My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 111 The Yellow Monkey

Chapter 111 The Yellow Monkey
As soon as Lin Yang finished speaking, the taxi drove up to Lin Yang and stopped slowly.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and thought to himself, "Finally a car has arrived."

He knocked on the car window and said in English: "Master, can you take me to the airport?"

After the voice fell, the car window slowly opened, revealing an uncle driver who was estimated to weigh 250 kilograms.

He is black and has no hair on his entire face!

This thing looks like a black M&M bean!
Lin Yang reckoned that if it was night now, he probably wouldn't be able to see this black and pure driver.

Seeing that the driver didn't speak, Lin Yang wanted to ask another question.

As a result, the driver smiled, showing a row of big white teeth, and then raised a middle finger.

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, but he still hadn't reacted.

Hearing a "boom", the driver kicked the accelerator and jumped out.

Lin Yang frowned, smiled bitterly, and said to the people in the live broadcast room: "As you can see, it's not easy to take a taxi."

"What, why are Americans so poor in quality?"

"I don't think I will choose to travel to the United States."

"Damn it, what kind of qualities are these people! If they are superpowers, they are super black pots!"

There was a lot of abuse in the live broadcast room, and Lin Yang said quickly: "It's fine, it's fine, everyone don't need to be so angry."

"I'd better walk again and go to the front to have a look."

But Lin Yang didn't notice that he was on the basketball court at the moment.

Several black teenagers playing basketball were gathering together, pointing at Lin Yang.

One of them, the boy who seemed to be the leader, pointed at Lin Yang and jokingly said, "Do you think this kid can get a taxi?"

He has curly black hair with a cropped cut.

A pair of eyes, round and round, like two glutinous rice balls.

A mouth, so big that it almost reaches the back of the ear, and the lips are even thicker, like a hot dog.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, and on his exposed arms, even if he doesn't use his strength, he can still see pieces of tendon.

The muscles on the calf can clearly see the wire drawing one by one!

He was surrounded by a dozen black teenagers.

One of them, about 1.8 meters tall, was wearing a big red T-shirt and red shorts.

This black man has a face shaped like his distant relatives of chimpanzees.

With a bald head, it looks more like a relative of a chimpanzee.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, and he also has some strong tendons on his body.

He followed the leader of the black man, flatteringly said: "Boss, as long as you don't want him to get a taxi, he won't be able to get a taxi in our community!"

Hearing the words, the leading black man raised his head and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

This smile is like two black hot dogs being stretched.

"Show this kid some color." He stared at Lin Yang, and jokingly said, "Whoever makes this yellow monkey look bad, I'll let whoever manages this basketball court in the future!"

As soon as the voice fell, the person in red clothes stood up immediately.

He thumped his chest like the gorillas were about to go to war.

"Boss, leave this matter to me!"

The black leader nodded slightly, lit a cigarette, and leaned on the basketball hoop, looking like he was watching a good show.

The black man in red picked up a basketball and yelled at Lin Yang: "Dude, hey!"

"Want to come over and play two balls?"

Lin Yang frowned when he heard this, and ignored him.

The people in the live broadcast room naturally heard the voice.

"Anchor, someone called you to play basketball?"

"Hitting a hammer, I think it's just trying to tease the host on purpose."

"A group of guys who don't know what to do, if the anchor wants to play tricks on them, it's easy!"

"Anchor, show him some color!"

"Forget it." Lin Yang said lightly, "There's no need to cause trouble."

On the other hand, the black man in red at the side felt ashamed when he saw that Lin Yang ignored him.

The other blacks on the side also started booing.

"Can you do it? The yellow-skinned monkey doesn't pay any attention to you at all."

"That's right, boy, can you do it?"

"A yellow-skinned monkey, why are you being polite to him!"

"You all watch!" The black man in red held up the basketball and shouted at Lin Yang: "Yellow monkey, stop!"

"I have bananas and basketballs for you to play with!"

As soon as the words fell, the basketball in the man's hand slammed towards Lin Yang viciously.

The black man in red is so powerful, after the basketball was thrown, it was like a cannonball, making a burst of sound in the air!

If an ordinary person is hit in the head by this basketball, at worst, they will faint on the spot!
Lin Yang, who was walking, also stopped when he heard the word "yellow monkey"!
When the people in the live broadcast room heard a few words, they became angry instantly!

"I'm going, anchor! You gotta give these niggas some color!"

"Anchor, as people of a big country, we must have the dignity of people of a big country!"

Lin Yang's eyes froze, and a surge of anger rose from the bottom of his heart!

At this moment, the basketball was already approaching Lin Yang, and it was about to hit Lin Yang's head.

If it hits the temple, ordinary people will definitely go to the hospital.

The black man in red showed a playful smile on his face, spread his hands, turned around, turned his back to Lin Yang, and said to everyone.

"As you can see, this yellow-skinned monkey can't even catch a basketball."


As soon as the words fell, an explosion sounded.

The red-clothed black man's heart skipped a beat, and he was taken aback.

Everyone in front of him stood up suddenly, with surprised expressions on their faces, staring at Lin Yang's direction with big glutinous rice ball-like eyes.

The black man in red asked with a blank face: "What's the situation? What are you looking at?"

Everyone didn't speak, and they all maintained a surprisingly consistent expression and posture, staring in Lin Yang's direction blankly.

The black man in red frowned, couldn't help but smile, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

While speaking, the black man in red also looked in Lin Yang's direction.

For a moment, his face changed drastically!The old man with his eyes wide open and his neck stretched forward looked surprised.

"This, how is this possible..."

At this moment, Lin Yang didn't turn his head, but punched hard.

The basketball, which was like a cannonball, exploded in an instant, and was pierced by Lin Yang's punch!
The basketball was hanging on Lin Yang's arm, emitting dense white smoke.

The live broadcast room erupted instantly.

"It's amazing, the anchor is awesome!"

"666, brothers, take the rocket!"

"Anchor, show us the expressions of those black people!"

Lin Yang smiled, threw the basketball aside, and said, "Okay, let me show you."

While speaking, Lin Yang turned the camera around and aimed at those black people.

Seeing the astonishment of these black people, the people in the live broadcast room became even more jubilant.

Lin Yang looked at the black man in red coldly, and showed a playful sneer! 
(End of this chapter)

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