Chapter 142 Conditions
Bai Ning on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't broadcast the live broadcast for the next two days. I will inform you about the awards ceremony."

"Okay." Lin Yang agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang lay on the sofa and let out a long breath of foul air.

Looking at the golden sunlight pouring in from the window, and listening to the birdsong outside the window, Lin Yang got up slowly, pulled himself together, and said.

"Forget it, anyway, the money I earn now is enough, and I have a whole body of skills."

"No matter what, even if the live broadcast is blocked, you just need to guard the village well."

Lin Yang immediately put aside the concerns and negative energy he had just had.

He yelled towards the kitchen: "Xiao Hei, let's go, let's go up the mountain!"

Xiao Hei immediately ran out with two big pincers.

"By the way, bring your roommate." Lin Yang said.

Soon, a snake, a scorpion, and a person leisurely left the door and walked towards the mountain.

Along the way, many villagers had just returned home from farming, and some uncles sat under the trees to enjoy the shade and chat.

The second uncle also came back from the police station, with a hearty smile on his face again.

"Oh, Yangyang, are you free today?" The second uncle waved at Lin Yang and asked heartily.

"That's right, Second Uncle, are you okay?" Lin Yang stepped forward quickly and asked.

"It's okay, how is it? Let's have a drink tonight. I thank you very much." The second uncle put his arm around Lin Yang's shoulder and smiled heartily.

"You're really welcome, Second Uncle, I'm also your half son, why, thank you?" Lin Yang joked, "But, I really miss my aunt's cooking."

"Hahaha, okay, let your aunt cook something delicious for you tonight." While speaking, the second uncle looked at a snake and a scorpion again.

He stroked the stubble on his chin, smashed his mouth, and said, "Tsk tsk, Yangyang, this appetizer..."

Lin Yang looked at the corners of his mouth twitching, stopped in front of Xiao Hei and the others, and said, "Second Uncle, you should make your own food and drink."

"Hahahaha, you kid." The second uncle smiled heartily, and joked: "I don't know how to eat you two, today I will kill chickens for you!"


Second Uncle and Lin Yang walked towards Lin Miaomiao's house.

Along the way, many villagers warmly greeted Lin Yang and asked about the second uncle with concern.

The second uncle also responded one by one, saying that he was fine.

Under the setting sun, the villagers carrying hoes had smiles on their faces.

The shadows of Second Uncle and Lin Yang stretched in the setting sun.

The second uncle's laughter echoed beside the field and the path.

The old man enjoying the shade under the tree is playing this chess noisily.

Looking at all this, a peaceful, ordinary, and leisurely life.

Lin Yang thought of those so-called high society life again.

He suddenly didn't care much about whether he would be banned.

"Isn't this kind of life what I want? What else do I want?" Lin Yang thought to himself.

Lin Yang didn't care about it, but Bai Ning and Wang Qian did.

Wang Qian was in the office, with his hands behind his back, walking back and forth in front of Bai Ning, dangling for a while.

Bai Ning was also anxious.

Holding a stack of documents, she asked anxiously, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Wang Qian sat on his seat, lit a cigarette, and frowned into the word "Chuan".

"What does the public relations department say?" Wang Qian asked.

"Report." The head of the public relations department walked in.

He was dressed in a black suit, of medium build, with a typical Mediterranean head shape and a long, square face, like a piece of Tetris.

His expression looks now uglier than bitter gourd.

"Boss, there are too many scandals about Lin Yang on the Internet. Before Lin Yang had an accident, these things were all malicious speculations."

"But now, not only some people say that Lin Yang faked his singing, but also some people say that Lin Yang's root carvings are also fake."

"Also, Lin Yang just spent money and found a bunch of extras."

"Our public relations department has bought a lot of sailors to write comments for Lin Yang, but the effect is not very satisfactory."

"I estimate that these people from Hei Linyang have been premeditating for more than a day or two. They are organized."

The Minister of Public Relations looked at Wang Qian helplessly, looking helpless.

When Wang Qian heard this, his face turned ashen.

He crushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, suppressed his anger and said, "I didn't ask you to come here to listen to what you said!"

"Let me ask you, how long will it take to resolve this matter?"

The Minister of Public Relations was stunned for a moment, and said falteringly: "One week."

"One week!?" Wang Qian stood up from the chair with a "squeak".

He pointed at the head of the public relations minister's nose and scolded him head and face.

"One week, the awards ceremony is over! You're talking to me for a week now?"

"Let me tell you, three days! Three days at most, or you don't do it!"

"Get out of here!"

Wang Qian pointed at the door and snapped angrily.

Hearing this, the minister shrank his head in fright and ran out in a hurry.


Wang Qian breathed out a long breath, and said, "Bai Ning, you go out first to calm Lin Yang's emotions."

"Yes." Bai Ning had no choice but to leave.

Just as Bai Ning left, Wang Qian's phone rang.

When Wang Qian saw it, he suddenly showed a wry smile.

After picking up the phone, the voices of Anhe Wenhua and Chen Ping came from the other end.

"President Wang, it's inappropriate for you to let Lin Ke'er and Lin Yang cooperate now?"

"We, Ke'er, have never had any black material. If we are on the same stage with Lin Yang, Lin Yang's black material will probably bring trouble to Ke'er's popularity."

As soon as Chen Ping opened her mouth, she was straightforward and her tone was even more aggressive.

Wang Qian had no choice but to smile wryly when he heard the words, and said, "But Mr. Chen, didn't we all talk about it before?"

"It's been negotiated, but the contract hasn't been signed yet, has it?" Chen Ping said: "If you sign the contract, it's okay, but I have a condition!"

When Wang Qian heard the words, he thought to himself, "Sit on the ground and raise the price, take advantage of the fire? Damn it!"

But he still smiled and said: "Okay, Mr. Chen, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

Chen Ping smiled on the other end of the phone and said: "If there is a problem with Lin Yang's singing skills, it will lead to an accident in the performance."

"I want Lin Yang to issue an apology and admit that he lip-synced! From now on, I will never set foot in the showbiz!"

Hearing this, Wang Qian frowned immediately, suppressed his anger and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"If you want to block Lin Yang directly, just say so! There is no need to use this method!"

Chen Ping on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then smiled, her tone softened a lot.

"Mr. Wang, I know you are anxious now, but what happened this time is definitely not my fault."

"If Lin Yang's singing skills pass the test, you don't have to worry about it at all, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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