Chapter 106 Be My Master!
And at this moment, Lin Yang had landed.

He quickly walked up to the woman, stretched out his hand, and asked, "Are you all right?"

The woman rubbed her forehead and raised her head to look at Lin Yang.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was boiling, and Lin Yang was also stunned.

The aesthetics of Europeans and Americans are different from those of Asians.

Lin Yang saw so many foreigners in the United States, but none of them looked aesthetically pleasing.

But the woman in front of her was completely different.

Lin Yang glanced at her, was taken aback for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

But the fans in the live broadcast room were elated.

"My God, it's a fairy!"

"It's so beautiful. If I have a girlfriend like this, I can save ten years of life!"

"Upstairs, wake up, even if you die here, you won't get this kind of wife."

The male fans showed the true colors of LSP.

The female fans were also amazed by the appearance of the woman in front of them.

"This sister is so beautiful."

"Yeah, if I have such a godlike appearance, will brother Lin Yang look at me more?"

"Your Highness Qiao Biluo upstairs, can you wake up a little?"

The live broadcast room was boiling, and Lin Yang had to admit that the girl in front of him was indeed stunning.

She has a standard oval face, which looks delicate and small, without the roughness of Europeans. This face is as delicate as a doll.

On this face, two sapphire-like eyes are set in her deep eye sockets, crystal clear.

At this moment, there were tears in these eyes, and a crystal teardrop fell from her face.

It slid across her delicate and tall nose, and dripped on her bright red lips.

There was no lipstick or lip balm on these lips, but they were still crystal clear and could be broken by blowing bullets.

The girl looked at Lin Yang aggrievedly, pouted, and said aggrievedly, "Are you from a big country?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"You know kung fu?" The girl blinked her big crystal clear eyes, looking at Lin Yang.

"A little bit." Lin Yang said.

"Then you will be my master?" The girl tilted her head and looked at Lin Yang expectantly.

Lin Yang was taken aback, picked up an apprentice right after getting off the plane?
The people in the live broadcast room were also fried.

"Damn it, sure enough, does the boss have girls flirting with him everywhere?"

"Damn it, anchor, are you still letting us live?"

"I want to quit the live broadcast room and go find my wife!"

"Upstairs, wake up, your daughter-in-law might not have been born yet."

"Do you have to tell the truth?"

"It's over, I have no chance." A female fan said.

"Be sober, sister, even if the anchor didn't meet this young lady, you have no chance."

The fans in the live broadcast room were in a state of mourning.

Seeing that Lin Yang didn't speak, the girl went on to say, "What's the matter? Can't I? I can give you money."

"Sorry, I don't accept apprentices." Lin Yang said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The girl skillfully got up from the ground, patted her knees, and said, "Master, I will definitely let you take mine!"

The girl watched the movie somewhere, gave Lin Yang a hug, and said solemnly.

"This... I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Lin Yang thought to himself, "My good fellow, how can I resist this?"

"Accept apprentices? I have to have time to teach, not to mention, I'm an anchor, not a martial arts gym!"

Lin Yang felt as if he had oiled the soles of his feet, and ran away without saying a word.

"Hey, master! You—"

"Gina! What are you doing again!"

Before the girl could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a majestic voice.

I saw a serious face, with white hair combed back.

He is tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a burly figure and a hulking waist. He looks more like a Lianjiazi.

Although this man has white hair all over his head, he is hale and hearty, and he doesn't look like he is inferior to young people.

He is hale and hearty, with sharp gazes in his blue eyes, like an eagle.

The man was dressed in a black striped suit, with a gloomy face, and walked quickly towards Gina.

Behind the man were two rows of bodyguards in black suits.

These bodyguards are all serious and expressionless.

All of a sudden, the people who were watching the excitement just now walked away.

Some people looked at the man from the corner of their eyes, and many of them recognized him.

"My God, do you think he looks familiar?" A man whispered to his companion.

"Really? Why don't I feel it?" the companion said doubtfully.

"Look carefully, is he the chairman of the Nasker Group, Mr. Nasker?" the man said.

The companion was stunned for a moment, checked online, and his eyes widened.

"My God, this is really true!" The companion said in surprise: "But, how could the chairman of Nasc show up so easily?"
"Chairman of the Nasco Group, is there anything else that should be done by others?"
The man glanced at Gina cautiously, and whispered, "You haven't recognized it yet?"
"This is the daughter of the Nask Group!" The man lowered his voice and said, "Miss Gina is the most favored little princess of the Nask family!"
The companion gasped, and said in astonishment: "My God, if that kid didn't run fast, he would probably be in trouble now."
The people around recognized the old man, and all of them hurried away immediately, for fear of being targeted by Nask's people.

In the middle of the crowd, only Gina, who was on roller skates, stood there angrily with her hands on her hips.

She turned her head to one side, as if angry, she didn't look at Nask in front of her.

"My little princess, why are you roller skating at the airport again?" Nask walked up to Gina and said helplessly and dotingly: "Didn't I build three skating rinks for you?"
Gina pursed her lips and said with an unhappy face: "The skating rink you built has no one to play with me!"
"There are so many people here, it's lively. Besides, my master was still here just now! I'm going to find my master!"
After Gina finished speaking, she withdrew her slender legs and kicked hard on the ground, and the whole person rushed out in the opposite direction.

When Nask reacted, Gina had already slipped dozens of meters.

"You chase me! Chase me!" Nask said to the bodyguards: "If there is something wrong with the lady, I will ask you to pay the price!"
When the bodyguards heard this, they quickly chased him out.

Everyone knows that Nask has three sons and one daughter.

But he just loves his little daughter the most.

If anything happened to Gina, Nask would have to go crazy.

Gina dodged the crowd, roller skating through the crowd.

And the bodyguards behind him ran amok one by one, knocking the people at the airport off their feet.

For a while, the airport became a mess.

"Ouch, who pushed me?"
"Don't push me, I'm going to fall!"
The airport was flying around, and Nask watched his daughter run farther and farther.

He said to the security captain on the side: "Let your people at the airport catch my daughter!"
(End of this chapter)

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