My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 151 I'm with you

Chapter 151 I'll Go Home With You

As Chen Ping stood up, everyone in the gymnasium stood up!

They applauded and burst into tears.

Wang Qian also applauded excitedly, with tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

In addition to the people in the venue, the trolls in front of the screen also stood up and applauded.

Fatty was even more excited and burst into tears, crying loudly!

"I knew that Lin Yang has strength! I want to see it! Now who is questioning my idol!"

And at this moment, on an online forum, a post appeared.

"The sprayer is here to give away the head!Whoever sprays Lin Yang again will be in a hurry with me! "

The building below this post has reached 1000 floors in an instant, and it is still increasing!

"I'm a troll, I'm guilty, I paid [-] cents for a comment, I'll tip all the money to Lin Yang!"

"I'm also a troll, I was wrong, Lin Yang will be my big brother from now on!"

"Upstairs, ask yourself if you are worthy of everything!"

"I'm a Lin Keer fan. I was wrong. We Keer... are not worthy of singing with Lin Yang. From now on, Lin Yang will be my idol!"

"I'm also a fan of Ke'er, but I know that Ke'er lost. I hope she can work hard and win against Lin Yang!"

"Upstairs, think about it, is it possible for Ke'er to win against Lin Yang? It can be determined by hard work? Lin Yang has never learned vocal music."

"Upstairs, Lin Yang has never learned root carving!"

"Upstairs, Lin Yang is not a kung fu professional!"

"Upstairs, Lin Yang is not a chef either!"

"Upstairs, Lin Yang is not a major in architectural design either!"

"Upstairs, Lin Yang is not an excavator professional either!"

"When I opened the post, I just wanted to know, what is Lin Yang's major?"

"No! The point is, who wants Hei Linyang?"

"Go up for me! Find Hei Linyang's real culprit!"

Suddenly, earth-shaking changes took place on the Internet.

Soon, the sailors originally hired by Yoyo's live broadcast began to rebel, giving out information about behind-the-scenes instigation.

Yang Yi was watching the webcast at Yoyo Live.

At this moment, all that was left on his handsome face was ferocity!

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he was so angry that he wanted to eat people!
"A horse-rider! A horse-rider!"

Yang Yi cursed and smashed the computer with a "snap"!

"This Lin Yang, hell! Is singing so beautiful? Why don't I think so?"

The secretary at the side looked at his furious look, shrunk his head, and muttered in a low voice: "You just closed your eyes and listened, but you didn't realize it..."

"Shut up!" Yang Yi yelled at the secretary angrily.

The secretary shrank his head and dared not speak any more.

"It's not good! It's not good!" The Minister of Public Relations suddenly rushed into the room with a panicked expression.

"What's wrong! The sky is falling? Tell me well!" Yang Yi said impatiently.

"Those sailors told us out!"

"Right now, Lin Yang's fans and the water army are teaming up to attack our live broadcast platform!"

"All of our anchors were scolded for not being able to broadcast live, and no one dared to broadcast live at all!"

The Minister of Public Relations was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He slandered in his heart, "Damn, hell, who is it not good to provoke? Lin Yang is also a person? Can this guy be provoked?"

"After working for 20 years, this is the first time I have seen such a battle!"

Yang Yi was startled, and angrily slapped the head of public relations on the face.

There was a "snap", crisp and loud.

Five finger prints appeared on the face of the public relations minister.

"You are stupid! Let them continue the live broadcast! Don't their fans give them rewards!" Yang Yi roared angrily.

The head of public relations covered his face and said aggrievedly: "But, the fans of those anchors have also become fans of Lin Yang, and the big brother on the list has canceled his account."

When Yang Yi heard this, he sat down on the chair with a "plop", the expression on his face was unlovable.

"You all go out, I'll be quiet." Yang Yi said, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"Boss, don't be too hard on yourself, you..."

"Get lost!" Yang Yi cursed.

The secretary didn't dare to speak any more, so Sa Yazi ran away.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the Minister of Public Relations thought, "I planned this incident by myself. If the netizens rape me, am I finished?"

"No, I can't stay here any longer."

The Minister of Public Relations took a deep breath and said, "I want to resign."

"What?" Yang Yi stood up abruptly, glared at him, and said, "If you resign now—"

"I don't want the salary, nor the provident fund. You can take it all, and I don't want the bonus!"

"If I were fleshed out here, would I still be alive? I'm quitting, please ask someone else to be smart."

After the public relations minister finished speaking, he walked away and ran away.

Yang Yi fell on the chair, his heart almost jumped out of his chest with anger, but there was nothing he could do...

But at this moment, Lin Yang, who was at the scene, had already won everyone's approval after finishing the song.

After he got off the stage, the next singer who followed him up almost disappeared before he even started singing.

The singer looked helpless, so he could only bite the bullet and finish singing.

He thought aggrievedly in his heart, "Why do you think this is to let the great god start? It's poisonous..."

But Lin Yang, who ended the song, didn't care about the award ceremony at all.

Holding the trophy, he returned to the dressing room and sat down.

After a while, Lin Ke'er also came in.

Before Lin Yang could speak, Lin Ke'er said first, "Can I ask you something?"

Lin Ke'er changed out of her performance costume and put on a pure white T-shirt and denim shorts.

At this moment, her hair has been straightened, and her black hair is scattered on her shoulders.

Her big black eyes shone brightly like two talking stars.

Her pink lips are still crystal clear like cherries.

The white T-shirt set off her fair skin more delicately, and a pair of slender legs swayed hesitantly in the air.

With her talking eyes, she looked at Lin Yang expectantly.

This look, even if Lin Yang has a heart of steel, has to be turned into tenderness.

He quickly moved his eyes away, laughed twice, and asked, "You, what do you want to ask me? As long as it's not apprenticeship, everything else should be fine."

When Lin Keer heard this, the light in her eyes dimmed instantly.

She lowered her head, her pink lips were pursed high, as if she had been bullied by someone.

"Okay, but I really want you to teach me how to sing, I can give you money...or..."

"What else?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously while drinking water.

"I'll go home with you, wash your clothes, cook for you, and give you—"


Before Lin Ke'er finished speaking, Lin Yang spit out a mouthful of water.

"I'm sorry, it's not good..." Lin Yang bowed his head to apologize, and before he finished speaking, he saw a pair of tall and beautiful legs in front of him.

He froze for a moment, then looked up along his delicate legs...

(End of this chapter)

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