pain, let go of his hand after screaming, turned his head to see Wang Teng, opened his mouth and cursed: "Stinky boy, what are you doing!"

Wang Teng protected Li Yuerong behind him, and said forcefully and stubbornly: "Sister Yuerong said, she won't go back with you!"

"Hey, you're looking for a beating, aren't you!"

Li Fugui had been spoiled for a long time, how could he bear this, he slapped him suddenly.

Logically speaking, Wang Teng couldn't stop it, but he did.

He grabbed Li Fugui's wrist, and without knowing where the strength came from, he pushed hard, and Li Fugui fell to the ground.

When Mr. Li saw this every day, he rushed forward and scratched Wang Teng's face several times, and shouted: "Come on, we took our daughter away, but we were beaten by this little bastard. God, is there any reason for this!"

"Shut up Laozi!"

Wang Teng's anger was already on his head, and there was a burst of shouting. The sound was really like thunder on a sunny day.
Mrs. Li and Li Fugui were all stunned immediately.

Wang Teng stared and shouted: "Call someone, okay, then let's let the folks see who is right! My master just left yesterday, and he hasn't even passed the first seven, so you are thinking about him." The few things left behind? Are you not afraid that the old man will come back to find you?"

"You...don't talk nonsense!"

Old Mrs. Li was old and still believed in this, she was so frightened that she shivered violently.

Wang Teng sneered and shouted: "I'm talking nonsense, where am I talking nonsense? Let me tell you, this house and the money belong to my sister Yuerong, and it has nothing to do with you being a dime. Don't even think about it." !"

"We didn't… didn't want this!"

Mrs. Li's eyes rolled, she didn't know what she thought of, and she changed her words: "I just want to take my daughter away. I will take care of my own daughter. You can't control this!"

"My sister said she doesn't want to go with you!"

Wang Teng became even angrier when he heard this, and said angrily: "You said to control your own daughter? Have you ever managed? Don't think I don't know what happened back then. Li Fugui owed 50 gambling debts, and they wanted to chop him up." one hand!"

"If my master hadn't arrived in time to pay the money and take Sister Yuerong away, she would really be sold by you!"

When Wang Teng said this, his voice was even higher, and he shouted: "What? Do you have to tell me about this? Let me tell you, if it really gets out, I guarantee that Li Fugui will not talk about it in this life, even Don't even think about finding a wife in your next life!"

"Little ancestor, please keep your voice down!"

When Mrs. Li heard this, she panicked.

It's okay to be poor in the village, the key is not to lose face, if you lose face here, you really can't get along in the village.

Seeing her like this, Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, but he still said: "Why don't people tell you what you did? With 50 gambling debts, your old Li family is really talented. Qingyan!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, let's go, let's go!"

Mrs. Li really didn't dare to stay any longer, she stood up on tiptoe and walked out tremblingly.

But Li Fugui still didn't give up, and stood there staring at Wang Teng.

In desperation, Mrs. Li had no choice but to turn around again, teased Li Fugui, and scolded: "You loser, do you still want to ask for a wife, hurry up, don't dawdle!"

Only then did Li Fugui turn around fiercely, and ran out with a shake of his hands.

Mrs. Li also hurried to catch up.


Wang Teng's whole body went limp, and he fell to the ground, panting heavily.

His hands were shaking constantly, his feet were also shaking, his whole body was a little weak, and he was a little scared in his heart, but he didn't know what he was afraid of.

Seeing him like this, Li Yuerong hurried over, hugged him, and hurriedly asked, "A Teng, are you alright?"

Leaning in her arms, Wang Teng felt a softness on his face, and his heart started pounding suddenly, thinking how comfortable it was to be held by his wife like this!
But he just thought about it, and quickly responded: "Sister Yuerong, I'm fine, don't worry!"

"It's fine! It's fine!"

Only then did Li Yuerong feel relieved. Seeing Wang Teng staring straight at her, she blushed pretty and wanted to let go.

But looking at the blood marks on Wang Teng's face, thinking about what happened just now, his heart softened again, he just moved his body a little, and said in a crying voice: "You silly boy, does your face hurt? Why bother!"

"Neither painful nor bitter!"

Wang Teng shook his head, rubbing his ear against the fine gauze skirt, itching, he said: "I promised Master, I will take good care of you, Sister Yuerong, don't worry, I will never let others bully you, unless I die !"

