Chapter 379

In the restaurant, Zhao Yong was wearing a suit, his protruding belly trembled, and he walked towards the square aggressively.

His secretary followed behind Zhao Yong, with his head held high, his face full of arrogance.

Beside him, gathered at least thirty fierce men.

The people who were watching the scene were immediately attracted by Zhao Yong and his party, and all of them took a few steps back, as if they were afraid of offending Zhao Yong.

Even their voices were involuntarily lowered.

"Zhao Yong is here, this kid is finished."

"Look at the dense crowd, dozens of people, right?"

"Didn't the twenty security guards have nothing to do with this kid just now?"

"They are security guards. If you look at these [-], they are not security guards. Besides, even if you can't beat them, according to Zhao Yong's financial resources, it is not easy to deal with a brat?"

Everyone was discussing, and Zhao Qin, who was at the side, saw his father coming, and immediately put on a face-changing show!

Before Zhao Yong came out, he yelled hoarsely, and ran to Zhao Yong in three steps at a time.

He burst into tears, pouring his nose and tears into Zhao Yong's arms.

"Dad, I have never been wronged like this before. That kid didn't give me face, and even called me a waste!"

"And those security guards, one by one didn't help me, they all ran away!"

Zhao Qin burst into tears, and Zhao Yong was covered in snot.

"Damn it!" Zhao Yong cursed loudly, and slapped him on the face with a "slap".

"You boy, you are a dragon in front of labor and management. In front of outsiders, what the hell are you doing, what are you doing!"

"Lao-management also feels that you are a waste, why don't you have the courage of your labor-management?"

Zhao Yong's face was full of flesh, his eyes were wide open, and he glared at his son.

Zhao Qin covered his face with an aggrieved face, and said, "I want to fight for you, but which kid knows kung fu, how can I beat you?"

Zhao Yong stared again, and said loudly: "What's wrong? There is still a golden bell cover these days? Are you fooling a ghost?"

"Where is the man! Let the labor and management see where the iron cloth shirt covered with gold bells came from. The labor and management must beat him as a grandson today!"

Zhao Yong's voice was so loud that almost everyone in the square could hear it.

At this time, a bodyguard standing behind Zhao Yong volunteered to stand up.

"Master, where is the golden bell? I cleaned it up by myself today."

The bodyguard who spoke was about 30 years old, and he was in his prime.

He is tall, with a square face, and looks like mahjong.

The muscles all over his body swelled, and they were attached to his bones like armor, as if they were going to tear his suit.

"Old Wang, you are a student of Bajiquan. Come on, show that kid what Kung Fu is! Damn it."

Zhao Yong patted Pharaoh on the shoulder and said with his head held high.

"Don't worry, boss." Old Wang said.

"Master, where is that man?"

Zhao Qin pointed to the outside of the square and said, "It's just outside here."

"Come on, labor and management will also see how bullish the golden bell jar is today."

With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Yong walked in square steps, leading a group of people towards the square.

Seeing this, everyone in the square began to discuss in low voices one by one.

"Mom, did you see that person next to Zhao Yong? I heard that he is a master Zhao Yong specially recruited in Shandong, Zhao Yong's personal bodyguard!"

"True or false? How powerful is it?"

"The family of kung fu for generations, the ancestors all practiced Bajiquan, what do you think? This kid is finished today."

"Look at this kid, he is still waiting to die here." A man pointed at Lin Yang and said in a low voice, "If it was me, he would have already run away."

"Run? Did you manage to run? With Zhao Yong's financial resources, isn't it easy to find someone?"

A group of people chattered and chatted, their eyes followed Zhao Yong and his party to the square.

With the support of his father and Lao Wang, Zhao Qin felt confident again.

He swaggered with a group of people, trotting all the way to Lin Yang in three steps and two steps.

He proudly said: "Boy, do you have any last words now?"

Zhao Qin had a proud and arrogant look on his face.

He reckoned that Lin Yang should be shaking his liver with fright now.

Lin Yang jokingly said, "Do you think it's appropriate to say this now? Are you sure your father will help you?"

Zhao Qin sneered, and said, "What the hell are you talking about? If my father doesn't help me, is he going to help you?"

"Then look, why didn't your father follow?" Lin Yang pointed in the direction of Zhao Yong and others.

Zhao Qin looked back and saw his father and Lao Wang standing at the door of the restaurant, suddenly stopped in their tracks, and were talking in low voices.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Qin shouted at Zhao Yong.

And Zhao Yong just ignored him now.

"That seems to be the mysterious person and Manager Bai?" Zhao Yong looked at Lin Yang and said in a low voice, "Why did you mess with our spokesperson?"

"Chairman, I think it's better not to fight now. The young master's meeting is a big deal, but now we have to fight. If Lin Yang is snatched away by the rival company, our company may suffer losses."

The secretary lowered his voice from the side, and said earnestly: "Our company's profits continue to decline, and now it's up to Lin Yang."

"Even if he is a big star, then it's okay for him to bully the young master?" Lao Wang said with a displeased face: "Beat me up, give me some more money, and still have to cooperate obediently!"

"Old Wang, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Yong frowned, and said in a low voice: "Damn it, why did Laozi give birth to such a troublemaker?"

"Now that so many people are looking at it, we must face it, but we can't offend Lin Yang."

"Then what are we going to do?" the secretary asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yong thought for a moment, and said: "Well, I'll go back first, and you guys say I'm in a hurry, so go make a phone call."

"Secretary, you and Lao Wang go over and try this Lin Yang's skills. If he is really good, you can let the young master bow his head and admit his mistake."

"I'll come down later and have a few words with Lin Yang, and the matter will be over."

The secretary nodded immediately upon hearing this, and said, "Understood, then boss, you go upstairs first."

Old Wang sneered, and said, "You're just a kid, what can you do?"

"Stop talking, I'll go up first, you two, hurry up."

Zhao Yong went upstairs directly after speaking.

Zhao Qin looked confused, and shouted at Old Wang: "Uncle Wang, why did my father go back?"

"Master, the boss is in a hurry, go make a phone call! I'll handle it for you!"

With his head held high and his chest held high, Lao Wang led his secretary and a group of people towards Lin Yang aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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