Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 27 Luxury Car BMW

Chapter 27 Luxury Car BMW
Hao Youyun usually nests in the village and can't walk a few steps back and forth, so he bought it for display on the street every day.

"Oh, Boss Hao, your car is really expensive."

"Yeah, it looks like a million-dollar luxury car."

"Isn't this a BMW?"

The young people in the village are also short-sighted. They have never seen any high-end cars.

Hao Youyun immediately felt that his face was infinite, and said: "Hey, it's okay, just driving casually is about the same as a million-dollar car."

When Wang Teng heard this, he felt that Hao Youyun was putting gold on his face.

"Keep a low profile, don't get your tires punctured."

There are really a lot of jealous young people like this in the village. If they are so impatient, they might remove the tires of Hao Youyun's car.

To show off in front of the poor, the possibility of being plotted is more than 90.00% [-].

Hao Youyun is not afraid when he arrives, anyway, he already has enough face, he is fine if the car burns out, he said: "Brother Teng, you don't know how comfortable I feel today."

"Come on, hurry up and hide the car, don't block the intersection, the bullock cart will hit you later."

Wang Teng wasn't joking either. Hao Youyun's BMW was still red. Niu Zhen was so impatient that he rushed up and punched a hole in its windshield with the corners.

Hao Youyun didn't listen at all, and wanted to park the car in front of Wang Tian's house for a week, so that the kid could see what a big boss is, and said, "Don't worry, I know it well."

"You have Mao Maoshu in your heart, drive the car away quickly."

Wang Teng left without talking nonsense.

In the evening, just as Wang Teng returned home, he suddenly saw Li Yuerong taking a bath in the room, and he also saw it by accident.

Through a layer of transparent windows, the room was still lit with lights.

"Sister Yuerong..."

Wang Teng was just halfway through speaking when he suddenly became speechless.

Li Yuerong was startled when he heard the voice. He didn't expect Wang Teng to come back so early, and said, "Wait, I'll come out after I change my clothes."

In fact, Wang Teng didn't intend to peek at it at first, but the window was too concealed, as long as he turned his head a little, he could see a naked back through the window.

"Sister Yuerong, how about I go out for a while and come back in 10 minutes."

Wang Teng also wanted to find an excuse to leave first.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Yuerong came out wrapped in a white towel, opened the door, and said, "No need, I've already washed it."

"I didn't see anything just now."

The more Wang Teng explained in this way, the more he felt that he had seen it secretly.

Li Yuerong actually thought it didn't matter, since they lived together for such a long time anyway, she said, "A Teng, there is food in the kitchen, go get it."

"I'm not hungry, I just want to rest now."

Wang Teng has been busy all day, and even with Xiaoyunyu Jue beside him, he still feels a little overwhelmed.

Li Yuerong said: "Alright then, I'll go clean up first."


Wang Teng had no strength to speak, and fell asleep on the bed as soon as he returned to the room.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, the dog raised by Li Erdan next door kept barking. At first, he thought it was barking for spring, but then something was wrong, and it seemed that someone was walking outside.

After Wang Teng woke up, he put on his shoes immediately, ran outside the door to look, and saw a shadowy figure walking towards the field.

The figure from the back is very familiar, it seems to be Dr. Sun.

What is Dr. Sun doing in the fields?
"Hey, Sun, you don't sleep at night, where are you going?"

Wang Teng roared so loudly.

Dr. Sun seemed to be alarmed, as if he had done something careless, he ran away as soon as he ran, and disappeared at a very fast speed.

"What are you doing?"

The more Wang Teng thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he hurried to the field to have a look.

Suddenly, something bad happened.

The cabbages just planted in the field today are all withered, as if they have been sprayed, and I don't know who did it.

This made Wang Teng anxious.

Wang Teng immediately called Hao Youyun and said that all the vegetables in the field were withered, and Dr. Sun probably did it.

"What the hell? Brother Teng, wait for me, I'll be here right away."

After Hao Youyun heard the news, he was so frightened that he drove over in a BMW immediately. In fact, he only had to walk for a minute, so he had to drive.

After arriving at the place, Hao Youyun was dumbfounded, and said: "My dear mother, this is a good thing done by some heartless bastard."

"It might be Dr. Sun. I saw him in the field just now."

Wang Teng definitely looked good, he would recognize Dr. Sun's back even if it turned into ashes.

Hao Youyun became anxious and said, "This grandson, I must skin him if I catch him."

"Come on, let's go to his house and have a look."

When Wang Teng got into the car, Hao Youyun drove the car in the direction of Dr. Sun's house.

Dr. Sun's home is very simple, just a dilapidated house with no furniture inside, it looks like a garbage dump in a mess.

Hao Youyun parked the car at the door.

Wang Teng got out of the car first, walked to the door of Dr. Sun's house, knocked on the door repeatedly, and shouted: "Grandson, come out, you old dog, you killed so many vegetables in my field."

"Get out of the way, I just smashed the door open."

Hao Youyun was very angry, took out a big hammer from the trunk of the BMW, and hit the door hard.


One beep.

Wang Teng was the first to rush in.

"What about people?"

After entering, Dr. Sun's house was empty without a single ghost.

"This kid is probably not at home, let's wait for him here."

Hao Youyun said.

Wang Teng is not sure whether Dr. Sun will come back, because he is a single dog in his 50s and has not been married. He often does not go home for two or three days, and he has no relatives.

"We've got to look somewhere else, the old dog probably won't be back tonight."

Hao You was so lucky that he cursed directly: "How can there be such a person, I am ashamed that I believed him so much before."

"He may be coming for me. He feels very uncomfortable when he sees me."

Wang Teng said.

Hao Youyun also felt that it was not an option to wait, and had to look for Dr. Sun everywhere.

Dr. Sun was obviously here for revenge this time. He saw that Wang Teng had made a fortune from farming and immediately became jealous, so he sneaked up on someone to do bad things at night, not wanting Wang Teng to reap any benefits.

"Come on, let's go to another place to see if we can catch that old dog."

After a while, Hao Youyun called a few more people and searched around the village for Dr. Sun's trace, but he found that the rooster crowed at six o'clock in the morning, but there was still no news.

Wang Teng thought that he couldn't find it for the time being, and said, "Why don't we take a look tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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