Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 53 Sudden Car Accident

Chapter 53 Sudden Car Accident
"Okay, you're great, get in the car, I'll take you."

Even if Wang Teng looked down on Liu Xiaoyan, this is an expressway, so she couldn't let a girl like Liu Xiaoyan walk back.

Liu Xiaoyan was a bit resistant at first, thinking that Wang Teng might be fooling her, and said, "You are so kind?"

"Just get in the car, if you don't get in the car, I won't beg you."

Wang Teng turned around, opened the car door, and sat back in the driver's seat.

Sun Yisheng fell asleep beside him, dozing off non-stop.

Liu Xiaoyan is a girl from a family, so she couldn't walk back alone and said, "Wang Teng, wait for me and let me get in the car."

Facing a road of several kilometers, it is impossible not to lose face.

As soon as Liu Xiaoyan got into the car and sat in the back row, Wang Teng smelled a strong smell of perfume and said, "It stinks, how much perfume did you wear?"

"Then don't smell it, drive quickly."

Liu Xiaoyan is actually quite good at wearing perfume, and the amount is just right.

It's just that Wang Teng was not used to hearing it, so he covered his nose and said, "Okay, I'll drive."

Sun Yisheng dozed off on the co-pilot, snoring louder than flattery.

"This old man, why do you still doze off while sleeping?"

Liu Xiaoyan covered her ears, she didn't like to hear this kind of sound.

Wang Teng said, "Then take off your socks and plug your ears, wouldn't it be all right?"

"Can you drive quickly, I'm still in a hurry to go back to school."

Liu Xiaoyan was studying at Chengnan High School, currently a senior three, and she was studying at the same school as Lin Keer.

As soon as Wang Teng started the engine, before he took two steps, he saw a red car collided with another large truck in front of him.

"Wang Teng, brake quickly, there is a car accident ahead."

"I can't stop."

This is a highway, the speed will not be lower than [-] mph at least, so how can it be possible to brake as soon as it is said.

Wang Teng didn't turn the steering wheel stably for a while, and hit a guardrail. Fortunately, his speed slowed down, and both the people and the car were safe, except for a little smoke from the hood.

Although a tire of the car flew out, the fact that it did not fall apart is enough to prove that Wang Teng's driving skills are very moving.

"What's the matter?"

Sun Yisheng woke up suddenly from the dream, because of the violent impact just now, he was still drooling and turned around to look around.

Wang Teng heaved a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "It's okay, grandson, I stopped the brakes."

Liu Xiaoyan, on the other hand, covered her eyes and dared not look forward, screaming incessantly.

"Ah, Wang Teng, what are you doing?"

"It's fine."

When Wang Teng got out of the car, he saw the red car behind him very familiar.

Isn't this the lawyer's car?
"It's bad, it's not good."

Wang Teng was startled suddenly, and said, "Old Sun, go and have a look with me. Something may have happened. I'm waiting for a lawyer."

"She was in a car accident? No way."

Sun Yisheng couldn't believe it, and ran over behind Wang Teng to look.

The red car was overturned, and there was a woman in the car, with injuries all over her body and bleeding.

Wang Teng bent down and looked down through the car's mirror. The person sitting in the car was indeed a lawyer waiting, and he hurriedly said, "Old Sun, hurry up and call 120 for an ambulance."

"Okay okay."

Sun Yisheng immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the 120 emergency center.

Wang Teng also felt that time was running out, at least he had to find a way to get Lawyer Waiting out of the car first, and said, "Liu Xiaoyan, come and help me."

"She's a girl, it's disgusting, I'm not."

Liu Xiaoyan didn't have that strength either, so she couldn't help at all.

Wang Teng couldn't get angry, so he cursed and said, "You woman, why can't you help me at all."

"You still have the nerve to say it, tell you to drive and look in front of you, and keep driving around."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, Old Sun, come and help me."

Wang Teng glanced back at Sun Yisheng, and then he ran over in a panic.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in his 40s ran over rashly from a distance, he seemed to be the driver of the big truck just now, he was very anxious and said, "Oh, I accidentally hit it, are you okay? "

"I don't know yet, come here and help me."

Wang Teng said.

The truck driver nodded quickly and said, "Oh, yes."

Wang Teng was in charge of opening the car door, and Sun Yisheng pulled Lawyer Hou out of the driver's seat, because the whole car was turned upside down, and Lawyer Hou's foot got stuck on the brake disc, and he couldn't pull it out.

"It's too much effort, come together."

"I said pull 3.2.1 together."

After Wang Teng made three countdown calls, the three of them dragged Lawyer Hou out of the driver's seat at the same time. His body was icy cold, as if he had died of breath.

"This girl won't die."

"Don't talk nonsense, wait for the ambulance to come, or drive her to the hospital directly."

"I'm afraid it's too late to drive."

Wang Teng stretched out a hand and pressed Lawyer Hou's chest, and found that his heart was beating very slowly, and he couldn't even last 10 minutes like this, let alone wait for an ambulance to arrive.

The driver of the truck had a terrified expression on his face, and said, "I really didn't mean it, she was driving too fast, and my car couldn't stop."

"Come on, now is not the time to blame yourself, at least you didn't hit and run."

At the same time, Wang Teng also comforted the driver. After all, things like car accidents cannot be prevented by humans, and what should come will still come.

At this time, lawyer Hou lay on the ground and coughed a few times, and he kept vomiting blood from his mouth.

Wang Teng felt that she was about to lose her strength, and said, "No, we can't wait for the ambulance. We have to find a way to stop her bleeding, and then give her some oxygen."

"Artificial respiration? How to stop the bleeding?"

asked the driver.

Wang Teng felt that time was running out, and it seemed that he could only use Xiaoyunyu, but this kind of thing needs to be used quietly, so that no one can find out, and said: "Old Sun, you two go to see if there are other people nearby. I'll help with the rest."

"Okay, A-Teng, let's go and have a look first."

After Sun Yisheng responded, he immediately followed the truck driver and left first.

Liu Xiaoyan also went around looking for people to help.

Seeing that he was alone, Wang Teng began to use Xiaoyunyujue.

The effect was seen soon.

After a few minutes.

Lawyer Hou slowly opened his eyes, the blood stopped flowing from his body, his breathing felt smooth, and apart from a little pain all over his body, there was nothing uncomfortable in his body.

"Sister Hou, it's great that you finally woke up."

When Wang Teng saw Lawyer Hou wake up, he hurried up to help her up, and said, "Are you all right?"

"What is wrong with me?"

Lawyer Hou didn't even realize that there was a car accident just now, and the whole ten minutes later felt like he was in a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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