Chapter 48

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to people like you."

Liu Xiaoyan always wanted to be Ouyang Feng's boyfriend in her dreams. This kind of man not only has money in his family, but also has good personal strength. He just happens to be the male god in her mind.

She believed that Wang Teng deserved to be punished.

Lin Ke'er looked at Liu Xiaoyan, feeling uncomfortable, she was still a classmate, what happened to Ouyang Feng, and said, "Brother Teng, don't talk to her, she is just a snobbish woman."

"Who are you calling snobby? Lin Ke'er, don't you just have two bad money in your family?"

A woman like Liu Xiaoyan is someone who won't buy it once she turns her back on her. She is very hostile, and she can't bear the sight of others being richer than her.

Wang Teng said: "Okay, I will avenge this revenge, and I will go to a lawyer now."

"Liu Xiaoyan, get out of the yacht right now, I'm blind and invite you to play here."

Lin Keer scolded Liu Xiaoyan a few words.

In the end, Liu Xiaoyan continued to taunt, saying: "What's the big deal, I don't care about getting on your wrecked boat."

After speaking, Liu Xiaoyan turned around and left the yacht without saying a word.

"Fuck off, go to hell, you stinky bitch."

Lin Keer seldom swears, but when she sees this woman, she can't bear it any longer. How could she be in the same class as Liu Xiaoyan?
After Liu Xiaoyan left, Wang Teng took his mobile phone and searched for law firms on the website.

Wang Teng originally planned to ask Dr. Shangsun to go to the lawyer's office with him, but after thinking about it, he felt that Laosun didn't bother him at all in his life.

"Brother Teng, how about I go to the law firm with you?"

"Forget it, I'll go alone."

"Let me go with you."

Lin Ke'er wanted to go with Wang Teng.

Wang Teng had no choice but to agree and said, "Okay, don't make trouble for me when you go."

"Hmph, who do you think I am?"

Lin Ke'er was naturally unhappy when she heard this.

Wang Teng was very anxious, so he took a taxi directly to the lawyer's office, because Lin Keer's car was too far away, and it would take another half an hour to walk there.

5 minute later.

Wang Teng and Lin Ke'er came to a law firm.

In the law firm, there is a lawyer named Hou, nicknamed Hou Bubai. He has fought more than 100 lawsuits in his twenties, and it is said that he has never lost a single lawsuit.

If he could help Wang Teng, Ouyang Feng would be pushed to the ground and rubbed.

"Hello, we are looking for a lawyer in waiting, is he there?"

Wang Teng came to the office and looked around, Lin Keer followed behind, rubbing against Wang Teng from time to time, pretending to be her girlfriend.

At this moment, a legal adviser came over wearing a pair of glasses, saw Wang Teng, and said, "He is here, in the office, but he has an appointment today."

"Tell him that I'm going to find him and I need help with something."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The man with glasses ran straight into the innermost office at the end of the corridor, walked out within 5 minutes, and let Wang Teng go in.

Wang Teng responded and walked into the waiting lawyer's office.

Lawyer Hou's office was very luxuriously decorated. When Wang Teng first walked in, it was like walking into a palace. The two statues standing at the door almost looked like two soldiers guarding the office.

"Hi, I'm a lawyer waiting."

Lawyer Hou turned around slowly, with red lips and white teeth, and a very good figure, she was just a beautiful woman in her 20s, and said, "What can I do for you?"

" are waiting for a lawyer."

Wang Teng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that a mere lawyer could put on such a big air.

People who didn't know thought it was entering the palace to meet the emperor's old son.

Lawyer Hou nodded, stretched out a hand to shake Wang Teng, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Lawyer Hou, I want to ask you to help me with a lawsuit."

Wang Teng was straight to the point, and he didn't like people from the city, so he didn't bother to beat around the bush.

Lawyer Hou took the case information handed to him by Wang Teng, just glanced at it casually, and within a minute, he said, "I can win this lawsuit with my eyes closed."

"Really? That's great. When can I sue that boy Ouyang Feng?"

Wang Teng began to feel a little impatient.

Lawyer Hou said: "You can sue, but you have to prepare the money first. I am very expensive."

"how much is it?"


Lawyer Hou held out five fingers.

When Wang Teng heard it, why is it so cheap?It only costs 50 yuan to file a lawsuit, and he said, "Okay, I have change on my body at fifty."

"Brother Teng, he said 50."

Lin Ke'er looked embarrassed and blushed.

Wang Teng had never been to the city before, so he didn't expect people in the city to talk in such a way, even omitting the word "Wanzi", and said, "It's too expensive."

"Then I'm sorry, please ask Mr. Wang to find another lawyer."

Lawyer Hou is not a money-grubbing person. People who come to her for help in the lawsuit line up two streets every day. If she wants to charge a cheap fee, she will be exhausted to death.

Although Wang Teng can currently afford 50 yuan, it is a bit too expensive just to win a lawsuit. He said, "Can it be cheaper?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I have something else to do. You should go back first."

Lawyer Hou didn't talk nonsense to Wang Teng. After turning around, he went to the sofa and sat down. He raised his legs and drank the Longjing tea on the table without looking at Wang Teng of.

Lin Ke'er felt that 50 was not much, so it would be fine to give it to Wang Teng, but what was her relationship with Wang Teng?Just ordinary friends, said: "Brother Teng, if you become my boyfriend for a week, I will lend you 50."

"Go aside."

Wang Teng would not take Lin Keer's money either, he could take out 50 by himself, and said, "Lawyer Hou, I know what you mean, I will pay you 50 immediately."

"Okay, let's pay first, in fact, your lawsuit is easy to win."

Lawyer Hou stood up suddenly, and continued: "Although Ouyang Feng asked the reporter to slander you, he obviously lacks direct evidence, and one-sided statements cannot be used as testimony by Chen Tang. You only need to sue him for defamation in court, and let him With strong direct evidence, the lawsuit will naturally be won."

What is direct evidence?To put it simply, to catch a thief is to catch a dirty one.

It was obvious that Ouyang Feng didn't even have the bills and tax invoices for Wang Teng's fake vegetables, so how could he win the lawsuit.

"It's that simple?"

Wang Teng also found it incredible after hearing what lawyer Hou said.

"It's also a bit difficult. Many lawyers don't have my eloquence, and it's hard to win the lawsuit."

In fact, this lawsuit can be won by just finding a cheap third-rate lawyer, but Lawyer Hou said so deliberately in order to earn Wang Teng's 50 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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