Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 322 The Crane Tower Boss

Chapter 322 The Crane Tower Boss
Everyone was dumbfounded. No one could have imagined that rice dumplings could be filled with poppy powder. Just like what Wang Teng said before, this kind of food would really be addictive after eating.

Zhou Qianqian said: "These people are too bad, they will do anything to make money."

Lao Wang also said: "I heard that their rice dumplings are still expensive."

Zhou Zhuang didn't speak directly, with a very embarrassed expression on his face, he seemed to know that he had misunderstood Wang Teng.

The reason why Wang Teng wanted to pack some Chinese medicinal herbs into the rice dumplings was mainly to help those guests detoxify their bodies, because when things like poppy powder were added to the dishes, the human brain would produce a dependence reaction.

Zhou Qianqian ran behind Zhouzhuang and kept tugging at his arm, begging, "Dad, call A Teng back, he must be very angry if you said that during the day."

"Don't worry, I don't care if what I did is right or wrong, I will find a way to solve it." Zhou Zhuang also didn't want others to gossip about him, even if he felt that he had done something wrong, he would not say it directly.

Zhou Qianqian said anxiously, "I'm going to find A Teng, I know where he is."

"Go, let's go find it together."

"Yeah, it was a bit too much for us to treat Wang Teng like that before."

At this time, a thin old man suddenly came out of the hotel gate. Looking at the vicissitudes of life, he was not tall and had white hair. 's walked out.

This old man is Jiang Yazi, the owner of Xianhe Tower, and also a godfather recognized by Zhou Qianqian.


With a heavy voice, Jiang Yazi walked behind Zhouzhuang, and a smell of wine rushed towards him.

Zhouzhuang looked back at the same time, and greeted politely: "Boss Jiang, why are you here?"

Jiang Yazi said drunkenly: "You are really a stubborn person, do you know why the business of our Crane Tower has been so good?"

Zhou Zhuang replied: "Because every chef's cooking skills are top-notch in China."

Jiang Yazi took the Erguotou bottle in his hand and slapped Zhouzhuang on the head suddenly, but Zhouzhuang stood still after being knocked by the bottle. No one who dared to beat Zhouzhuang in the Crane Tower, except Jiang Yazi There is no one else.

"Zhouzhuang, you are wrong. Our business is so good not because of our good cooking skills. Apart from this aspect, there is another important aspect, and that is our moral character."

Jiang Yazi stood on the spot and taught Zhou Zhuang, looking like a teacher training a primary school student.

When the rest of the people saw that it was Jiang Yazi, they could only bow their heads in silence and dare not interrupt.

Jiang Yazi continued: "Zhouzhuang, I didn't ask you to be the head chef of Xianhe Tower because your dishes are delicious. Apart from this, I mainly want to temper your temper, including your character."

Zhouzhuang bowed his head and replied apologetically, "I see."

"Do you know? Wang Teng's culinary skills are far superior to yours." Jiang Yazi coughed twice, and continued: "But Wang Teng has never been complacent. During the time he came to the Crane Tower, he treated each of us He treats each other politely, this is his character."

Zhou Zhuang suddenly felt a little embarrassed again, and said, "Boss Jiang, I know what you said. I will call Wang Teng back and apologize to him personally."

"Ah That's good."

With a puffing sound, Jiang Yazi farted suddenly, smelling like rotten carrots.The faces of the people around were all embarrassing, and they subconsciously covered their noses with their hands.

Afterwards, Jiang Yazi staggered and walked into the hotel again. He didn't know how much wine he drank, and his face was red.

Zhou Zhuang said: "Quickly ask someone to help Boss Jiang back to his room."


The two waiters walked over and helped Jiang Yazi back into the room.

At this moment, Zhou Zhuang looked back at Zhou Qianqian again, and said softly, "Call Wang Teng and tell him to come back."

Zhou Qianqian said: "You call it yourself. If I call it, Ah Teng will definitely not listen to me."

Zhou Zhuang had no choice but to take his mobile phone and make a call to Wang Teng himself, and Wang Teng answered the call after a while.

After talking on the phone for a few words, Zhou Zhuang kept apologizing to Wang Teng, and his tone was very sincere, and Wang Teng also agreed to come back to work.

After a while, I saw a Lamborghini parked at the gate of the Crane Tower.

At first, a waitress thought it was a customer who came to eat, and hurried over to greet her, but she didn't expect that the person who got off the bus was actually Wang Teng, so she stared at the waitress and said, "It's Zhouzhuang who called me." , I'm coming."

"Wang Teng, so it's you." The waiter's expression was still awkward.

More than a dozen people in Zhouzhuang and the kitchen were also standing at the door. The moment they saw Wang Teng get off the Lamborghini, countless eyes stared straight at him. They never thought that such a rich man would not only have noble morals, He is also so low-key.

As soon as Zhou Qianqian saw Wang Teng coming, she rushed up excitedly, but this time she didn't hug him directly, thinking of her father standing behind her, and said, "A Teng, it's great that you're here."

"Yes." Wang Teng replied.

Zhou Zhuang also came over with people. After seeing Wang Teng, he first said sorry, and then said, "Wang Teng, I'm really sorry. I take back what I said before. I hope you don't take it to heart."

Wang Teng was not a narrow-minded person either, and said, "It's all right, what's in the past is in the past."

Zhou Zhuang said again: "I will now promote you to be a first-class chef and deputy head chef. From now on, you will be able to manage all the affairs of the Crane Tower."

"Okay, thank you." Although Wang Teng doesn't value these things, at least he won't have to do chores in the future.

"Yeah, Ah Teng is now the head chef."

"Let's welcome the new head chef."

One person gave Wang Teng a white coat with a yellow silk scarf embroidered on the collar, and said, "This is what a first-class chef wears. From now on, the stove you use will be the one in the middle of the kitchen."

The first-level chefs in the Crane Tower are nothing more than old Wang Xiaozhang and Datougui, and the rest are second-level and third-level people who have not even entered the mainstream.

Zhou Zhuang also said that he has something to do these days, and Wang Teng will take care of everything in the kitchen these days.

Wang Teng also agreed.

After work, Wang Teng returned to the dormitory, and even changed his living place into a single room, which looked like a deluxe standard room, and there was a little girl inside to help him clean.

This is the treatment of a first-class chef in Xianhe Tower. Not only does he live in a luxurious place, but he also has a high salary.

(End of this chapter)

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