My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 317 Who Doesn't Love Money

Chapter 317 Who Doesn't Love Money
Qin Sheng sneered: "Lin Yang's apprentice is also a lover of money?"

"Who doesn't love money?" Lin Zhen said confidently.

"If you can win, I will personally give you 300 million!" Qin Sheng said forcefully.

"Okay, then let's fight!" Lin Zhen took off his shirt without saying a word.

He was shirtless, revealing his strong muscles, with blue tendons attached to his well-developed muscles, making people feel full of explosive power just by looking at him.

Qin Sheng also took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles.

Although his muscles are not as explosive as Lin Zhen's, they are much stronger than ordinary people.

Seeing this, the people in the audience cheered excitedly and shouted towards the stage.

"Let's fight, let's see how much apprentice Lin Yang weighs!"

"Yes, let's fight, don't embarrass your master!"

The shouts from the audience stimulated Qin Sheng's eardrums, and he felt his blood start to boil.

Bai Ning, who was sitting in the restaurant, looked at the ring and asked Lin Yang, "Who do you think can win?"

"From what it looks like... I think that, Lin Zhen will win." Lin Yang said.

"Why?" Bai Ning joked, "He can't really be your apprentice, can he?"

Lin Yang rolled his eyes, and said, "Look at the difference in their muscles, they are not of the same magnitude at all."

"What's more, Qin Sheng is a rich second generation. You can tell by his figure that he has taken a lot of hormones. But this Lin Zhen, he has practiced himself."

Hearing this, Bai Ning suddenly slapped his head and said, "It's not good, something is going to happen!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"Qin Sheng is a rich second generation after all. If Lin Zhen pats his butt and leaves, his family will probably trouble you!" Bai Ning said.

"I'll go, what you said makes sense!" Lin Yang said, "You can't blame him, let's go and have a look!"

The two left the restaurant in a hurry and walked towards the ring on the Bund.

But at this moment, the two people on the ring were staring at each other, their eyes were cold, like wild beasts ready to hunt at any time!

Just listen to "Ding Ding Ding" a bell ringing.

The two shot almost at the same time!
Lin Zhen roared angrily, kicked hard with his hind legs, and rushed towards Qin Sheng like a beast.

He had a ferocious face and an imposing manner. Qin Sheng looked at Qin Sheng who was rushing towards him, and was suddenly taken aback.

When he reacted, Lin Zhen's fist was already in front of him.

He had no choice but to hastily raise his arms to protect his head.


Everyone heard a muffled sound, and Lin Zhen mercilessly punched Qin Sheng's arm.

Qin Sheng immediately stepped back three steps.

He lowered his arms, only to feel that his arms were numb with pain as if they had been hit by a hammer!

He looked at Lin Zhen in shock, and thought to himself, "What the hell, this apprentice of Lin Yang still has something!"

When the audience in the audience saw this, they were also shocked and silent for several seconds, and then pointed at Qin Sheng, talking a lot.

"Didn't Qin Sheng say that he was also an amateur? How could he not be able to do it after being punched?"

"Didn't you see that this is not an order of magnitude at all?"

"Even if it wasn't, it wouldn't be so different, right? I think this Qin Sheng is an embroidered pillow."

"Do you really take Qin Sheng seriously? This kid is a rich second generation. Do you expect him to be a master?"

The comments from the audience were like sharp knives piercing his heart.

His eyes were red, and the anger in his heart almost rushed out of his chest!
Lin Zhen succeeded in one blow, and his confidence increased greatly!

When he thought of 300 million, he became even more excited.

Although Lin Zhen is not Lin Yang's apprentice, he is also a real fan of folk fighting, he can be said to be a semi-professional.

In addition, Lin Zhen studied in a martial arts school since he was a child, and fell in love with fighting competitions after he came out. He has always trained harder than others.

It wasn't until Lin Yang's popularity in the fighting world suddenly increased that he began to fight under the name of Lin Yang's apprentice, and won a lot of money. Some people even asked him to advertise!
Lin Zhen had tasted the sweetness, so he naturally refused to give up. Now that 300 million is in front of him, he will not give up.

"Master Qin, if you can't do it, you can surrender and lose to me, Lin Yang's apprentice, you are not ashamed!" Lin Zhen looked at Qin Sheng arrogantly and said.

"If you want to keep fighting, I'll fight with you, but if you don't give me the 300 million, I won't let it go!"

"I'll fuck you!" Qin Sheng cursed angrily, and rushed towards Lin Zhen.

His heart was burning with anger, how could he care about flirting?

He swung his fist and punched Lin Zhen in the face.

Seeing that Qin Sheng was furious, Lin Zhen didn't answer whether he would pay him or not, so he was also angry!

"Damn? This is a loss, do you want to pay?" Lin Zhen thought to himself.

He was not polite, and easily dodged the punch, and punched Qin Sheng in the stomach.

Lin Zhen's arm was much thicker than some people's forearms, even as thick as some people's calves.

This punch hit Qin Sheng's stomach, which only made Qin Sheng feel as if his stomach was about to burst. A tearing pain rushed to his brain, and he felt dizzy for a while.

"Pfft—" Qin Sheng smeared a mouthful of blood on the ring.

Everyone in the audience gasped.

Lin Zhen was also taken aback, quickly took two steps back, and stared at Qin Sheng in a daze.

Seeing Qin Sheng staggering on the spot, he stepped back a few steps with a "thump, thump, thump", and leaned on the iron cage, so that he didn't fall to the ground.

He shook his head, rested on the spot for a while, and then looked at Lin Zhen angrily.

"You, what the hell-"

"This is a competition. You can play whatever you want. Now that you have lost, why don't you still want to take revenge on me?" Lin Zhen said anxiously.

"I'll take revenge on Nima!" An angry voice came from the background.

Zheng Ge rushed up from the backstage and ran to Qin Sheng's side. Like a dog's leg, he asked obsequiously: "Young Master Qin, are you okay? Or else I..."

"Labor and capital are fine!" Qin Sheng interrupted Brother Zheng and said, "Just this Lin Zhen, you leave him to me! Labor and capital will defeat him sooner or later!"

Hearing this, Brother Zheng yelled towards the backstage, and said, "Come up to me, and detain Lin Zhen!"

When Lin Zhen heard this, he panicked immediately. He naturally knew that Qin Sheng's identity was not simple.

Although he can fight, he can't beat the rich.

"You, what do you want to do? The master of labor and management is Lin Yang, believe it or not, I let him come over!" Lin Zhenhu glared at these people pretending to be aggressive, and said angrily.

"Lin Yang? What's wrong with Lin Yang? Even if he really came, he would have to be detained today!" Brother Zheng said angrily, "If you beat people like this, I don't think you will die!"

"Don't talk about you, when Young Master Qin recovers, Lin Yang has to come over and apologize to Young Master Qin face to face!"

(End of this chapter)

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