Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 335 Egg Noodles

Chapter 335 Egg Noodles

Wang Teng stretched out his left hand, poured the oil on his palm, then took out a lighter, and lit his hand. A raging flame was burning on his palm, and the transparent fire gave off a faint light.

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know what Wang Teng was going to do.

"A Teng, what are you doing?" Tian Xiaoyu was also shocked, and hurriedly looked for a fire extinguisher.

At this time, Wang Teng took out two eggs from under the cabinet, smashed them, and poured them into his palms. He only heard a sizzling sound, and the eggs were rolling and frying on Wang Teng's palms.

At the same time, Wang Teng became the focus of the entire game.

Zheng Yaoyao hurriedly ran towards Wang Teng, followed by a photographer, and hurriedly asked: "Excuse me, Master Wang, you are the unique fire cloud palm of Shaolin Temple, right? Does it hurt to fry eggs on your hands?"

Wang Teng completely ignored the host's question, how could he casually reveal his unique secret book to others.

After a while, Wang Teng's eggs were fried and poured into the plate.

At the same time, the chefs who were competing next to him also turned their attention to Wang Teng.

"Is he frying eggs in his hands? This man is not a monster, is he?"

"It looks too scary."

Gu Rong also stood up, looked at Wang Teng with peace of mind, and was so stupefied that he couldn't even speak.

Several other judges just watched and said nothing.

Of course, the theme of this competition seems to be chicken. Wang Teng seems to have gone off topic and made a bowl of noodles.

Even if an egg is added to the noodles, it is still noodles, and it has nothing to do with chicken.

Half an hour later, it was time for the game. As the referee rang the clock, he said casually, "It's time, please serve all the dishes."

"The following is the Qiankun Roast Chicken made by Master Bei of Fenghuang Lou."

"There is also a seafood meal and chicken cooked by Master Li from Crystal Palace."

"Then, there is a bowl of egg noodles made by Master Wang of Xianhe Tower?"

Soon, more than a dozen dishes were served on the judges' table, but only Wang Teng's noodles were not served.

Tian Xiaoyu was still complaining about Wang Teng, saying: "The theme is chicken, why are you making noodles?"

Wang Teng replied: "I'll tell you now, you won't understand either. After the judges eat it, they will understand everything."

In fact, don't just say it's Tian Xiaoyu, many people don't understand what Wang Teng's actions mean.

At this time, I saw Gu Rong stand up and said: "You don't need to serve the noodles made by Xianhe Tower, let's serve their dishes."

"Why don't the ones in the Crane Tower go up?" asked another person.

"I've already said that the theme is chicken. Obviously, Crane Tower didn't cook according to the requirements of the topic." Gu Rong looked like an amateur gourmet, who only looked at the surface without tasting the taste.

While everyone was discussing, Wang Teng's figure had long since disappeared in the hall, as if he had left the competition venue.

"The Crane Tower doesn't look like much." "Yeah, he actually made a bowl of noodles." "That Wang Teng, he thinks our judges are all fools."

"Who is Wang Teng?"

"The Immortal Crane Tower must be disqualified, and you will not be able to participate in the competition in the future."

"Yes, I don't need to taste the noodles made by Wang Teng. Even if they taste good, they are completely off topic. That is chicken."

No one is optimistic about the representatives of Crane Tower, because they were the same last year.

Suddenly, a beggar old woman came in from nowhere, took the bowl of noodles on the table and started to eat.

"Security, security, get this crazy woman out of here." Gu Rong suddenly stood up, pointed at the old lady and cursed.

Several security guards rushed up at the same time and held the old woman up.

The old woman smiled and said: "I'm hungry, let me finish the chicken first."

"What do you want to eat? Let's go, don't come here to beg for food." The security guard took a black stick and coaxed the old woman out of the gate.

"Wait a minute." Gu Rong stood up straight away, stopped the old woman, and asked, "What did you just say? You just ate noodles, why did you say it was chicken?"

"Hey, it feels like a chicken in my mouth." The old woman smiled mischievously.

"This old woman is a lunatic, she is talking nonsense." The security guard continued to scold.

Gu Rong immediately waved his hand and said, "Bring me the noodles and let me have a taste."

The security had no choice but to bring up the noodles made by Wang Teng.Gu Rong picked up the chopsticks and just took a bite, his face changed immediately, and before anyone else could speak, he said, "It's so delicious, who made this noodles?"

"The Crane Tower did it on behalf of Wang Teng."

"Wang Teng?"

"The other person has gone, it seems to have disappeared."

Gu Rong took another bite of the noodles, but what he tasted in his mouth was the taste of chicken, and after chewing for a few times, he couldn't taste any noodles in it.

He had never tasted such a delicious thing in his life.

The rest of the judges also tasted it, and they all thought it was very delicious.

It looks like noodles, but what you eat in your mouth is the taste of chicken.

How on earth is this done?No one knows at all.

After a while, Gu Rong tasted all the dishes, and immediately announced the result of the competition, saying: "I announce that No.1 in Crane Tower this time has qualified for the senior chef competition."

After hearing the result, everyone was shocked.

In many people's minds, Crane Tower is only worthy of the last place. When will it be No.1?
Gu Rong then said: "I want Wang Teng's phone number, can you tell him to contact me?"

At this time Tian Xiaoyu pretended to go over and said, "I am Wang Teng's sister, you can just ask him to find me."

"This is a master chef. I haven't met him in hundreds of years." Gu Rong is usually a relatively simple and honest person, and he is not lying if he can say this sentence.

Tian Xiaoyu said: "That's right, A Teng's craftsmanship in our Crane Tower is the best. If he calls it the first, no one dares to call it the second."

Gu Rong said: "Yes, I really believe it. Besides, I have a personal matter. Can I get rid of your Master Wang?"

Tian Xiaoyu smiled: "Just tell me, Ah Teng will definitely agree."

"Where is Wang Teng now? I need to see him soon."

When Gu Rong asked this question, Tian Xiaoyu was also stunned. She didn't know where Wang Teng had gone. She just turned around and Wang Teng disappeared in plain sight.

At this time, Wang Teng appeared again. He just went to the toilet just now, so don't do other things.

After all, people have three urgencies, and I can't bear this thing once it comes.

(End of this chapter)

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