Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 288 Negotiations

Chapter 288 Negotiations
"You put the gun and the grenade down first, then we'll talk."

When Sun Kewei said this again, several special police officers obviously squinted at her, probably thinking in their hearts: "Is this a girl?"

Wang Teng also ran up in a hurry, looked at Yang Waiwai, and kindly persuaded him, "Brother Waiwai, put down the gun first, let's talk if you have something to say, don't be too impulsive."

"Get out of here, don't come near me." Yang Waiwai yelled loudly while hiding in a corner, relying on a wall post as a cover, and at the same time he was threatening with a gun dangling in his hand, He shouted: "If you come any closer, I'm going to detonate the grenade."

"Okay, don't be impulsive, we won't get close to you." Sun Kewei persuaded, and continued to ask: "What do you want?"

Yang Waiwai said: "I want a helicopter, and I still have 500 million US dollars. I want to go abroad."

Sun Kewei suddenly laughed: "Do you think you can escape alive? You have no choice but to put down your weapons and surrender."

Yang Waiwai: "I don't care, if you don't agree to my conditions, I will detonate the grenade immediately."

"Okay, we promise you." Sun Kewei could only promise him temporarily, in order to control his emotions.If Yang Waiwai really detonated the grenade, the consequences would be disastrous.

Wang Teng also persuaded: "Brother Crooked, there should be people in your family. Think about your father and mother. If you die like this, will they be sad?" Wang Teng also followed the TV I learned from it that the police usually negotiate with gangsters in this way, hoping to persuade Yang Waiwai.

Yang Wawai laughed and said, "Wang Teng, you traitor, I trust you too much."

"Stop talking nonsense with him, hurry up and find a way." Sun Kewei looked at Wang Teng, said this in a very low voice, and worried that Yang Waiwai would hear it.

Seeing that Yang Waiwai's mood had not stabilized, Wang Teng took another step forward and asked loudly, "Then what do you want now, I will satisfy you."

Yang Waiwai said: "Get me a helicopter right away, I only give you 10 minutes."

"10 minutes? No way." Wang Teng said, "It will take at least 20 minutes. Our helicopter has to be transferred from the headquarters. I'm afraid it will be too late."

"Well, in 20 minutes, I want to see the plane, or detonate the grenade."

Yang Wawai kept dangling the grenade around, looking like it was about to detonate from time to time. This move scared many people in the warehouse from moving, for fear that Yang Wawai would detonate the grenade if he moved. There is a lot of gasoline in it, and they will all have to be buried with them when the time comes.

Dongzi suddenly ran over and said to Yang Waiwai: "Brother Waiwai, we are also of the same kind. You must not detonate the grenade. You have to wait for the plane to pick you up anyway. Think about life in prison." How scary, bending over to pick up soap from time to time, surrounded by several big men, what kind of feeling is that?"

When Yang Wawai heard this, he suddenly fell silent.

Dongzi really didn't know which pot to turn on and which pot to lift. When Wang Teng heard Dongzi's words, he broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly went up and pulled Dongzi back with his hand, and said, "Are you stupid? Are you stupid?" Want to provoke him?"

"No, brother Teng, I just want to persuade him." Dongzi said.

"You can die if you don't say a few words?" Sun Kewei is about to go crazy, and seeing someone like Dongzi coming over will only be a disservice.

Yang Waiwai hid in a corner by himself and pondered for a long time. He didn't know what he thought of suddenly, and his mood became more irritable. .

"He detonated the grenade, lie down!"

One of the non-commissioned officers yelled, and the rest of the special police officers fell to the ground in overwhelming momentum, holding their heads in their hands.

Sun Kewei was also frightened, and immediately followed him to the ground, and at the same time pressed Wang Teng on top of her. This action frightened Wang Teng, who was stunned for a while, into a cold sweat.

Dongzi also quickly climbed to the ground.

A few seconds later, the grenade in Yang Waiwai's hand sizzled for a while, then suddenly turned off and stopped. Only then did he realize that it was a dumb grenade, and it would not ring at all.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and one of them said: "It's a dumb thunder, it scared me to death just now."

Sun Kewei broke into a cold sweat before slowly standing up from the ground.At the same time, more than a dozen special police officers around also stood up, continued to point their guns at Yang Wawai, and another person stepped forward and said, "You can come out and surrender now, your grenade is already mute."

In desperation, Yang Waiwai took out the magazine in his hand and took a sneak peek, seeing that there was only the last bullet left in the magazine.Trembling all over his body, Yang Wawai said, "I...I don't want to go to jail." After speaking, Yang Wawai put the barrel of the pistol in his mouth, and pulled the trigger hard with his thumb.

At the same time, Sun Kewei stepped forward to persuade: "What are you doing? Stop!"

Bang, there was a gunshot, and blood spattered onto the wall.Yang Wawai's body fell down, and he lay on his cold back in a pool of blood, without moving his limbs.

"He swallowed a gun and killed himself." Dongzi said standing far away.

Suddenly, more than a dozen special police officers rushed towards Yang Waiwai's direction and surrounded Yang Waiwai.When Sun Kewei ran over, she found that Yang Waiwai had died. She sighed and said, "Dead, but I still haven't persuaded him."

Seeing the disappointed expression on Sun Kewei's face, Wang Teng asked curiously, "Officer Sun, he was a drug dealer in the first place, so he died as soon as he died. What's the point of sighing?"

Sun Kewei said: "You don't understand, as a policeman, it is a failure to persuade a person, even if he is a criminal."

"But you have tried your best." Wang Teng said: "Just try your best, don't blame yourself."

Sun Kewei said, "I see."

The moment Yang Waiwai died, all the drug dealers in the warehouse were wiped out. Except for Hao Yue and Xie Zi who escaped, none of them slipped through the net.

Sun Kewei's mobile phone suddenly remembered that it was Chen Ming who called. After answering the phone, he realized that Hao Yue had already run to the border pier and was about to flee abroad by boat. Chen Ming said in a very strong tone on the phone: " Immediately organize your men to surround Hao Yue by the pier, and you must catch him alive."

Must be caught alive!The most important thing Chen Ming said was this sentence, if he was going to die, he would have killed him long ago.

After hearing this, Sun Kewei replied, "Okay, Officer Chen, I understand."

Sun Kewei looked back at Wang Teng again, and said, "Let's go help quickly, Officer Chen is calling."

(End of this chapter)

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