Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 278 Tony

Chapter 278 Tony

Yang Waiwai yawned while waving his hands, saying that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to his room to sleep first, "Brother Teng, then I'll go to bed first, see you tomorrow morning." After saying goodbye to Wang Teng, he turned and left.

"Alright bro, call me if you need something."

Wang Teng was also sleepy. He took off his clothes and went back to the bathroom to take a shower. It was almost 12 o'clock in the morning when he came out.Wang Teng turned on the TV and watched the football match for a while, then fell asleep in a daze on the soft Simmons mattress.

I don't know how long it took, but when about ten minutes passed, Wang Teng suddenly felt someone around him touching his forehead with his hand in his vague sleep. When he opened his eyes and saw that it was Zhao Fei, he was frightened all over. Trembling, hands and feet shrank back, "Why are you? Why are you here?"

"What? Don't want to see me?"

Zhao Fei didn't know when she sneaked in from outside the door. She was still wearing a sexy pink underwear and had a fragrant peony flower tattooed on her arm. Wang Teng could clearly smell that she was wearing perfume and said "Why didn't you knock first when you came in?"

"This is my sister's room, do you still need to knock on the door?" Zhao Fei said while stroking Wang Teng's chest muscles dishonestly. Although there were not many chest muscles, Wang Teng was indeed shocked. cold sweat.

Wang Teng was so frightened that he immediately jumped up from the bed and said, "Sister Fei, don't do this, I'm not interested in all women."

Zhao Fei gave Wang Teng a seductive look: "Really? Then what kind of woman are you interested in?"

Wang Teng squeezed his sweat and said, "Sister Fei, I just treat you as my own sister, don't think too much about it."

"My sister likes a man with your personality." Zhao Fei gave Wang Teng another seductive look, and then she couldn't help taking off her clothes. She looks really flirtatious today, Wang Teng hurriedly stopped her with his hand and said: "Sister Fei, don't do this!"

Perhaps it was due to conditioned reflex, Wang Teng kicked Zhao Fei under the bed while speaking, of course it was not intentional, but he was a little panicked.

Zhao Fei fell under the bed, raised her head and gave Wang Teng a hard look, but said nothing.

Wang Teng was also startled and drenched in cold sweat. He jumped out of bed and helped Zhao Fei up with his hands, saying, "Are you okay? I didn't mean it just now."

Zhao Fei's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. After slowly dragging her body to stand up from the ground in embarrassment, she walked out the door, even embarrassed to say anything.

After a while, Zhao Fei left the room and went downstairs.

Wang Teng hadn't recovered yet, and he himself didn't expect that Zhao Fei would come in directly like this suddenly, and even touch him, so Wang Teng didn't sleep well all night, and the next morning Everyone is still in a daze.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Yang Waiwai called and asked Wang Teng to go downstairs, saying that he wanted to introduce someone to him.

After Wang Teng agreed on the phone, he got dressed and prepared to go downstairs. Unexpectedly, when he walked to the elevator of the hotel, he met Zhao Fei again, and said hello with embarrassment on his face: "Sister Fei, are you awake?" Yeah, last night..."

Zhao Fei just glared at Wang Teng with angry eyes, and walked into the elevator without saying a word.

Wang Teng quickly chased after them, and the two got on the elevator together, and then explained: "Sister Fei, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to kick you yesterday."

"It's okay." Zhao Fei just replied casually with no expression on her face.

Wang Teng looked down at Zhao Fei's legs again, and found that they were still wearing bandages, and they were still limping when walking. He asked, "Is your leg feeling better?"

Zhao Fei sneered, "Are you caring about me?"

Wang Teng smiled and said, "No, I'll just ask."

Zhao Fei gave Wang Teng a blank look. When the elevator stopped on the first floor, she went out alone, and Wang Teng followed. Teng waved, followed by several strange men, one of whom was a foreigner wearing sunglasses, looking cool.

"Hey, brother Teng, you're here, let me introduce you."

Yang Waiwai pointed at the foreigner next to him, and said, "This is our big client, just call him Brother Tony."

“nice to meet you.”

Wang Teng also said hello to Brother Tony directly in English, for fear that he would not understand.

Tony smiled amiably: "Hello, I can understand Chinese, you can speak Chinese."

Yang Waiwai introduced several people next to Wang Teng, who were basically the backbone of the drug gang, and they were all young in their twenties.

At this time, another Land Rover stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Several people got out of the car, and one of them was Hao Yue. Wang Teng had met him once before, and he seemed to be Hao Feng's father.The other people who got out of the car were Hao Yue's assistant and secretary.

Hao Yue greeted Brother Tony as soon as he got out of the car. He came up to call him brothers. Later, Hao Yue asked someone to bring out a bag of white powder for Brother Tony to inspect the goods. Only then did Wang Teng know that the two seemed to be planning to trade.

Tony took out a knife and punctured a hole in the white powder, took a little bit of it in his mouth, tasted it, and raised his thumb: "Very good, very good."

"Hey, Brother Tony, I'm still a brother."

Hao Yue waved his hand, and asked someone to take out all the boxes of white powder in the car and open them for Tony to show. No, the two of them basically talked in Chinese, and there was not a single sentence that Wang Teng could not understand.

Wang Teng also felt that it was too blatant to inspect the goods on the side of the road like this... It is simply lawless, and of course this is at the border of a foreign country after all.

Hao Yue clapped his hands and shouted: "Brother Tony, you can have as much as you want this time, and all the goods will be prepared for you in the warehouse."

Tony nodded his head, and took several people into Hao Yue's car. Hao Yue never noticed that Wang Teng was standing next to him, and all his attention was on Tony, the big client this time.

Yang Waiwai also drove the Maserati over and asked Wang Teng to get in the car and follow them to the warehouse to get the goods. Yang Waiwai also threw a fake pistol to Wang Teng, asking him to be responsible for protecting the safety of the transaction.

Zhao Fei also got into the car and sat in the co-pilot.

Yang Waiwai drove the car for more than half an hour, followed the Land Rover in front of Hao Yue, and soon both cars drove to an abandoned garbage factory. There was a big red warehouse in the middle, and the door was still standing. A man in black with two watchmen.

"Come on, Tony, please."

After several people got out of the car, Hao Yue took Tony into the warehouse,

(End of this chapter)

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