Chapter 258

Wang Teng then asked: "Oh, is that so? Which hotel do you want to go to?"

Wu Yingying: "I don't know, I have to go to work tomorrow, can you continue to pick me up by car?"

Wang Teng: "No time."

Wu Yingying: "My car broke down, why don't you give it away?"

Wang Teng: "Is that why you didn't go home?"

Wu Yingying: "Why don't you take me to a hotel near your home, that would be more convenient."

Wang Teng: "You might as well just go back to my house, it's more convenient."

Wu Yingying: "Is it possible? Actually, I don't dislike it either."


After Wang Teng heard this, he took a deep breath.

Wu Yingying was too proactive today, and there was a hint in every sentence.

It seems to be hinting at Wang Teng, the feeling of whether we should go to open a room together.

Wang Teng immediately said: "Shut up, I will take you to the hotel and pick you up tomorrow, so you are satisfied?"

Wu Yingying didn't speak at this time, as if she felt that it would be embarrassing to speak again.

After all, it is not easy for her to take the initiative to this extent.

Wang Teng soon drove the car to the entrance of a quasi-6-star hotel and stopped the car.

At the entrance of the hotel, two waiters ran out immediately, one to help park the car and the other to receive it.

After all, this is a quasi-6-star hotel, and the service is still very good.

It was also the first time for Wu Yingying to come to this kind of hotel, and she was afraid that she would not be able to pay the rent, so she immediately said, "Brother Teng, why don't we change to another hotel, this one is too expensive."

Wang Teng: "Didn't I just give you 50 yuan? Don't worry, the minimum consumption in this hotel is just over 3000 yuan a night."

Wu Yingying: "But I don't know the password of your card, how can I swipe it."

Wang Teng: "Isn't the password written on the card? You won't look upside down yourself?"

After hearing this, Wu Yingying was so surprised that she quickly turned over the bank card and took a look, only to find a small note on the back of the card, on which was written the 6-digit password of the bank card.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Wu Yingying said.

Suddenly, a waiter came over and asked, "Excuse me, are there two of you?"

Wang Teng said: "No, there is only one, and the girl just needs to settle her down."

The waiter said, "Yes sir."

Wu Yingying was still reluctant to get out of the car at this time, always wanting to stay on the Lamborghini for a while longer.

Wang Teng glanced back at Wu Yingying, saw her sitting on the co-pilot motionless like a pig, and asked, "Why don't you get out of the car? The hotel is here."

Wu Yingying said: "Brother Teng, you must pick me up tomorrow, I will call you."

Wang Teng: "Understood, you can get out of the car."

Only now did Wu Yingying get out of the car dawdly.

After she got out of the car, she turned her head and waved at Wang Teng with a smile on her face, and said, "Brother Teng, go slowly."

Wang Teng didn't bother to answer, let alone look at her, and quickly drove away.

At this time, Wu Yingying sent another text message, which read: "Remember to pick me up."

Wang Teng didn't reply to the text messages either, worried that Wu Yingying would continue to send text messages after she did.

When Wang Teng was driving on the road, he suddenly saw a young lady wearing glasses rushing across the zebra crossing.

Wang Teng stepped on the brake in a hurry.

Fortunately, I was driving a Lamborghini, and the braking performance was very agile. If I was driving a Buick or Volkswagen, I might have crashed into it.

Wang Teng was very angry at the time, it was a red light, why didn't this girl have eyes?
"Hey, can you watch the road? You dare to jaywalk at a red light."

Wang Teng stretched his neck out of the window to have a look.

Unexpectedly, the frightened girl suddenly made a very surprising move.

When she slowly approached, Wang Teng saw that her face was covered with scars, and her whole body was covered with cuts and bruises.

Wang Teng jumped in surprise: "Hey, don't come here."

The little girl ran over directly, patted Wang Teng's car window with both hands, and said, "Please, help me."

This girl, wearing a suit and a pair of glasses, looks like a white-collar worker in a company.

Wang Teng was puzzled, how could such a woman appear at night?
"what happened to you?"

"You save me, someone is going to kill me."

"Who is going to kill you?"

"Hurry up and save me, they are coming after you."

Wang Teng didn't know this girl, she looked 21 and [-] years old, she was about the same age as himself.

Looking at such a woman in such a dark place, I feel scared when I see such a woman suddenly.

Moreover, she was covered with injuries, as if she had just been beaten,
Wang Teng didn't think much about it. He felt that saving people was the most important thing, so he said immediately: "Okay, you can get in the car. Where is your home? I'll take you back."

The girl said in a flustered tone: " home is not here, I was robbed by someone, someone is chasing me, please save me."

After finishing speaking, the girl passed out and passed out directly on the road.

This scene shocked Wang Teng so much that his heart was pounding, he got out of the car and helped the girl up.

As soon as Wang Teng touched the girl with his hand, he felt her body was icy cold, and her back was desolate.

That feeling, there is an indescribable depression.

"Girl? What's wrong with you?"

When Wang Teng asked this sentence, the girl who fell in his arms had already lost consciousness.

Wang Teng didn't know what to do, and he didn't know whether to carry it to the hospital or to the police station.

However, seeing that the girl's life is hanging by a thread, I feel that saving lives is the most important thing.

Although he didn't know the girl and didn't know her name, he still decided to send her to the hospital first.

Suddenly, at this moment, something terrible happened.

Several people rushed out of an alley, holding bright machetes in their hands.

Wang Teng also heard the shouts of those people from a distance.

"Over there, that stinky bitch, kill her for me."

Immediately afterwards, several people rushed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng obviously realized that these people were here to trouble the little girl.

However, this girl just doesn't look like a bad person.

In order to avoid disputes with those people, Wang Teng quickly got into the car with the girl on his back, and ran away as soon as he drove.

Wang Teng didn't even look to see if those little bastards had caught up, he just knew it was important to go home first.

Ten minutes later, Wang Teng drove the car downstairs to his home.

At this moment, the unconscious girl in the passenger seat coughed several times, vomited blood from her mouth, and stammered, "Help me, my money, my money..."

(End of this chapter)

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