Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 24 3 acres of land

Chapter 24
At this time, Hao Youyun's psychological shadow area was as if he had eaten bitter melon, and he almost let it out like a fart.

"A total of twenty-five thousand, you can choose not to."

Wang Teng took out the cash and threw it into Hao Youyun's hands.

Hao Youyun suddenly chuckled, and said, "Brother Teng, it's very immoral for you to do this. People are doing what they are doing, and the sky is watching. If the sky is struck by lightning, it will be a terrible death."

"Okay, don't forget it."

Wang Teng was not used to this grandson, and he was not satisfied with making him earn [-] in three days, so he went directly to grab it and said, "I'm leaving, goodbye, see you later."

"Hey, wait a minute, I want it, I want it."

Hao Youyun had the cheek to grab the money quickly, but finally chose to bow his head.

No way.

A grandson like this cannot be used to it, the more he is used to it, the more embarrassing he will be, and in the end he gnawed Wang Teng's bones and skins.

Wang Teng also thought this kid was very funny, and said: "Ten acres of land, you can lend it to yourself, I think some people will lend it to me."

"Borrow, borrow, how can I not borrow, my brain has not been kicked by a donkey."

Hao Youyun was very helpless, he thought that Wang Teng would really split with him.

In fact, Wang Teng was already very face-saving. He didn't do anything. In less than three days, he made a lot of money for nothing. He said, "Okay, then I'll leave."

"Brother Teng, I hope you don't fall into the ditch when you walk in the future, bye."

Hao Youyun said, turned and left.

Although Wang Teng made 5 yuan in one breath this time, he thought later that 30 million yuan in 100 days seemed not enough, and he needed to get more land.

It is Wang Tian who can get more land in the village.

If Hao Youyun is a rogue in the village, then Wang Tian can be said to be the tyrant in the village.

Wang Tian controls two-thirds of the village land by himself. Anyone who wants to grow vegetables has to go to him to rent it out. This is not enough, and it depends on whether he is in a good mood. .

Wang Teng thought for a while, the relationship between them is not too rigid, why not go to him for help, maybe there is a way.

10 minute later.

Wang Teng came to Wang Tian's house.

At this time, Wang Tian was playing mahjong with three ruffians, with Erlang's legs crossed, and a pair of flip-flops in his mouth, each of them looked unorthodox.

"It's all confused, give me money."

"Damn it, are you cheating on me?"

"Whoever cheats is the grandson."

"Brother Tian, ​​don't afford to lose."

Wang Tian lost more than 3000 yuan in one afternoon, and his eyes were almost red. His current emotional state is that he wants to kill anyone he sees.

Wang Teng didn't even knock on the door, and went in directly. After seeing Wang Tian, ​​he said, "Brother Tian, ​​I'm here to discuss something with you today."

"Go away, don't you see that I'm losing money?"

As soon as Wang Tian finished speaking, he heard that the voice was not right, it seemed to be Wang Teng's voice, but when he turned his head to see it was indeed true, he immediately put on a smiling face and said, "Oh Brother Teng, today the northwest wind brought you here gone."

At this time, the three ruffians on the mahjong table got up and left.

"I'm here to ask you to borrow some land. Can you lend me all the land? We can split the bill fifty-fifty."

Wang Teng knew that Wang Tian was a straightforward person, as long as he spoke straightforwardly, he would agree, so he didn't have to beat around the bush like Hao Youyun.

Wang Tian hesitated for a while, and after guessing, he knew that he was going to use the land to grow vegetables. He agreed without thinking, and said, "Brother Teng, which one of us is with whom? If you want to rent land, you are very welcome."

"Thank you very much then."

In normal times, Wang Teng would definitely not want to cooperate with Wang Tian, ​​after all he is a ruffian.

But this time is different, he made a bet with Li Tao, and he had to win.

Wang Tian suddenly made another condition, which was very excessive, and said, "Wait, when can you help Mrs. Li pay back the 30 that Mrs. Li owed last time? Five or five is not enough. I will give you six and you four."

"30 will definitely be given to you, but the land must be lent to me first."

Wang Teng said.

Wang Tian was also very straightforward. He took out a pen and paper and asked Wang Teng to make a document and pressed his handprint, saying, "I gave you all the land, but you have to sign it."

"I don't think four or six is ​​good, five or five is fine."

Wang Teng knew that growing vegetables was very profitable, and he had to rely on himself for most of the work, so he couldn't let Wang Tian alone take the lead.

Wang Tian was so angry that he slapped the mahjong table hard, and said: "What the hell are you, you are worthy of negotiating terms with me, please kill me."

"If you want to talk like that, then our cooperation will come to an end. Anyway, some people rent land to me."

Wang Teng has such a good secret of growing vegetables, he is not afraid of not being able to find the owner, so he said, "Think about it yourself."

"Think of snake skin and chicken feathers, get out of here, don't let me see you kid."

Wang Tian cursed loudly.

Wang Teng smiled coldly, and said, "Okay, since you've said it all, I'll go up the tree first."

"Go away, Lao Tzu rarely lends you your land."

After Wang Tian scolded, Wang Teng really turned around and left.

After Wang Tian thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. He is not stupid and rich, so why not make money for nothing, anyway, he has already played all the pretense, so he immediately stopped Wang Teng and said, "Wait, don't leave yet. "

"What? Have you changed your mind? The thing is, I can't change my mind."

Wang Teng didn't even bother to take another look at Wang Tian, ​​since he couldn't cooperate, let's call it a day.

Wang Tian suddenly burst out laughing. He was used to pretending to be coercive, but suddenly he couldn't take it back when he saw someone, and said, "Brother Teng, I am not joking with you? Look at you, you are serious."

"Four to six points is fine, I am six and you are four."

In fact, Wang Teng was not afraid of Wang Tian at all. He knew that although this native cow was usually fierce, he was actually the weakest when encountering things.

In other words, he looks tough on the outside, but his heart is like a mouse, like shit.

Wang Tian was dumbfounded all of a sudden, but he still nodded and agreed, otherwise he would be a fool, and replied: "Okay, brother Teng, four six is ​​four six."

"Okay, I'm going to use the land today, you first give me the [-] mu of land that is vacant in the village."

"Okay, I'm ugly. The 30 owed by Mrs. Li must be deducted from the profit first."

Don't look at Wang Tian's usual fierce appearance, he is still really generous if he wants to be generous.

After Wang Teng nodded, he said, "Thanks, I will give you the money after I take it."

"Why are you in a hurry to leave? Come and have a drink or two, and then leave after finishing work."

Wang Tian took out the Red Star Erguotou that he had treasured for many years, and poured two cups into it.

Wang Teng never drank alcohol, but after all, it was the first cooperation, so he agreed and said, "Okay, let's have a drink."

"Go, get some vegetables and peanuts, and bring over the chicken's freshly laid eggs in the backyard."

(End of this chapter)

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