Chapter 18

Bai Ning knew that the team leader was the kind of person who didn't care about anything, so since he had made up his mind, it didn't matter how much he said.

And I am an ordinary intern, so I have no qualifications to speak in front of him.

Seeing Bai Ning leave, he sneered, "It's just a rural live broadcaster who also wants to sign a contract with the website? It's just nonsense."

Before, he paid attention to the rural live broadcast for a period of time.

At the very beginning, those who were broadcasting in rural areas were popular.

Because country life is curious.

Many urbanites are willing to watch.

But after watching for a while, they feel boring.

Therefore, there is really no rural live broadcast that can last in the long run.

That being the case, why waste the contract.

At this time, a whining sound rang in his ears.

"Leader, I have been here several times. Should we change the contract for our live broadcast? Now the number of people in the live broadcast room can be stabilized at 50 people! If you don't change the contract for them, they will be angry! "

With a soft body, he looked at this enchanting and charming beauty, and said enthusiastically, "It is true, but there are still some details that I need to think about carefully."

After understanding what he meant, the beauty smiled lazily, "I know there are some details that need to be considered. In this way, I have booked a room at the hotel. You can go there at night and think about it carefully, is that okay?"


"Then I'll go first."

"it is good!"

Seeing this beautiful woman leave with her butt twisted, he laughed wildly in his heart.

"The feeling of being surrounded by beauties is interesting. What kind of nonsense rural live broadcasts. These days, only beauties with good figures are worthy of live broadcasts."


"Brother, if you have anything to do in the future, can't you go find me yourself? Let Xiao Hei find me all day, Xiao Hei is very tired."

On the mountain, after hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, Lin Yang asked curiously, "Did it complain to you?"

"That's not true, but I feel sorry for it."

"I'm going to guard here! This place is good. If I leave, the winter bamboo shoots here may be poached by others."

"Watch the winter bamboo shoots? Brother, I think you are afraid of getting lost."

"Haha, the Tucao star is indeed online again."

"really interesting!"

"Gifts go."

"Come, come, come."

After being amused by Lin Miaomiao, they quickly started giving gifts.

Just like that, all kinds of gifts were directly and completely swiped the screen.

Sighing silently, Lin Yang raised his hands high in surrender, "I lost my way once when I was young, how come you still can't forget it?"

"Because it's very interesting! Ah, brother, you are live broadcasting again, shouldn't I say what I said just now?"

"You ask this now, how should I answer you?"

Seeing Lin Yang's depression, Lin Miaomiao quickly apologized to the camera, "Everyone, I'm sorry, what I said just now was a joke. Brother Lin Yang has a very good sense of direction, and he has never lost his way. It was the sheep who got lost. But then, the sheep came back."

"It's getting darker and darker!"

Lin Yang's eyelids twitched wildly.

"Haha, all the lost sheep are back, isn't the anchor back?"

"This is also normal, the wrong road has been traveled by the anchor, and the sheep will naturally find the right road.

"It may be so."

"Sheep: I've never seen someone with such a poor sense of direction as an anchor in my life."

"Okay, let's continue digging bamboo shoots now!"

Lin Yang knew that if this topic continued, it would become even more outrageous, so he quickly changed the subject.

Seeing Lin Yang's embarrassed face, they didn't continue to send barrage, but looked at Lin Yang who was holding a pickaxe.

Seeing that Lin Yang was about to dig, Lin Miaomiao looked eager to try, "Brother, can you do it, or else, I'll come and find it! I'm very good at finding winter bamboo shoots."

"You stand aside."

After Lin Yang spoke quickly, he squatted down and took a closer look.

Soon, Lin Yang pointed to the ground and said confidently, "There are winter bamboo shoots here, and there should be more than one."

"How did you get it?"

"Yeah, I can't see it at all."

"Me too! I saw that the ground was full of dirt. Wait a minute, and the host's integrity was broken all over the ground."

Everyone looked at the place Lin Yang mentioned, but they didn't understand the difference between this place and other places.

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Lin Yang smiled lightly and quickly explained, "Although the winter bamboo shoots are under the soil, they will grow, so the soil will be softer where there are winter bamboo shoots, and in some places, even There will be raised bumps."

Before, they didn't see the difference, but now with Lin Yang's explanation, they felt that the soil here was indeed softer.

And at the top, it seems that a small piece has been pushed up.

"Learned again, now the bamboo forest is missing."

"I'm better than you. I have asparagus planted by my dad. I'll dig it later."

"Your dad planted asparagus? Remember to call the ambulance before digging."

"Why are you still making phone calls? Let's open the table directly. I'll sit at the child's table (dog head)."

Lin Yang swung the pickaxe quickly and hit the digging point accurately.

The deep yellow soil layer was dug up.A rotten breath permeated the air instantly.

Lin Yang smelled this breath and looked nostalgic.

When he was young, Lin Yang often came to the mountains to dig winter bamboo shoots, but at that time, Lin Yang's standard was very poor.

"Damn it, everyone who has a girlfriend pays attention, the anchor wields a pickaxe very powerfully. Don't be poached."

"Don't be ridiculous, I have a girlfriend, who is still watching the live broadcast here."

"Damn, my heart is broken by you."

"Me too! The takeaway I ordered just now doesn't smell good."

Seeing all kinds of particularly interesting barrage, many girls watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You boys are so funny, I think it should be easy for you to find a girlfriend."

"Huh? Why is no one talking?"

"That's it!"

They were very surprised at this time.

They were going to use the barrage to interact with them, but after the barrage was sent out, those who had been madly sending out the barrage before disappeared.

This made them suspect that they were disconnected from the Internet.

Soon, they knew that it was not, but that they dared not speak.

"I finally know why you are single, what are you afraid of, you need to chat with girls more."

"That's right, if you don't chat, how do you know if the other party likes you?"

"Yes, now, you can treat us as your girlfriends, chat casually, and we promise not to be angry."

"not angry?"

"Yes, don't be angry!"

"Then let me ask a question. Is it convenient for you to stand when you take a shower?"


"Fuck, you are really good upstairs, you are really a straight man with terminal cancer."

"I think so too! No decent person would ask such a question."

"Yes, we should ask why girls' socks are soft and fragrant after washing."

"Fuck, can your socks stand up after washing?"

"Yes, can't you? Could it be that I'm the right one?"

"You really are! But it's not the right one, but the real stinky one!"


At this time, Lin Yang dug up the dark yellow soil bit by bit.

Soon, pure white winter bamboo shoots appeared in front of everyone.

It's like that kind of cute silkworm baby, it looks very good-looking...

(End of this chapter)

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