Chapter 271
Dongzi was so frightened by the tigress that he didn't even dare to speak, so he could only stand on the side obediently.

Wang Teng was also convinced, but he thought that this time he was facing the drug dealer Zhao Fei. Although Sun Kewei's tone was a bit fierce, it was not unreasonable, and his life might be in danger at any time, so he said: "Okay, I will I won't argue with you anymore, just listen to you, and I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Sun Kewei: "Get in the car."

After Sun Kewei finished speaking, he turned around and opened the door with the car key, and sat in the driver's seat.

At this time, Dongzi put his mouth close to Wang Teng's ear, and whispered, "Brother Teng, you said such a pretty girl, why did you want to be a policeman?"

Wang Teng rolled his eyes at Dongzi: "Get in the car and shut up, you boy."

Dongzi didn't speak anymore, so he sat in the car obediently.

Wang Teng also got into the car and sat in the co-pilot.

Sun Kewei started the engine of the car with the key, and tapped the steering wheel with both hands. Although he was young, his driving posture was quite proficient.

"You all sit down for me, don't use your brains, do you hear me?"

"Officer Sun, how dare we, just drive your car."

Dongzi said with a playful smile from behind.

Sun Kewei's words were actually addressed to Dongzi, whoever made his hands dirty is a thief.

Wang Teng simply kept silent, too lazy to answer the conversation.

Suddenly, at this time, Wang Teng's cell phone rang. He took out the cell phone and saw that it was Zhao Fei calling, and he panicked.

Sun Kewei glanced sideways at Wang Teng and asked, "Who hit him?"

Wang Teng handed over the phone and said, "Look for yourself, Zhao Fei is calling."

Sun Kewei said: "Take it, just say that you are at home alone, and find a time to ask her out by the way."

Wang Teng: "Oh, I see."

Wang Teng answered the phone immediately, and to be honest, his hands trembled when he pressed the connect button. After all, when he thought that Zhao Fei was a drug dealer, his heart was always up and down.

As soon as he answered the phone, a familiar voice came from the other end of the number, it was Zhao Fei's voice.

"Where are you now?"

Zhao Fei's first sentence was to ask where Wang Teng was, and her tone sounded anxious.

Wang Teng was silent for several seconds, not daring to answer for a long time.

A drug dealer is afraid even thinking about it, how dare he chat with her.

Sun Kewei sat firmly in the driver's seat, turned around and gave Wang Teng a look, as if implying that Wang Teng told him to keep his words secret.

At this time, Zhao Fei's voice came from Wang Teng's mobile phone again, "Speak up, where are you now? Are you dumb?"

Wang Teng sweated a little, and immediately replied: "Oh, I was taking a shower just now, what can you do if you call me?"

Zhao Fei hurriedly said, "Is the one million dollars I gave you this morning still in your hands?"

Wang Teng: "Yes, I left it at home, what's wrong?"

Zhao Fei: "Give me back the money, where are you now, I will find you."

Wang Teng: "What's wrong? You regretted it. You insisted on giving me the 100 million. I didn't force you to give it."

Zhao Fei: "That's not what I meant. Return the 100 million to me first, and I'll transfer another 100 million to you later. I don't have time to explain to you now."

Wang Teng: "Why? You should speak clearly first."

Zhao Fei: "Can't you understand human language? Where are you now? Tell me quickly."

Zhao Fei's tone was very anxious, and she spoke very fast. She basically finished this sentence in two seconds.

Wang Teng also understood in his heart that Zhao Fei probably found out that the 100 million US dollars was stolen money, and he did not pay attention to the wrong money when he gave him the money, so now he is in a hurry to go back.

Sun Kewei gestured to Wang Teng again, as if he wanted to tell Wang Teng to ask him to find a time to ask Zhao Fei out.

Wang Teng also understood, nodded his head immediately, and said: "I said Miss Zhao, you are doing it wrong. You humiliated me when you gave me the 100 million in the morning. Why are you so stingy now?" Give the money back."

Zhao Fei's voice became louder at once, and she said: "I don't lack money, but I am in a hurry to use cash now, you can rest assured that I will transfer 100 million to you from the bank, but you will return the 100 million cash to me right now .”

Wang Teng: "Miss Zhao, do you think I'm stupid or something? Can this 100 million dollars be compared with 100 million red notes? I think you think that you give too much dollars and want to exchange them for red notes. "

Zhao Fei: "Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a money-grubbing stinky man, so don't worry, what I transfer to you is also US dollars, and your benefits are indispensable."

Wang Teng: "You said it yourself, don't go back on your word."

Zhao Fei: "Do you think I look like someone short of money? Tell me where you are now, and I'll go find you right away."

Zhao Fei is a drug dealer, so of course she is not short of money.

Wang Teng also knew it, so he clicked on it deliberately to irritate her.

At this time, Sun Kewei, who was sitting next to Wang Teng, immediately stretched out two fingers, the thumb and index finger, implying that Wang Teng asked Zhao Fei out at [-] o'clock in the evening.

Wang Teng also understood what Sun Kewei meant, and checked that the current time is 5 pm, and there are still three hours before 8 pm.

"Well, Miss Zhao, let's meet at the old place at 8 o'clock tonight, and I will return the 100 million dollars to you."

Wang Teng said.

Zhao Fei said: "8 o'clock is too late, 6 o'clock, I will go to you right away."

Wang Teng: "Are you in such a hurry?"

Zhao Fei: "Yes, I'm going abroad soon, otherwise I won't be able to catch the plane."

Wang Teng: "But I'm taking a shower now, and I have to eat after I take a shower. I'm starving to death. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in just one hour."

Zhao Fei: "Come here, I'll treat you to eat."

Wang Teng: "My wife is still at home. Her meal is almost ready, maybe it's 8 o'clock. I don't think I'm in such a hurry."

Zhao Fei: "Then it's 7 o'clock, otherwise I won't be able to catch the plane, that's it, hang up."

Before Wang Teng answered the next sentence, Zhao Fei hung up the phone in a hurry.

Sun Kewei looked back at Wang Teng curiously, and asked, "What time did you make an appointment?"

Wang Teng said: "7 o'clock, I originally wanted to make an appointment for 8 o'clock, but she refused to agree."

Sun Kewei said: "7 o'clock is 7 o'clock, you take the 100 million US dollars with you and go to meet her."

Wang Teng: "By the way, Zhao Fei still mentioned on the phone that she was going abroad. She probably has to run away. I think she should be arrested directly."

When Sun Kewei heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he replied, "What? She wants to go abroad? That's not okay, you have to find a way to keep her."

Wang Teng: "What can I do to keep her? Two legs grow on her body."

(End of this chapter)

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