Chapter 180 Nightmare
"You stop for me!"

Liu Lei's anger seemed to burst out of his chest!
He roared at Lin Yang, and the voice echoed on the rooftop like thunder.

Lin Yang stopped in his tracks and looked back.

At this moment, Liu Lei has already rushed towards him!
Liu Lei's speed was extremely fast, he bowed his waist like a cheetah, and rushed towards Lin Yang.

His footsteps are light, and if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear his footsteps.

As soon as Lin Yang turned his head, Liu Lei had already appeared in front of Lin Yang!
He stepped on the roof with both feet, and the muscles on his calf retracted and released, like a spring, full of explosive force, and bounced Liu Lei to the sky.

Liu Lei was condescending, and hit Lin Yang directly on the head with a knee.

This knee top is extremely powerful, even if it falls on a tree trunk, it can break the trunk, not to mention Lin Yang's Tianling Gai?

The smile on Liu Lei's face became more and more sinister, and the light in his eyes flickered like a hungry wolf.

"Ignore me? I'll make you pay the price! The underground boxing champion didn't come for nothing!"

Lin Yang felt the power of this knee, and suddenly became furious!
He raised his head, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he murmured in a low voice, "You want to kill me?"

When they met for the first time, Lin Yang didn't expect that Liu Lei wanted his life!
Such an underground boxer, who knows how many people's blood has been stained in his hands?

Lin Yang was not polite to him either, just at the moment when the top of his knee fell.

He raised his hands and crossed his arms over his head.

A disdainful smile appeared on Liu Lei's face, and he sneered, "You actually want to block it? You really are beyond your control."

Liu Lei learned various martial arts since he was a child, but when he was young, he began to specialize in the most fierce Muay Thai!

For Muay Thai fighters, the knee is a weapon harder than steel!
Using a human arm to contend against steel is nothing short of a dream!
Finally, Liu Lei's knees landed on Lin Yang's arms.

Liu Lei looked up to the sky and shouted loudly: "Go to hell!"


After a muffled sound, Liu Lei subconsciously made a backflip and landed on the ground.

He was half kneeling on the ground, and there was a "click" in his ear, the creepy sound of bones breaking.

Liu Lei raised his head. Under the moonlight, his face was terribly ferocious, his eyes gleaming with cold light, like a beast.

There was a sinister smile on his face, and he looked at Lin Yang playfully.

The sound of bones breaking was something he could hear every time he was in the underground arena since he learned Muay Thai.

This sound made Liu Lei excited, and what made him even more excited was the scream from the opponent after the bone was broken!
But this time, he waited for a long time, but did not hear Lin Yang's screams.

He looked at the young man in front of him with a calm face, and his eyes still had a calmness that was more contemptuous than contempt
Without saying a word, he turned and left the rooftop.

For a moment, Liu Lei was puzzled. He didn't understand why Lin Yang was so calm after his hands were broken.

"Stop!" He shouted at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang stopped, turned his head and glanced at him lightly, and said, "You'd better get up slowly."

After the words fell, Lin Yang went directly off the rooftop.

Liu Lei frowned, and got up directly to catch up.

But the moment he just stood up, he suddenly stood where he was!

His eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets, and the bright red bloodshot eyes almost exploded in his eyeballs.

A bean-sized bead of sweat dripped down his face and dripped onto the roof.

His right foot was trembling, and a piercing pain shot straight from his knee to his brain, hitting his pain-sensing nerves.

"He, his arm, actually..." Liu Lei's mind kept replaying the moment when he and Lin Yang collided just now.

He remembered clearly that Lin Yang just raised his hand to block his attack easily!

"My legs are not as hard as his arms... Who the hell is he?!"

Liu Lei was shocked, and secretly said: "Could it be his person? But isn't he going to be a security guard?"

A man with short inches, a strong figure and bronze skin appeared in his mind.

He took a deep breath and made a phone call, "Send someone to the rooftop to pick me up and take me to the hospital!"

At this moment, the hotel manager who received the call in the office, after hanging up the phone, was so frightened that he collapsed on the chair.

"My dear, Lei, brother Lei actually lost?"

"Who is that young man? Why is he so powerful?"

Shocked, the hotel manager seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Come back to me, come back! Don't provoke that young man!"

"Liu Lei lost and was injured by that young man. Be careful!"

The two young men who were guarding the door of Lin Yang's room were chatting.

"Tell me, is that kid still coming down?"

"Come down? You think too much, it's almost the same as lying down."

The two were chatting when the hotel manager's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

The two security guards were startled, and they looked at each other with a hellish expression.

"I, we just now, seem to have offended him?"

"Okay, it seems to be..."

The two were so frightened that their hearts trembled, and they were about to leave immediately.

Just then, a young man appeared in front of them.

The young man was dressed in a white sportswear and looked at the two of them calmly.

When the two security guards saw him, they stopped immediately.

There were awkward smiles on the faces of the two of them, and they faltered.

"Brother, you, you, you can go in."

"Yes, yes, please tell me if you have any orders, we—"

"Get out of the way." Lin Yang said lightly.

"Eh, eh, okay."

The two security guards quickly moved out of the way, and Lin Yang went straight back to the room.

Seeing that Lin Yang let them go, the two security guards were relieved, and ran away as if they had oiled their feet.

And Liu Lei was quickly sent to the hospital.

He was lying in the high-grade ward, and as soon as he closed his eyes, all the images of fighting Lin Yang and Lin Yang's disdainful eyes flashed in his mind.

Lin Yang's eyes made Liu Lei's anger keep rising, and he wished to beat Lin Yang to ashes!

But thinking of Lin Yang's unfathomable strength, Liu Lei felt a little fear in his heart.

The end of fear is anger!
Liu Lei took a deep breath and whispered: "He must be defeated! Otherwise, he will become my nightmare!"

While talking, Liu Lei took the mobile phone by the bedside and made a call.

"What's the matter?" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, I have met a strong opponent, and I lost." Liu Lei said holding back his anger.

"You still lose? Hahaha, Liu Lei, don't you call yourself the underground boxing champion?" A joking voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Fushi No. [-] Hospital, Room [-], Advanced Ward, come if you want."

After finishing speaking, Liu Lei hung up the phone. 
(End of this chapter)

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