He didn't dare to say that old man Li promised Li Yue to him, it was too abrupt, if he really wanted to say it, not only might Li Yuerong not accept it, but he might even hate him.

Then it's not worth the loss.

Li Yuerong was also very moved after hearing his words, her eyes were red.

But she is a restrained woman, she will not really say it, but shouted: "You idiot, what are you talking about, it is unlucky, hurry up and follow me, bah bah bah!"

"Hey, bah bah bah!"

Wang Teng learned to do it again, but failed to learn well, choking himself and coughing for a long time.

Li Yuerong looked at his stupid appearance, although there were still tears on his face, he still couldn't help but burst out laughing.

At that moment, Wang Teng felt that the whole world lit up.

Wang Teng couldn't help but said: "Sister Yuerong, you look so pretty when you smile, are you a fairy from heaven and earth?"

"Fool, what are you talking about!"

Li Yuerong patted him, pulled him up, and said, "Are you hungry, I'll cook for you!"


Wang Teng nodded.

Li Yuerong's cooking was delicious, and Wang Teng was a young man, so he drank three bowls of porridge in a row before he was full.

After eating, he looked at the back of Li Yuerong tidying up the dishes, and couldn't help but think to himself, if he could live with his wife like this forever, how wonderful it would be!

At this time, there was a burst of shouting outside: "Brother A Teng, something happened to my cow, come out quickly!"

"Sister Yuerong, I'm going out for a while!"

Wang Teng talked to Li Yuerong, picked up the medicine box and rushed out.

A few years ago, old man Zheng handed over all the work to Wang Teng. No matter if he was in the village or outside the village, he would go to Wang Teng directly for any problems.

Wang Teng went out and saw that it was Liu Xiaojing, the daughter of Widow Liu's family in the village.

Liu Xiaojing looked very anxious, and shouted: "Brother A Teng, hurry up, my cow is about to die!"

"What's going on?" Wang Teng asked.

"I don't know, okay, suddenly I spit!"

Liu Xiaojing didn't say much, grabbed Wang Teng's hand, turned around and ran away.

Liu Xiaojing's father had an accident while working outside a few years ago, and the boss didn't lose any money, so the two of them were left.

Wang Teng knew that their lives were difficult, so he took good care of them, and often only charged the cost price for medical treatment, which also made Liu Xiaojing have a good relationship with him.

Liu Xiaoyiyijing This year, he is in his third year of high school. He is tall and thin, with fair skin and well-developed. He trembles when he runs, which is very eye-catching.

Wang Teng blushed when he saw it, but smelling the scent coming from him and holding that slippery little hand, he couldn't help but dream about it, but thinking of his wife at home, he quickly suppressed the thought.

Running all the way to Widow Liu's house, Widow Liu saw Wang Teng coming, and hurriedly shouted: "Oh, brother Teng, what's the matter, our family lives by pointing at this cow! Why is it so good that it will be gone?" !"

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll take a look first!"

Wang Teng hurriedly comforted, and hurried to the old scalper lying on the ground.

He checked it, frowned immediately, and said, "Auntie, what did your cow eat today?"

"I didn't eat anything, I just got up early and fed the fodder. By the way, there was freshly cut grass, and I didn't eat anything else!" Widow Liu was about to cry. This cow is the lifeblood of their family. No, they will be in trouble after that.

"Looking at it like this, I have eaten pesticides. After such a long time, I'm afraid it won't be able to save my life!"

Wang Teng was also worried for her, and put his hand on the cow for some reason. Suddenly, he was in a trance, and a small gourd popped up in his mind.

The little gourd shook, and a piece of writing appeared.

"Little Yunyu Jue? What is it?"

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, but before he could understand what was going on, a hot current gushed out of his hand and entered the old scalper's body.

Under the effect of this heat flow, the old scalper stopped convulsing and foaming very quickly. Wow, he spit out a large piece of yellow water, and then stood up suddenly, without the appearance of dying at all. up.

Widow Liu's mother and daughter were stunned when they saw this scene.

No matter how high Wang Teng's level is, he can't be as high as this!

Wang Teng also noticed the strangeness on their faces, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, the animal digests slowly. I made it vomit and spit out all the pesticides. If you give it more water these two days, it will be fine. I still have something to do, so let's go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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