Chapter 36 stop me
After the live broadcast, Lin Yang looked at his house.

For it, Lin Yang really likes it.

Because it is really built by itself bit by bit.

"We can design it in the future!"

With a slight smile, Lin Yang walked in.

At this time, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out.

Glancing at it, Lin Yang smiled, "Okay, I know what you're thinking, I've reserved a room for you, if you live outside enough, you can go in."

Knowing that Xiao Hei likes a darker environment, Lin Yang purposely built a room in the shade.

A stone nest was also built with stones inside.

Lin Yang believed that Xiao Hei would definitely like it.

Xiao Hei nodded contentedly, and soon, he left Lin Yang and went to his room.

Knowing that it won't come out for a while, Lin Yang smiled lightly.

Soon, Lin Yang heard a knock on the door and opened the door. Lin Yang saw Lin Miaomiao looking at him with a smile.

"Miaomiao, is there any happy event today?"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's new clothes, Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Of course there is a happy event! Today is the day when your new house is built! Our village held a party in the square, so hurry up and follow me now."

"It's just building a house, don't you need to be so solemn?"

"There is still road construction! Principal Zeng has already found a construction team, and the construction can begin soon! You are the hero of the village now, but I was ordered to die by my mother before. If you don't talk to me Let's go together, I'm going to live in a small black house tonight.

"Don't be so scary! I'll just go there with you!"

"That's right!"


"It looks like my physique has really changed a lot!"

The next morning, after Lin Yang woke up, he muttered to himself.

Last night, although Lin Yang didn't want to drink, he still had to drink some.

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening when I came back.

At that time, he felt that he would definitely feel uncomfortable when he woke up today.

But now, there is no...

He knew it should be the effect of the water of life.

"I really hope that there will be a chance to get it in the future, so that other people can also get such benefits."

After saying this, Lin Yang stood up and moved around.

After everything was ready, Lin Yang started live streaming again.

When the live broadcast room became lively, two people came to Linhe Village.

They are the test pilots of Dajiang Drone Company.

They came here today to test fly the company's latest drone.

"A road is being built here in Linhe Village?"

At the entrance of Linhe Village, the two of them looked surprised.

They used to come here to test drones often because the environment here is good.

Moreover, the traffic here is not developed, and there are not many outsiders.

So don't worry about being seen by other companies to fly here.

"I also find it strange. Logically speaking, it should be impossible! After all, Linhe Village is a well-known backward village."

"Maybe the conditions are better now, it has nothing to do with us, let's test the flight!"

"Okay! By the way, you must be careful this time! This is the latest drone researched by our company, and there is only this one now. If it is accidentally damaged, it will be miserable."

"Of course I know this! By the way, this technology is only mastered by the top few engineers in our company, and they are really amazing!"

"Well, they are the mainstay of our company."


"The popularity of the live broadcast today is even more popular than I imagined!"

Lin Yang was a little surprised to see that the number of people exceeded tens of millions just after the live broadcast started.

Just about to go out for a stroll, Lin Yang suddenly sensed something moving, subconsciously raised his head, and saw a pure white object stumbling down.

Lin Yang saw it, and everyone in the live broadcast room saw it too.

"What is this? Sister Lin fell from the sky?"

"I think it's possible!"

"I feel like some kind of animal!"

"Maybe someone dropped the soap!"

Various speculations arise.

Soon, everyone saw that what fell was nothing but a drone.

"Fuck, is there anyone in Linhe Village playing drones?"

"That's right! This is too surprising!"

"I feel so too!"

After seeing that it was a drone, all the people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

They feel like there's really no reason for something like a drone to be here.

Because at this stage, even in cities, it has not yet been fully popularized.

"Look carefully, this seems to be Jiang's drone, but I've never seen this model before!"

"I haven't seen it either!"

In the live broadcast room, many people are the agents of Da Jiang's drone, and they are very familiar with Da Jiang's drone.

But they haven't seen this one!

So they are confused...

At this time, one of them suddenly spoke.

"I remember that Jiang will release a new drone in the next quarter. Do you think it will be this one?"

"I think it's very possible!"

"Me too!"

"So that means the anchor picked up the treasure?"

"It may also be a mine. This should be the test machine of Da Jiang's staff. Soon, they will find it!"

"Anchor, run, be careful that Dajiang company will kill you directly. (dog head)"

"There is no need to add a dog's head, this is really possible, because the Jiang Group definitely does not want anyone to leak the secret."

After glancing at their teasing, Lin Yang turned his attention to the drone in his hand.

Thinking of the drone maintenance skills he had acquired before, Lin Yang began to carefully identify its sound. Soon, Lin Yang knew what was wrong with it.

When Lin Yang found out, the staff of the two ginger drones ran over quickly.

"Did it fall in this direction?"

"Yes, it's in this direction! It seems to be the newly built yard in front."

"Then let's go and have a look!"

While talking, the two of them quickened their pace even more.

Before, every test was considered a success.

But this time, it failed particularly, as it flew and suddenly lost control.

They were dumbfounded!
Seeing that it started to fall, they hurriedly followed, but they could only watch it fall.

They know it's pointless to struggle now.

The most important thing now is to bring it back as soon as possible.

Let those designers see what the problem is.

"right here!"

When they came here, they looked at each other and quickly pushed the door open.

They don't have the time or the mood to knock on the door now...

After pushing away, they saw the specific situation clearly.

At this moment, their eyes widened.

Soon, they looked ahead and shouted frantically: "What are you doing? Stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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