Chapter 15

On the mountain in the early morning, the air is particularly fresh.

Even Lin Yang felt that breathing was particularly comfortable.

"It's really beautiful."

"Yeah, it feels more beautiful than many scenic spots I've been to."

"If it is photographed, it must be beautiful."

"Sisters, let's go and see it another day."


"I am coming too!"

"I'm a man, can I go?"


"I can dress as a woman."

"Go away."


"Anchor, has anyone really picked ginseng over there?"

Hearing someone's question, Lin Yang smiled, "Ginseng occasionally appears on the mountain, but the year will not be very long."

"If you have any more in the future, can you sell them to me? I am Zhang Lei, the manager of Nanling Traditional Chinese Medicine. We need ginseng here. In fact, not only ginseng, but also all kinds of wild medicinal materials."

"Holy shit, Nanling Chinese Medicine Store? That's a very famous chain of Chinese Medicine Stores."

"Yes, I didn't expect to meet the manager of Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine here."

"It feels like this live broadcast room is even more compelling."

"Fuck, as long as you are better than you, you will lick? Why are you exactly the same as me! I really despise you."

"Everyone, don't be so exaggerated. I'm also a fan of the anchor. I came here on the first day of the live broadcast. To be honest, I really like it."

"Okay, if there is a suitable one, sure."

"Okay, let's make a deal then."


"Why don't you read private messages? Doesn't this anchor know that there is a private message function?"

When the live broadcast started again, Wang Wei was excited.

Last night, he didn't go back and just stared here.

He felt that after Lin Yang started the live broadcast again, the first thing he would do was to read private messages.

As long as he reads the private message, he will definitely contact him.

But he didn't look at it at all, which made Wang Wei a little speechless.

He really wanted to rush directly in front of Lin Yang.

"No, maybe I really have to go."

Thinking of this, he turned off the computer, and he was going to have a good sleep first.

Think about what to do next.

Lin Yang didn't know Wang Wei's depression.

In fact, Wang Wei's guess was right. Lin Yang really didn't know about the function of private messages.

Lin Yang is busy with the live broadcast every day, and there are too many funny comparisons in the live broadcast room, so he really has no time to worry about other things.

"Medicinal materials generally grow in inaccessible places. Compared with ordinary plants, medicinal herbs have higher requirements for the environment."

As he walked forward, Lin Yang popularized science.

"Listen to what you have to say, and waste a minute."

"I feel so too."

"And I."

"You playwrights, do you want to laugh at me to death and inherit my money?"

The live broadcast room became active again.

Zhang Lei, the manager of Nanling Traditional Chinese Medicine, issued a barrage.

"Don't laugh, what the anchor said is true. Herbs have very high requirements on the environment. This is one of the reasons why there are fewer and fewer wild herbs. In the past, the pharmacists in our Chinese medicine shop could pick them. There are quite a few pure wild medicinal herbs, but now, it is much more difficult."

"Manager Zhang, can't it be cultivated artificially?"


"Artificial cultivation is indeed possible, but the efficacy of the medicine is much, much worse. And to be honest, not all herbs can be used. In other words, many herbs have really high requirements for the environment."

"Like This!"

Everyone is stunned.

They learned a lot again.

They can go home and pack it with their loved ones.

"Manager Zhang, Shandan, who has been on the drug for 15 years, do you want it?"

"Of course, 15-year-old Shandan is considered mature, and the price is 5000 yuan per tree."

"Shit, is it so expensive?"

"I have a pair of socks that are 15 years old, are they worth it? (Confidently)"

"15 years? You can make knee pads, right?"

"You can ask those big gentlemen, some have special tastes. Here, forget it."

"The price is okay."

Lin Yang smiled lightly, and walked to the grass not far away.

Soon, Lin Yang bent down.

"What's the situation? Is there Shandan over there?"

"Impossible! Maybe it's the virtue of picking it up."

"The anchor will pick it up for a day. (Dog head)"

Saying this, everyone looked over seriously, and they all saw Lin Yang carefully turning over the emerald grass.

In the early morning, these emerald grasses are covered with dewdrops.

Under the sunlight, they are as bright as pearls.

"It's so beautiful!"

Everyone was amazed, and soon, they saw that Lin Yang found a plant that was different from other grasses.

"Is this Shandan?"

When everyone was stunned, Zhang Lei excitedly sent out a barrage.

"Anchor, this is really Shandan, and it is more than 15 years old. I want it, I want it, I want it."


Everyone is stupid.

Shocked the audience for 1 years!

If it is the first time to watch Lin Yang's live broadcast, they will definitely suspect that Zhang Lei is the trustee.

It will definitely be suspected that this is a mine.

But in fact, they know it's not at all.

"Anchor, I remember. I am your long-lost brother. Take me home."

"Anchor, I am completely convinced."

"In the future, if the anchor says he can pick up the stars in the sky, I will believe it."

"Too invincible, too invincible."

Everyone in the studio knelt down.

Do not!
Straight to the ground.

They couldn't understand how Lin Yang did it.

Before, I was just chatting, and suddenly found a wild medicinal herb.

And I called the roll call before I even came over...

This shows that it has been discovered a long time ago!
This is not a little fierce, this is really a hundred million points fierce.

Lin Yang smiled lightly and started digging.

Seeing Lin Yang's movements, Zhang Lei quickly reminded him.

"Anchor, don't worry, I'll tell you how to dig it out. For medicinal materials like Shandan, the most precious thing is the roots. Don't destroy them, otherwise, the value will be greatly reduced."

"Don't worry, I know."

Responding softly, Lin Yang carefully cleaned up everything around him.

"The anchor doesn't seem to have a shovel."

"Do you want to dig by hand?"

"may be."

"I feel that Xiao Hei is going to come in handy."

After Lin Yang sorted everything out, he clapped his hands and glanced at Xiao Hei who was wandering around, "Xiao Hei, come here."

"Fuck, it really is! The anchor has started to think badly again."

"This is not Xiao Hei, this is Tool Hei."

"A mutated scorpion turned into a tool scorpion in the host's hands. The host is really scary."

"I feel so too."

"So are we. Now we have become tool people who can only shout 666. It will probably last a lifetime."

"Speaking of which, it's not bad to be a tool man."

"Not bad!"

After listening to Lin Yang's instructions, Xiao Hei carefully inserted the tongs into the soil.

"Fuck, it feels smoother than putting my hands in water."

"Indeed! This is really super decompression."

"I feel it too, I really like the silky feeling."

"Stop talking, I want to beat my dog ​​again."

"My dog ​​just ran away from home after watching the video."

"Don't be funny, is there such a smart dog?"

"Can you not worry?"

Before, these people didn't have high demands on their dogs, but now after seeing Xiao Hei, they have higher demands on their dogs.

This makes life difficult for them.

That is to say, those dogs don't know how to make complaint calls, otherwise they would have already called Lin Yang.

One minute later, Lin Yang glanced at Shandan with a bit of moist soil on its roots, and said, "Is Manager Zhang there? Is there a problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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